
Chapter -31

Nate " He does look suspicious "

Luna " Let's just observe him I'm sure he'll leave any clue for us to catch him red handed "

Nate " Let that be on one side now we have to stop the fear from the members of the pack that they will be sleeping safe and sound tonight "

Luna " Nate how about guarding by yourself tonight from what I heard you are the strongest in this pack so I'm sure with your guard everyone will be safe tonight "

Nate " That looks like a good plan, come let me drop you in the pack house I want you to be safe too "

Luna started walking towards the pack house while Nate followed her back.

Luna " Nate I'm glad to have you even humans don't show their love the way you wolves show like how loyal you guys are to your mate and how you express your love for your mate I'm amazed "

Nate " But I think you humans have a better life than us "