
Wait For Your Love

"Wait For Your Love" unveils the tender romance between Li Xing yue and Wang Haotian. Despite the ten-year age gap that separates them, their connection transcends societal norms and expectations. Li Xingyue, a determined 22-year-old university student, finds herself drawn to the charismatic presence of Wang Haotian, a successful 33-year-old businessman and professor. Raised in the shadows of her parents' demanding careers as doctors, Xingyue seeks refuge in the warmth of her uncle Wei Han's home, where she first encounters Haotian's mentorship and kindness.Their journey begins with Li Xingyue's adolescence, marked by fleeting moments of admiration for Haotian's intellect and compassion. However, their paths diverge when Haotian enters into a marriage with Jingyi, leaving Li Xing yue to pursue her dreams of higher education. Years later, their lives intersect once again, and the sparks of their connection reignite amidst unexpected encounters. As Xing yue navigates the complexities of young adulthood, Haotian grapples with the aftermath of his divorce, both haunted by the unspoken feelings that linger between them. As their bond deepens, Xing yue finds herself falling for Haotian once more, while Haotian wrestles with his own fears and insecurities about their age difference. Together, they wait for their love to blossom and confront societal expectations and familial pressures, learning to embrace the authenticity of their love amidst a world that often seeks to define it. This story is a poignant exploration of love's ability to defy boundaries and flourish in the most unlikely of circumstances.

sayahan · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter - 1

Beijing 9:55am,

Li Xingyue's peaceful slumber is abruptly interrupted by the persistent knocking on her bedroom door.

Wei Han knocked on Xingyue's bedroom door, his voice cutting through her slumber. "Hey Xingyue, wake up. You've got to get going."

Xingyue groaned, still half-asleep. "Ah, Wei Han, don't disturb me. Let me sleep for just 10 more minutes."

Wei Han's tone turned urgent. "No time for that. It's already 10 am, and you have to submit your assignment to Mr. Su at 11. Get up, or you'll be late!"

Xingyue's eyes shot open in panic as she checked the time on her phone. "I'm late!" she exclaimed, jumping out of bed and rushing to the bathroom to get ready.

Emerging from her room in a rush, Xingyue found Wei Han sitting at the breakfast table. "Have breakfast before you go," he advised.

But Xingyue, in her haste, brushed off his suggestion. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" she asked, frustration evident in her voice.

Wei Han raised an eyebrow. "I've been trying to wake you up for the past hour," he replied with a hint of exasperation.

Realizing she was running out of time,

Xingyue pleaded with her uncle for a ride to school. "I'm getting late, Shushu. Drive me to school, please," she begged.

Wei Han's expression softened. "Sorry, Xingxing. My driver took the car for servicing," he explained apologetically.

With a resigned sigh, Xingyue grabbed her bag and headed for the door. "You forgetful old man," she muttered under her breath, shooting him a playful glare.

As she prepared to leave, Wei Han offered to book a cab for her, but Xingyue declined. "No thanks, I'll manage," she said, determination shining in her eyes.

And with that, Xingyue rushed out the door, her mind already racing with plans to make it to school on time.

Xingyue hurried through the bustling campus, her phone pressed to her ear as she spoke to her roommate Yumei.

" where are you? Have you submitted your assignment?" Yumei's voice came through urgently, tinged with concern. "Hurry up, Mr. Su has called me three times asking where you are."

"What? Oh no, I'm doomed today," Xingyue muttered under her breath, a sense of dread creeping over her. "If I survive today, I'll call you."

"Don't worry, it's fine. Just apologize to him," Yumei reassured her, her voice calming Xingyue's nerves slightly.

"Alright, I have to go now," Xingyue said hurriedly, her steps quickening as she approached Mr. Su's class.

"Okay, take care," Yumei replied, her voice fading as Xingyue ended the call.

As Xingyue made her way towards Mr. Su's classroom, her heart pounding with anxiety, she noticed him standing outside, engaged in conversation with a tall, handsome man. A flicker of curiosity crossed her mind as she wondered who the man could be, but she pushed the thought aside, focusing instead on the task at hand.

Xingyue approached Mr. Su with a sense of trepidation, her heart racing as she faced the consequences of her tardiness.

"Mr. Su... I'm here," she began, her voice tinged with apology.

Mr. Su's stern gaze met hers, his tone firm as he questioned her. "Li Xingyue, what time is it? Tell me," he demanded.

"Sorry, Mr. Su. I apologize," Xingyue replied, her voice filled with regret. "I finished this assignment late last night and I overslept."

Mr. Su sighed, shaking his head in exasperation. "Look at this child, how can you be late?" he chided gently.

Forgive me for this time, teacher. I promise this will never happen again," Xingyue pleaded earnestly, her eyes filled with sincerity.

