
Wake Me Up, Mr. CEO

She suffers from a rare illness, but he is always ready to protect her. A cold and arrogant man they said, but all he cares about is the woman he loves, he will do everything for her, to get her heart, even fighting the whole world. Will he succeed to make the woman he truly adores fall in love with him? When she was afraid to commit because of her condition?

Deathsbride · Urban
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82 Chs


"Mang Lucio knows all our secrets now, so don't ask too much. You are annoying him, even others." Kaye rolled her eyes, she doesn't want to talk about those anymore, the embarrassing moments she had when she was young. But for me, those moments are the treasure I will keep until I die. The memorable things I have done were the best things that happened to me, even though they are not that good but still, they are part of me. My childhood life.

"Yes, I know. So don't embarrass yourself too much with those things I kept here and here," he pointed to his head and chest where his heart was placed. I smiled, there are people who want to keep them, as always.

"Enough, we need to go now." We all looked at Sir Nix when he talked to us. I smiled and nodded my head, Kaye wanted to protest but she just sighed, maybe realizing that it will be good for her now. To go back and won't remember her childhood, especially those memories she doesn't want to remember anymore.