
Wait, You Two Shouldn't Be Fighting!

A girl who can hear the voices of spirits finds a snake who can shapeshift into a handsome boy. After explaining his situation, the girl agrees the snake-boy can stay at her house, but she has some explaining to do to her family, her friends and the cool, hot upperclassman who's... a werewolf?

Eternally_Emily · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 2 - The Boy With Fangs

... Never mind that thought. I push it aside. He's not waking up. Is he... feverish? I reach out tentatively and feel his forehead with the back of my hand, my other hand reaching up to my own forehead to compare temperatures. He's a bit warm...

I don't think I can carry him to school either. I already had trouble picking up that rock, so picking up a person would be incredibly difficult... if I didn't have sticks for arms... There's not many people who pass through this way, anyway.

The bridge is close by. I can at least pull him under the shade so that the sun doesn't burn him.

I place my school briefcase under his head and grab onto either one of his hands, beginning to drag him along. The bag holds his head in place but the rest of his body is bumping and swaying against the rocks.

I'm sorry... I apologise quietly every time he scrapes against something. That beautiful skin is going to get so many bruises...

I pant, wiping sweat from my brow. I could only get his head and shoulders under the shade of the bridge, but that will have to do. I lower his head slowly onto the rocks to retrieve my briefcase. He groans a little in his sleep, his face scrunching up momentarily as his breath hitches, before relaxing again, falling back to short panting breaths.

"I've got to get going now. I'll leave my lunch here so you can eat and drink when you wake up, okay?" I whisper to him, placing the bento box next to him.

I get up and scramble up the riverbank before sprinting for the school, glancing back as I cross the bridge. I can just see his legs sticking out from where I'm standing. Hopefully no one thinks he's a corpse...


"Whaaat? You're saying you left your lunch for a passed out guy?" Rinni's bite of sandwich nearly falls out of her mouth. She glances down and catches it before it did with an audible, 'nom', chewing as she looks back up at me with shining blue eyes swimming with questions.

"And that's why the teacher spoke to you for being late, correct?" Lirune sips her tea from her canteen, sweeping her long black hair over one shoulder with a practiced motion of her hand.

"Yeah..." I stare down at the ground. "He was wearing our uniform, but I don't think I've ever seen him before... or at least, I don't think I have."

"You reckon you'd be able to recognise someone who looks as unique as what you described, right? Yet somehow this feel odd too, just who are you talking about?" Rinni mumbles through another bite of sandwich whilst she holds another one out to me.

"Wanna eat, at least?"

"Oh- thank you!" I accept it with a smile. A lettuce and tomato sandwich. Rinni is getting better every day at preparing her lunch. I'm so proud of her.

"Indeed." Lirune nods once more, humming as her dark eyes gaze across the school courtyard. We're seated under the weeping willow which faces the south field. Some of the clubs were out on the field, practicing football drills, running laps or dancing routines.

"Then again. There are many idols at this school. It is hard to remember them all." She sighs a little.

"The energy flows are very strong around them. No wonder they attract so many people. I wonder if it tires them as much as it tires me..."

"You mean you get tired looking at them?" Rinni asks.

"Yes." Came her simple reply.


Yes, there were many idols at this school. But the most famous ones had to be—?

"Look- there he is now! Go, quick! Ask him now!" A girl speaks loudly, pushing her friend towards a tall boy with his back turned. His auburn hair is tousled lightly by the pleasant cool breeze flowing at this time of the day. Ahh, that is...

"Nooooo, wait! I haven't prepared my heart yet—" Her friend squeals between her giggles.

"Come on, come on! You've come this far, no turning back!"

"This is sure to be interesting. A confession to Fang-boy himself?" Rina smirks, sitting back as she pops the last of her sandwich into her mouth, chewing.

"Ten bucks he says no. Whaddya think, Lirune?"

"I do not bet money on those kinds of things. I will however, buy you an ice cream if he says no. This girl has honest waves coming off of her. She means it."

The two girls stop just short of the male. The one who is in front stammers, but eventually says,

"Um... Atsu-senpai..."

The boy jolts a little as if snapping out of his thoughts and turns around. Atsu-senpai. Full name: Atsu Tsukiyama.

Quite tall for his age, he's the class representative and information archiver of the student council. He's physically strong and performs well in all kinds of sports and similar activities. However, many call him Fang-boy, usually behind his back, as he looks quite unfriendly. He hardly talks to anyone. Like a lone wolf. Yet, for those who fear him, there are equally those who admire him.

