
Waiting to Bloom (Offical)

My mother's warning haunts me as I navigate a world where my existence as a dominant alpha is forbidden. Alphas and omegas were eradicated long ago, and now I must hide my true nature. I strive for a normal life and worry about the consequences of my actions. Despite these challenges, I am determined to protect my baby sister and provide her with a better future. However, my encounter with a vulnerable boy may lead me to take risks that could have dire consequences. I question whether this is love or lust and if it's worth it. …………………………………………….. WARNING!!!! This book has mention of drugs, R*pe, and Murder. Content may be inappropriate or uncomfortable for certain readers. Comments and opinions or critiques are very welcomed. This is only the second book I have ever written and the first book I have ever allowed to be read by the public. Thank you and I hope you enjoy -Medusa

DaoistvkY45J · LGBT+
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31 Chs

Chapter 20

The sun dipped below the horizon as my father beckoned me to follow him. His mischievous smile played upon his lips, a hint of mystery lurking in his eyes. My father left me in suspense, refusing to reveal the identity of the person he wanted me to meet. My curiosity piqued, I followed him obediently, determined to discover the purpose behind this clandestine gathering.


We walked through the dimly lit corridors of an abandoned mansion, its grandeur long faded, now a husk of its former glory. Cobwebs clung to the ornate chandeliers, and dust danced in the shafts of moonlight seeping through moth-eaten drapes. Jittery shadows loomed in every corner, adding to the mysterious ambiance of the place.


Finally, my father led me to a room adorned with flickering candlelight. The soft glow revealed a figure seated in the corner, shrouded in silence. As my eyes adjusted to the dimness, a gasp escaped my lips. It was Risha, Jun-myeon's baby sister. My heart raced with questions, and I couldn't fathom why she was here, bound and helpless.


Refusing to waste a second, I sprung into action. I approached Risha, gently trying to release her from her bonds. Panic filled her eyes, a mix of fear and relief. 


"Ru-ru?" she whispered weakly, "I'm scared, I wanna go home" She cried looking at me pleading. My heart pounded in my chest and I felt like I couldn't breathe as I ran to her side and started untying her. I've left so long ago, how did she get here? What was Father playing at kidnapping a 5 year old little girl? 


But before I could untangle her, my father's voice echoed through the room. It was a cruel sound, devoid of any compassion.


"My men found this little one just outside the perimeter riding her bike here. Apparently, she was following you here when your brother Jin brought you here. " he said coldly watching as I struggled with the ropes.


"So you just kidnapped a little girl? She's five and her brother must be worried sick. Did any of you think about just taking her home?" I said annoyed with my father's actions. 


"Why would I do that? She became I liability when she said your name and knew where we were located. I couldn't just let her go after that, plus whoever is looking for her might pay a hefty price for her safe return. After all look at the clothes she wearing." My father said nonchalantly as if he found someone's wallet or something. 


"She's 5 and in kindergarten, she's not a secret spy working for the CIA" I said as I finally got her feet free from the ropes.


"Why not? I used your siblings when they were five to assassinate 5 of my rivals so how can I be sure someone isn't trying to do that to me now?" My father asked as he commanded his men to drag me out of the room. Two men then forcefully yanked me away from Risha and dragged me to the hallway. I tried my hardest to break free and get back to Risha but Turtle started speaking.


"Calm down, just Listen and play along. " He said sounding just as cold as father. I took a few deep breaths before composing myself and watching my father as he shut the door leaving a sobbing Risha still tied to a chair in a dark room all alone. My heart tore as I listened to Risha's cries through the door saying my name and begging me to come back. I couldn't do anything to save her right now so I just followed my father back out the mansion and joined him in the car where he opened a window and lit a cigar.


"Who is she?" My father asked suddenly as he exhaled smoke in my direction. 


"The little sister of a classmate from college. I was staying with them when Jin came for me" I replied trying not to give him too much information about Jun-myeon. I didn't want to put him in danger as well seeing that my father gives no regards to human life.


"Why would she follow you all the way out here?" He asked leaning forward looking more annoyed than before.


