
Waitress in the day, Vampire at night

*Excerpt* "Argh..." Ellie forced herself to stop moving, and she pushed the man dragging her away by her arm with all the strenght she could muster. "Aren't you listening to me? He's only a child. Please." she pleaded. The man was as solid as a concrete wall, and although he barely moved a step away despite the force she used in pushing him, her actions seemed to have made him stop dragging her. Or maybe not. Because the next second, she heard the sound of the sole of a shoe hit the ground, then another, and another... Turning around in apprehension, she realized the painter had finally turned from his painting and was walking toward her. Her bones froze instantly. His face... She had no words to describe how beautiful he was, even though his skin was almost white. His dark brown hair fell over his forehead, almost covering his dangerously cold dark grey eyes. His steps were slow and majestic, making him look like a top ranked demon walking out of hell with just one agenda — to end her miserable life. He reeked of bloodlust, and the aura around him radiated death and destruction. The hairs on her skin stood up in reaction to the threat approaching her, and knowing she couldn't outrun him, she fell on her knees. "P-please, I-im s-sorry for disturbing you a-and pushing him. My brother is only a child. He's sick and I'm the only one he has. If you must imprison me, then I beg you to at least take him to an orphanage." Ellie pleaded, stuttering for the first time in her life, her eyes fixed on the floor. A moment later, she felt a cold finger touch her chin, pushing her head. When that was done, he took off her mask, exposing her face. Ellie's heart was beating wildly by this time. There was no trace of warmth, neither did any emotion register on his face upon seeing her complete facial features. It was just plain, cold, blankness. "You are in no position to make demands." His lips finally moved, and the words that came out of his mouth crushed Ellie's heart. "It's not a demand. Just a request. I don't want him to die." She persisted. "What makes you think I would grant such a request?" "Because it's the right thing to do." Ellie gave the obvious answer, but his face twisted like she just spit poison at him. "Do I look like someone who gives a fuck about doing the right thing?" "No!" Ellie answered truthfully. "I'm sorry. I made a mistake. Saving my brother is not the right thing. It is the wrong thing. In fact, I can assure you it is the wrongest thing to do." She made a quick U-turn, and the painter's brows flew up in surprise for just a second, before his next order jumped out of his mouth. "Take her away." *** Life dealt Ellie Sander a cruel blow when her parents suddenly died in a car crash, leaving her to cater for her five year old anaemic brother, whose ability to walk was affected by the same crash. With no money, no stable job, and no help coming from anywhere, she was forced to take advantage of the insecurity in their town to fend for herself and her brother. Being a waitress in the day and a fake Vampire at night, she raised enough money and all went well until one night when she met with the real vampire, and her freedom was taken away.

Veekee_Lee · Fantasy
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148 Chs


Just like the other men in there, Storm's brows flew up in surprise. He wasn't expecting that. From her expression, he was expecting her to plead with him, but no. She just threatened him. 

That was a first for him. A human threatening him. A petite little female for that matter. One he could kill even without touching her. 

A low chuckle rumbled from within his chest as he looked down at her. There was an angry fire burning fiercely in those blue orbs that were glaring at him. He searched for that fear swirling in them just moments ago. It was still there, but compared to the fury burning in her heart, it was only a tiny fragment.

This made his twisted mind desire to watch her try to kill him.

"So our little thief is not only good at stealing. She also knows how to issue threats…" Storm spoke in an amused tone, although the look on his face was the opposite. "... I wonder, though, do you have what it takes to carry out your threat? Or…" He lowered himself to a squatting position and placed his palm on her cheek. His eyes slowly lowered from her eyes to her lips, as his thumb landed on her lower lip, pulling it down slightly. "...Are you all bark and no bite?" He completed the question.

Ellie froze, both out of fear and the invincible force he was using to hold her down. Seeing him squat confused her, but her confusion soon turned into shock when his hand landed softly on her cheek.

The smoldering look in his dark grey eyes, the sound of his voice, and the feel of his cold hands on her face, a stark contrast to the heat of the anger burning inside her heart, was making her body respond in a way she least expected. 

When he pulled down her lips, her teeth parted of their own accord, and that was when she scolded herself. He was toying with her and she couldn't believe her body was playing along without her permission.

Her brows knitted, and she shut her mouth by bringing her teeth together once more. That action released her lower lip from the hold Storm's thumb had on it.

One side of Storm's lips curled up ever so slightly as his eyes moved back to hers. 

Ellie's heart raced when she saw him smirk. He looked so devastatingly handsome, a sight she would feast on if she wasn't in her current position. But his smirk didn't only accentuate his beauty, it also granted her a peek at the sharp tip of one of his fangs. A real, vampire fang that could end her life in a matter of minutes. 

"You heard her, Asaph. She doesn't want to be a vampire." Storm pushed himself up, once again, towering over her. "Let's grant her wish. Take her back to her cell." Storm turned around and started walking away.

Asaph looked like he couldn't believe what he just heard. Grant her wish? What on earth had come over his master? When did he become a fairy godmother, or in this case, godfather, that grants wishes? And more, to a measly human?

This girl just threatened to kill him and all he could do was grant her a wish? Nobody in the entire royal house dared to speak carelessly because that could cost them their heads. But this little girl just threatened Storm, of all people, and she was getting away with it?

"Master Storm, we need to test this potion out," Asaph spoke, reminding Storm that they were there for serious business. 

"We'll test it out on someone else," Storm responded nonchalantly, still walking toward the door.

Asaph eyed Ellie unpleasantly, anger and jealousy burning in his eyes. The sudden urge to slap her again came over him, but he refrained from doing it because he knew that Storm would hear it, and ask his reason for doing it.

Ellie, on the other hand, panicked when she heard that they would use someone else for the testing they were talking about, recalling that he had initially said they would use Nicholas.

"No! Please leave my brother out of this." She pleaded this time. "He's just a child and he has not done anything wrong. Please, do whatever you want with me and leave him out of it." 

Storm's feet came to a halt just as he reached the door. His brows pulled together as her last words struck something inside of him. 

"Please, I'm begging you." Ellie continued with the pleas, blaming herself for bringing Nicholas into this mess. 

If she had not talked about him in the first instance, these people would not even know he exists. She had been so worried about how he would survive without her, she had mentioned his name to the wrong people.

"So, you're saying you will agree to become a vampire as long as I don't touch your brother?" Storm's voice rang out.

"I don't desire to become a vampire, but if you promise to leave my brother alone, then you can do anything you want with me," Ellie spoke in a defeated tone.

"Anything?" Storm's brows flew up.

"No. I mean, you could just free me and let me go. I promise to be a law-abiding citizen from now on." Ellie switched words, realizing from his tone that her last sentence was like shooting herself in the foot.

Storm smirked for the second time, then let out a low chuckle, his back, still turned against everyone. How she quickly switches her words to favor her was amusing to him, and strange.

"Take her to her cell." He ordered once more, then walked out of the lab afterward.

Ellie felt like she would go insane the very next second. He didn't tell her if he had decided to leave Nicholas alone. Saying they should take her back to her cell meant they wouldn't test anything on her. Does that mean he was still going to do it with Nick?

While the confusing questions were swirling around in her head, she didn't notice the hateful glare Asaph was throwing her way.

He looked like he wouldn't hesitate to end her life at the slightest opportunity.

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