"Okay, okay, alright," Mr. Su relented, his tone softening slightly. "Hand over your assignment."

With a sense of relief, Xingyue handed her assignment to Mr. Su, grateful for his leniency.

"And do you have any classes today?" Mr. Su inquired, his attention already shifting to his busy schedule.

"No, Mr. Su," Xingyue replied quickly.

"Then good, I'm busy. I still have classes to attend. You have to send my guest back," Mr. Su instructed, gesturing towards the tall man standing beside her.

As Xingyue turned to look at the man, her heart skipped a beat as she recognized his familiar face. "Wang Haotian..." she whispered to herself, her mind flooded with memories of their past.

                          -In the past-

Li Xingyue, navigating the challenges of her final year of high school, often sought solace at her uncle's apartment in Beijing. One ordinary day, she rang the doorbell, expecting her uncle, but was greeted by a tall and handsome stranger – Wang Haotian. It was their first meeting, and though Xingyue was surprised, she couldn't deny a spark of curiosity.

Wang Haotian's voice broke through Xingyue's confusion as he questioned her inquisitively.

"Who are you? Who are you looking for?" he asked, his gaze searching.

Perplexed, Xingyue responded, "Wait, who are you? And what are you doing at my Shushu's house?"

Wang Haotian's expression softened as he realized the misunderstanding. "Who's your Shushu?" he inquired.

"Wei Han... Li Wei Han. He's my uncle," Xingyue clarified, a sense of relief washing over her.

Understanding dawned on Wang Haotian's face as he nodded. "Alright. I'm Wang Haotian, your uncle's friend. Come inside," he gestured warmly. "Have a seat. Wei Han is taking a shower. I'll get some water for you."

"Okay," Xingyue replied, her confusion easing as she followed Wang Haotian into the apartment, grateful for his hospitality.As Haotian returned with a glass of water, Xingyue expressed her gratitude with a polite "Thanks, uncle."

Haotian's playful smirk hinted at his amusement as he teased her gently. "What did you just call me? Do I look that old to you? I'm still 26 years old."

Realizing her slip-up, Xingyue blushed slightly. "No, no, I mean to say that you're my uncle's friend, so I called you uncle... I'm sorry."

Haotian nodded understandingly, his demeanor softening. "I see. So you call Wei Han 'shushu'?" he inquired, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

Xingyue nodded. "Yes, in front of my parents, I call him uncle. Otherwise, I call him Wei Han," she explained. "It's not that I want to call him by his name, but he said that he's still young and calling him uncle is embarrassing, so I call him by his name..."

Their exchange revealed a glimpse into the dynamics of their relationship, marked by familiarity and mutual respect, setting the stage for a bond that would deepen over time.Haotian's inquiry about Xingyue's name was interrupted by the arrival of Wei Han, drawing their attention away from the conversation.

"Oh, you came," Wei Han greeted, his tone warm and welcoming.

Xingyue nodded in acknowledgment. "Hmm," she confirmed, a hint of disappointment evident in her voice. "Didn't you say that you would help me with my math problems? Mom and dad are also not at home, so that's why I'm here ."

Wei Han's expression faltered momentarily as he realized his oversight. "Right, I forgot..." he admitted, his tone tinged with regret. Turning to Haotian, he offered a brief introduction. "She is my niece. And this is Wang Haotian, my best friend".

Xingyue interjected, reminding Wei Han that Haotian had already introduced himself earlier. "He introduced himself to me earlier," she pointed out with a small smile.

Wei Han hesitated briefly before continuing, "Okay, ah, Xiaoyue, Shushu has a meeting, so I have to go. I can't help you with your homework."

Xingyue's surprise was palpable as she processed his words. "What do you mean? Didn't you promise to help me?" she pleaded, a note of desperation creeping into her voice. "I'm begging you this time. If I fail my math exam again, mom will get angry, and I'll be doomed."

Wei Han glanced at Haotian with a hopeful expression, suggesting an alternative solution to Xingyue's dilemma.

"How about Wang Shushu helps you? Let me tell you, he was the top student of our school. He will help you this time," Wei Han proposed, his tone encouraging.

Xingyue's brows furrowed in uncertainty. "But he must be busy. How can he help me?" she voiced her concern.

"Don't worry, he's not busy," Wei Han reassured her with a reassuring smile. Turning to Haotian, he appealed, "Right, brother? Do me a favor."

Haotian nodded in agreement. "Okay," he replied, his tone decisive.

"Then I'll be going. Study well," Wei Han bid them farewell.

Haotian began the tutoring session with a playful remark, "Hey little kid, let's start."

Xingyue bristled at the nickname, retorting, "Don't call me that."

"Then what should I call you?" Haotian inquired, his tone lighthearted.