"I don't know. I assumed she was still at home. Why are questioning me like I did something wrong?" I said sternly feeling irritated. He has the gull the question me when he was the one who kidnapped a little girl for knowing who I was. He just relaxed back in his seat and continued smoking and the drive took off leaving Risha in that god awful place alone and scared. Risha, being only a child, surely couldn't comprehend the danger she was in. Only I truly knew how dangerous my father was as I had been working as his heir to the Syndicate for months now. No matter how much I adjusted myself to my father's lifestyle, I was never going to let anything happen to Risha. I had to come up with a plan and fast, I don't know how much time I have before my father tries to blackmail Jun-myeon or even harm Risha. I was the fearsome heir of the Dura Syndicate, a notorious organization known for its ruthlessness and power. The Syndicate had its fingers in various legal and illegal dealings, and I always had to show my allegiance to maintain the family's reputation. It should be easy for me to conjure a plan to get Risha home safely and warn Jun-myeon to leave with her before my father notices her gone or that I did it. Once we arrived back at the penthouse, I rushed to my brother Jin's room where he was laying down listening to music. Jin jumped out his bed as I rushed into his room out of breath, and I explained everything to him through sobs and tears. 


"So how are you going to get her out?" Jin asked trying to comfort me and I was overwhelmed by my emotions.


"I don't know but will you help me? Father can never know it was us" I asked wiping my face and looking at Jin praying he is willing to help me get Risha to safety. After thinking for what seemed like forever he finally agreed.


"You must continue your duties as if you are unbothered. You must seem like you don't care and that nothing is wrong or father with snuff us all out. Understand? You can't mess up. It will cost us our lives if you do" Jin explained nervously. 


"I understand, I won't mess up. I will get her out of here" I said confidently.


I effortlessly slid into my role, continuing my duties with the Syndicate, I sought a way to save Risha without anyone knowing. I knew that if word got out that I had orchestrated her escape, it would put her and I in even more danger.


I spent countless restless nights, my mind racing with plans and possibilities. Eventually, I concocted a daring scheme that would set Risha free while fooling the Syndicate.


With my plan firmly in place, I orchestrated an elaborate diversion within the Syndicate. I manipulated events, subtly shifting attention away from Risha. Meanwhile, I secretly assembled a team of trusted allies that Jin suggested, each with their unique skills and connections, to aid in the young girl's escape.


Time ticked away agonizingly slow as the day of Risha's departure drew closer. I could feel the weight of responsibility and risk pressing down on me, but I refused to let fear hinder me. I had to ensure Risha's safety, even if it meant defying my father. I wasn't going to allow him to poison Risha's innocence.


Finally, the day arrived. My heart raced as I put my meticulously crafted plan into action. My team and I moved like ghosts, skillfully evading detection as we breached the heavily guarded Mansion where Risha was being held. The entire Syndicate was at the event celebrating another successful take over of the rival gang Ochi. I snuck out on the perception I was going to check on the intel division's work I assigned them. We sedated the guards quickly and unlocked the room where Risha was asleep tied to the chair. Risha was so exhausted and thin now, I could tell they were starving her for information and using her as an ashtray. My blood boiled as I cut the ropes and saw all the marks on her little body. How could anyone do this to a child? I'll never understand my father's paranoia. Jin picked Risha up and she looked at me weakly and tried to smile.


"Ru-ru, I knew you would come back for me. I tried to be a big girl" She said trying to force a smile as tears fell from her eyes. I petted her hair and kissed her forehead as we exited the room.


"You were such a big girl Risha. You did so well, We are going to take you home now I see your brother and Sebastian okay" I said calmly trying to reassure her that every was going to be okay.

Minutes before my team and I were set to free Risha, my younger brother, Kwan, stepped in and abruptly halted our progress. A fierce battle erupted between us as tension thickened in the air. Time was running out, and with each passing second, Risha's life hung in the balance. Determined to save Risha, I issued a direct command to Jin to secure her freedom and guide her to safety to her brother. With them gone, I could focus my attention on holding Kwan back, preventing him from pursuing Risha and escalating the already volatile situation. 


