
Waiting to Bloom (Offical)

My mother's warning haunts me as I navigate a world where my existence as a dominant alpha is forbidden. Alphas and omegas were eradicated long ago, and now I must hide my true nature. I strive for a normal life and worry about the consequences of my actions. Despite these challenges, I am determined to protect my baby sister and provide her with a better future. However, my encounter with a vulnerable boy may lead me to take risks that could have dire consequences. I question whether this is love or lust and if it's worth it. …………………………………………….. WARNING!!!! This book has mention of drugs, R*pe, and Murder. Content may be inappropriate or uncomfortable for certain readers. Comments and opinions or critiques are very welcomed. This is only the second book I have ever written and the first book I have ever allowed to be read by the public. Thank you and I hope you enjoy -Medusa

DaoistvkY45J · LGBT+
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31 Chs

Chapter 22

Kwan sat on the stairs of the dark, wet basement, getting irritated with the cries and whines of the person chained to a metal pole. I was lying on the floor, in excruciating pain from having both ankles broken.


"It hurts…It hurts so much" I cried softly as I pulled on the chains wanting to be released. I was stuck on the hard concrete floor freezing not knowing if Risha and Jin made it to Jun and are safe. Does Jun even remember or care about me? Please don't leave me here.

 Despite Kwan's attempt to bandage my injuries and provide painkillers, nothing seemed to alleviate the agony that was coursing through my body. 

"Kwan please I have to go to a hospital. It hurts" I cried out pleading with him hoping he will listen. 


"Shut up already you ungrateful brat!" Kwan yelled throwing a wrench from a nearby tool box at me.


"I gave you pain killers! Hell I even bandaged your legs because you were bitching so much" Kwan said frustratingly while rubbing the back of his head as if he had a headache. The irony of that huh? You have a headache because you kidnapped me and broke my ankles and I'm suppose to be fine with an Advil and some bandages. 


I continued to cry in pain quietly as Kwan stood from the stairs and kneeled beside me scraping a knife down my body. He had such a disgustingly affectionate smile on his face as his knife cut my stomach and I screamed in pain. As the pain shot through my entire body I could no longer hold my bladder and I ended up pissing myself. If it wasn't good enough that I was already in pain and full of fear I had to add embarrassment to the mix. I cried uncontrollably while Kwan only got more irritated. 

"Now why you have to go and do that" Kwan said as he unchained me and picked me up from the cold hard floor. I felt so weak and was in so pain I could do nothing but cry in pain as he lifted my body from the floor. My feet dragged the floor hitting every step causing me to cry out as Kwan carried me up the stairs. I finally let out a sigh of relief once we made it to the top of the stairs, the bright lights and sunshine coming through a nearby window blinded me temporarily. We were in a small house where you could see the kitchen, front door, with the bathroom directly in front of the basement door all in one hallway.

"Where are we?" I asked weakly as he dragged me to the bathroom, dropping me on the cold tiled shower floor. 

"No need for you to know that" Kwan replied as he stared at me on the shower floor before turning on the water. The water pressure was so strong I couldn't breathe, and I choked the water. I tried to get out of the way of the water, but Kwan just took his foot and pushed me back into the water. The water was freezing and felt as if needles were stabbing me a thousand times over. 

"you just had to go and be disgusting and piss yourself." Kwan scolded me as he turned the water off, finally allowing me to take a deep breath.

"Well, I hope you know I wont be cleaning up your mess so do it yourself" Kwan said as he poured bodywash all over my head and body. I slowly began to rub the soap through my hair and all over my aching body when I finally heard turtle speaking to me.

"this is what happens when you live your life by emotions. Should have just left the brat alone now here we are stuck and broken with this psycho." Turtle said disappointed as I continued to wash my body.

"Hurry up so you can go back down Jesus. I broke your legs not your hands." Kwan yelled, dumping cold water on my head.

"This would be the best time for you to play your role and keep us from going back to the depressing basement." Turtle said to me as I coughed through the water. Turtle was right I couldn't stay in that basement any longer, so I have to swallow my pride and play my role. He wants a lover. I guess I have to give him that until I can get out of this place.

"Kwan wait please don't send me back down there! Its dark and stuffy down there, I'll do anything just please don't leave me there!" I yelled panicky and grabbed Kwan's hand begging. This man has a soft love spot for me so this should be enough to get him to let me stay upstairs.

"It's a basement, what did you expect? No get off me" Kwan said yanking his hand away from me looking at me as if I was an infection trying to kill him. Kwan then left the room and I just continued to wash the bodywash out of my hair but since my hair was so thick it was as if it refused to come out. Kwan returned shortly after and sighed as he looked at me on the floor, He then sat some clothes down and walked to me. 

"How are you still not done" Kwan said as he took a bucket and filled it with water and started trying to rinse my hair. Once he was done, he started drying my hair with a towel. I sat there wanting nothing more than to get his revolting hands off me, but I can't afford to piss him off more. I need to gain his trust. 

"Hands" Kwan said softly tapping his shoulder and I wrapped my arms around his neck and lifted me off the ground sitting me on the toilet. He then grabbed the clothes he brought with him and started dressing me. When he was done, he stepped back and studied my body with a smile that made my stomach turn violently. I looked at the white dress with bright pink flowers and felt uncomfortable. What was he trying to do with putting this on me?

"Woah, now you really do look like a woman. Just so pretty" Kwan said as he ran his hand through my hair. The more he touched me the more I felt dirty. It was as if his hands were made of mud, it made my skin crawl. 

"Hold on" Kwan said while he grabbed my underwear and left me once again alone. I slid down off the toilet and crawled to the hallway as my legs throbbed in pain. I looked at the front door and thought about how I could get out of here. The door was right there, only 10 feet away. I should be able to crawl that far before he comes back and judging by the sunlight it must be about midday. That would mean there's people outside walking around, right?

"Idiot" Kwan whispered in my ear kneeling behind me. I whirled around to find him smiling at me as if he was enjoying this. 

"You could have gotten out of here if you just crawled. I mean not that I would allow that" He said as he put a pink hair pin in my hair holding my hair out my face.

"Well since you have time to waste, I guess you're starting to like it here with me?" He said as he got up and walked to the end of the stairs. 

"Let's make a deal huh? Never cross the stairs right here and I'll let you stay upstairs instead of the basement. If you ever past the stairs, I'll tilt your head up and slice you chin open." He explained excitedly. Fear started rising in my chest as I watched Kwan walk towards and my body slowly start trembling for, I knew I had no chance to battle him in my current state. I stared at Kwan as he wore a malevolent smile then his smile twisted, and he became upset.

"You know you never smile at me. I've been so kind to you and yet here you are staring at me like I'm some kind of monster." Kwan said crossing his arm across his chest and checking the time.

"Well its 3pm so I have to go, I got work to do with father. I'll be back at 5pm okay? Cook something and clean something while I'm gone. There's a chair with wheels in the kitchen. I'm sure you can handle that" Kwan said as he headed for the door and put on his shoes. My heart raced as he left the house leaving me alone, I finally felt like there was a real chance for me to get out of here. I started crawling to the door when turtle started yelling at me. 

"Are you stupid? He just left, wait for 30 minutes before trying to leave. We don't want to get caught." Turtle said annoyed by my eagerness to leave. So I sat at the edge of the stairs and watched the clock as if it was the most important thing in the world. My heart pounded with every minute that passed I felt as if this was the longest 30 minutes in my life. I need to hurry and get out of here.