As he turns around, I can see his eyes. His features are quite sharp and striking- his eyes the highlight of them all. A deep crimson a shade away from red, they're narrowed as if he were studying her closely. The girl swallows nervously before continuing.

"Atsu-senpai... I... um... here!" She holds her letter out in front of her like a shield, her eyes squeezed shut. I feel quite nervous for her. It takes a lot of courage to say something like that! Especially when people are watching...

"Um, I really like you! So... would you please go out with me? I... I've been watching you for a while now and I think you're really cool—"

He opens his mouth, but I can't seem to hear. What? His fiery-coloured eyes glance away from her. The girl with the letter slowly looks up at him. Her friend stands there, looking a little stunned.

"Eh? Speak up- come on, did you say yes or no?" Rinni is on the edge of the bench, chewing now on beef jerky.

"Quiet, Rin, or we'll disturb them." Lirune, too, is eating one, nibbling on the edges like a rabbit.

Atsu-senpai bows a little at the waist before turning on his heel and walking away without another word. The girls still stand there, as if frozen, before the confessing one slowly tucks away the letter into her skirt pocket and turns the other way, beginning to walk away. Her friend jolts to action and runs after her friend.

"I guess that was never going to happen!" The confessor bursts out laughing. Her friend looks at her, blinking in surprise before shaking her head.

"I was sure he would've said yes to you... Atsu-senpai is a difficult one, isn't he..."

They walk off, chattering and laughing.

"Oh please, it's fine! As they say, plenty more fish in the ocean..."

"I'll take mint and double choc please on a waffle cone." Rinni grins at Lirune.

"Hmmph. How dare you make a mockery of love." The raven-haired girl takes another sip from her canteen. I realise I'm still holding my breath and let it out slowly. The sandwich sits in my hands, forgotten.

"Like a scene out of a drama, eh? Don't worry about it Erika... unless you've got your eyes set on him too!" Rinni slides over to my side in a flash of her blonde hair and wraps her arms around me, holding me close to her chest.

"You wouldn't leave little old me behind for Fang-boy, would you? Would you?" She squeezes tighter. I'm gasping for breath at this point.

"No, no, it's not like that, I'm just—!"

"Yes, yes, please don't leave us." Lirune slides to sandwich me in on the other side, her dark eyes wearing a saddened expression.

"My little flower... if you were to leave us... I'm not sure Rina and I could carry on..." Her usual calm tone is edging on tears.

"Ahh- no, no, of course not! I'll always be here for you guys." I protest, struggling to breathe against Rinni's vice-like grip.

"Of course, I might not be here... much longer if... Rinni is going to suffocate me..."


"Aww, you're not coming with us? It'll be fun...!" Rinni pouts. I shake my head, smiling a little.

"Not even if I buy you an ice cream too?"

"Sorry, Rinni, another time. I promised Grandma I'd clean up the shrine. She can't make that trip up the stairs anymore."

"I understand. You're so responsible now, Erika." Lirune nods solemnly, turning away with a sweep of her long hair.

"Please take care on the journey home. I sense unrest."

"Ya mean, in the wind? Or..." Rinni tilts her head to one side.

"... There is just unrest."

"Okay, I will, you two be safe too!" I wave, before beginning the journey home. I hope that boy was able to wake up... and eat... or drink... I hope nothing happens to him, either.

My feet plod along the pathway in a constant thrumming rhythm, and my thoughts begin to swim. Lirune mentioned unrest... could that boy be in danger? I feel my heart pick up in speed as my pace did as well, increasing into a fast walk. Please be safe...

I approach the bridge at nearly a jogging speed, my shoes clacking across the wooden planks. I run to the handrail and jump onto the first set, leaning out over the bars to see if I could see his legs sticking out.

... Nothing. He wasn't there. A swarm of anxiousness washes over me. Maybe I could've called someone this morning... to keep an eye on him... or maybe the police...?

A finger taps my shoulder and I lurch forward. The river begins to tilt towards me.


"Watch out!" A hand reaches out, grabbing the back of my jacket and pulling me back. My hands catch onto the railing and I manage to stabilize myself, letting out a slow sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry..." I look over my shoulder to see a boy, his long white hair tied back in a loose ponytail flowing in the cool autumn breeze. His eyes, whitish-blue, wear a soft expression like freshly fallen snow, a small smile adorning his lips. I stare, mouth agape before I find words, albeit not many. My gaze flickers back to the spot under the bridge and then to the boy behind me.

"You're... wait, you're—!"

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Suzume."

The white worm!!