As Risha was being whisked away by my team, her voice pierced through the chaos, screaming for me to follow her. Her desperate plea ignited a relentless fire within me. I tried to subdue Kwan and follow them but However, before I could take a step, a sharp and sudden pain coursed through my neck. A bewildering dizziness engulfed my senses, and I fought to maintain my balance.


Struggling against the overwhelming darkness that threatened to consume me, the last coherent sound I heard was Risha's voice, terrified and frantic, calling out my name with unmatched fear. The world faded away, plunging into the abyss of unconsciousness. 


When I awoke, disoriented and groggy, the cold, damp air of a dark wet basement clung to my skin. I peered around, my eyes struggling to adjust to the dim light. There, tethered to a sturdy pole, was my grim reality: I was chained, trapped within the confines of this sinister place.


Questions writhed in the back of my mind as panic threatened to engulf me completely. How had I ended up here? But most importantly, where was Risha? Was she safe? The urge to shake off my restraints and search for her surged within me, but the chains rooted me firmly to the ground.


After about an hour of sitting in the dark, wet basement, my mind was filled with worry. My heart pounded with anxiety as I wondered if my team had managed to rescue Risha safely. The constant dripping of water from above echoed throughout the basement, intensifying the eerie atmosphere.


Suddenly, I heard a faint sound of a key entering a lock. My heart raced as the click of the lock echoed through the room, followed by the creaking of the basement door swinging open. A blinding light poured into the once dim space, momentarily disorienting my vision.


Squinting, I struggled to adjust my eyes to the sudden brightness. As the figure of a man slowly descended the stairs, my heart sank with both relief and a new wave of uncertainty. I couldn't tell who it was until the person turned around, revealing their face while holding a bat. It was Kwan, my younger brother.


Kwan sat in front of me, his piercing eyes silently staring at me before finally speaking. 


'Father wants to see you,' he said to me coldly. It sent a shiver down my spine, knowing that my father wanted to see me, but I was ready to accept my punishment as long as Risha got out safely. Kwan released me from the chains that had bound me and motioned for me to follow.


Something felt off and unsettling in the air, but I couldn't decipher what it was. I hesitated for a moment, my instincts urging me to stay put, unsure of what lay in the shadows of that hidden sanctuary. But curiosity overwhelmed my caution With a deep breath, I made up my mind and decided to follow Kwan, Ready to accept my punishment.


Once I made it to the top of the stairs Kwan's expression turned malevolent, and with cold laughter, he shoved me backward. My body collided with the wet, cold concrete floor, sending pain coursing through my limbs. Darkness enveloped me as the sound of Kwan's laughter echoed through the underground chamber.


I awakened once again on the cold, wet basement floor, I found myself chained to a pole. Panic coursed through my veins as I desperately pulled on the chains, hoping for a miracle. But my efforts only resulted in excruciating pain. Looking down, I realized my ankle was swollen and broken.


To make matters worse, Kwan had taken my clothes, leaving me with nothing but my underwear. Fear engulfed me as I shivered in the dampness of the room. I knew I had to do something, anything, to escape from this nightmare.


I began screaming at the top of my lungs, praying that someone, anyone, would hear my cries and come to my rescue. Unfortunately, the echoes of my screams only accentuated the emptiness surrounding me.


Just as I was losing hope, I heard footsteps approaching from above. My heart skipped a beat as I strained my ears, desperate for any sign of salvation. The footsteps grew louder, signaling the descent of the staircase that led to my prison.


To my disbelief, Kwan appeared once again, descending the stairs with a black bag in his hands. My eyes widened in terror as I watched his cold, calculating gaze fixate on me.


"You really thought someone would save you, didn't you?" Kwan sneered, his voice dripping with scorn. 


Kwan stopped in front of me, holding the black bag tightly in his hand, his face etched with a mixture of concern and mischief. The dimly lit basement amplified the gravity of his words as he explained the dire situation I now found myself in.


"Takeru," Kwan began, his voice low. "I did something... I told our father that you ran away with Risha, that neither of you had been found. Now, you are marked as a traitor of the syndicate, and no one will ever look for you here. Ain't it great?"


My heart sank as his words sank in. I had always known our family's ties with the underworld were precarious at best, but I never imagined myself caught up in the treachery of our own blood. 


"Jin? Is he okay?" I asked, my voice trembling. Jin was part of the plan to free Risha so I pray he wasn't caught.


Kwan smirked, a glimmer of pride dancing in his eyes. "Oh, Takeru, you have no idea. Jin has been searching every night, desperately trying to find any trace of you. He's worried that you've fallen into the hands of rival gangs. In his mind, you're still the weaker brother who needs protection."


A wave of guilt washed over me as I realized just how much my disappearance had affected Jin. He had always been there for me, shielding me from the dark corners of our world. Now, in turn, he was consumed with worry while I stood in the shadows, isolated and alone.


Kwan then turned to me, his dark eyes searching for something within me. His voice resonated with an unfamiliar calmness as he confessed his love for me. My heart quickened, and a profound disgust overwhelmed my senses. How could he say such words? We were brothers, bound by blood.


"Kwan, what are you saying?" I exclaimed, my voice laced with anger and confusion. "We're brothers. This is...unthinkable."


But instead of denying his feelings or backing down, Kwan's expression transformed into an unexpected anger.


 "Never say that again, Takeru!" he retorted sharply. "I was adopted by our father when I was fifteen. I am not your biological brother."


His words hung in the air, piercing through the fog of my comprehension. I struggled to comprehend the implications of his revelation. Kwan's anger dissolved, replaced by a softer, vulnerable expression. He reached out and gently rubbed my leg, as if lost in thought.


"Months ago, when you were in the hospital, I found you," Kwan began, his voice filled with longing and melancholy. "In those moments by your bedside, watching you fight for your life, I realized how much you truly mean to me Takeru."


Kwan's face suddenly lit up with excitement. "You must be hungry," he remarked, reaching for the bag and pulling out a can of potatoes.


Without a second thought, Kwan took a bite out of the cold potatoes. Suddenly, a mischievous grin spread across his face as he approached me. Unaware of his intention, my eyes widened in surprise when my face was seized by Kwan's hands. Before I could react, he forcibly shoved the half-eaten potatoes into my mouth, causing me to choke.


Coughing and gasping for breath, I managed to cough out the potatoes, my eyes burning with confusion. My heart sank as I saw the rage in Kwan's eyes, who now angrily scolded me for wasting the food he had kindly brought.


Helpless and chained to a nearby pole, I could only endure Kwan's harsh words.


Without any warning, Kwan maliciously upended the food, I felt a mixture of revulsion and resignation, fully aware that I was completely at Kwan's mercy. Kwan then climbed on top of me and kissed me tightly gripping my face.


Even in the midst of my abject suffering and humiliation, a flicker of hope, a tiny ember of resistance ignited within me. I desperately kicked my leg, trying to break free from this maniac. However, my struggles only seemed to further entertain Kwan, who paused momentarily to revel in my futile attempts.


Yet, as Kwan savored the spectacle before him, his gaze landed upon my other unharmed leg. An unsettling grin spread across his face, revealing a twisted satisfaction. Realizing that there was still a chance to run away and escape, Kwan's sadistic tendencies drove him to reach for a nearby sledgehammer.


Terror seized me as Kwan advanced towards me once more, sledgehammer in hand. The weight of the tool was palpable, but it paled in comparison to the anxiety gripping my heart. Each step he took, brought him closer, making his intentions clearer. My howls of agony and desperation reverberated through the grimy basement.


"I can't have you running away," Kwan hissed, his malevolence consuming the air around us. "So, this has to go."


As his words hung in the air, Kwan mercilessly brought the sledgehammer down upon my foot, the resounding crack of bones shattering any remaining fragments of hope. Agonizing pain surged through my body, tearing away what little strength I had left.


I writhed and screamed, blood mingling with my tears. Every kick, every scream seemed to fuel Kwan's sadistic amusement. My pleas for mercy fell upon deaf ears as I realized the depth of my brother's depravity.