"You can call me Xingyue," she replied, her voice firm.

"Xingyue... nice name," Haotian remarked with a smile. "How does Wei Han call you?"

"Xiaoyue, " Xingyue answered.

"Then I'll call you Xingyue," Haotian decided.

Xingyue nodded in agreement but then hesitantly asked, "What about me? What should I call you?"

"I'm also young, so don't call me uncle. You can call me by my name," Haotian suggested.

Xu Ning hesitated, unsure. "Ah? I don't think that's a good idea," she admitted.

"Why not? It's fine. Call me whatever you are comfortable with" Haotian proposed.

"Okay," Xingyue agreed, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.As Haotian assisted Xingyue with her homework, he prompted her, "Okay, tell me which subjects you're having trouble with."

"My scores in all subjects are good except math. I find it difficult," Xingyue admitted with a hint of frustration.

Haotian nodded in understanding. "And what about physics?" he inquired.

Xingyue hesitated before replying, "Not bad."

Curious, Haotian probed further. "Why do you find math difficult?" he asked gently.

"I don't know. No matter how much I try, I just don't get it," Xingyue confessed, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Okay, I got it. It's fine. I'll teach you," Haotian reassured her with a reassuring smile.

"Thanks, Wang uncle," Xingyue expressed her gratitude.

"Give me your math assignment," Haotian requested.

"Okay... Here," Xingyue replied, handing over her assignment with a sense of relief, grateful for Haotian's willingness to help.

As the clock struck 7 pm, signaling the end of their homework session, Haotian checked his phone and informed Xingyue, "Wei Han texted, saying he's going to be late."

"He must be busy," Xingyue remarked with understanding.

"It's almost dinner time. Are you hungry?" Haotian asked.

"A little bit," Xingyue admitted.

"Okay, then I'll make dinner," Haotian offered.

"No, it's alright. I'll order some food," Xingyue insisted.

"Don't worry. My cooking skills are not bad. If you don't trust me, ask your uncle," Haotian reassured her with a smile.

"I mean to say that you must be tired," She protested.

"I'm fine," Haotian replied confidently.

"Then let me help you," She offered.

"No need. Just wait in the living room," Haotian insisted.

Xingyue nodded in agreement and made her way to the living room, pulling out her phone to text Wei Han. "Hey, can your friend cook?" she inquired.

Wei Han's response came quickly. "Of course he can. Why did you ask?"

"He's making dinner and said if I doubt his cooking, then ask you," Xingyue explained.

"You are lucky today. Let me tell you something: he usually doesn't cook for anyone. Tell him to make some for me too," Wei Han replied.

Xingyue teased him, "You old man, you broke your promise. There is no dinner for you. Just come home; you'll be finished."

"Hey Xiaoyue, who are you calling old man? I didn't do it on purpose," Wei Han protested.

"I'm going. Bye," Xingyue replied, ending the conversation and placing her phone on the sofa before heading to the kitchen to inform Haotian of Wei Han's request.

"Wei Han said cook some food for him too," she relayed.

"Okay, no problem," Haotian replied.

"Then I'll go watch TV," Xingyue said before leaving the kitchen.

After some time, Haotian finished cooking and began placing dishes on the dinner table. "Come, dinner is ready," he called out to Xingyue.

"Okay," she replied, surprised by the array of dishes before her.

Haotian pulled out a chair for Xingyue and gestured for her to take a seat. As they settled in, he picked up a dish with his chopsticks and placed it in Xingyue's bowl. "Try this one," he suggested.

"It's so delicious," Xingyue exclaimed after tasting it.

"Then eat more," Haotian encouraged her with a smile.

"You're amazing," Xingyue praised him sincerely.

"Now you don't doubt my cooking," Haotian teased playfully.

"No, no," Xingyue assured him with a laugh.

As they finished dinner, Xingyue insisted, "I'll do the dishes. You can rest for a while."

"Let me help you," Haotian offered, but his phone rang, interrupting their conversation. "I have to take this call," he explained apologetically.

"Go ahead," she replied, understandingly.

After finishing the dishes, she brought out some strawberries with chocolate for them to enjoy. "Wang Shushu, have some strawberries," she offered.

"Strawberries with chocolate?" Haotian asked with surprise.

"Yeah, I love having them with chocolate. Try some," Xingyue encouraged him.

"Okay," Haotian agreed, taking a bite. "It's tasty," he admitted with a nod.

"I told you, right? This is the best combination," Xingyue remarked proudly.

Haotian smiled and then mentioned, "Oh right, I got a call from the company, so I have to go now."

"Oh, I see. Then go ahead," Xingyue replied, understandingly.

"Add me to your WeChat. In the future, if you have any problems, you can ask me anytime," Haotian suggested.

"Okay, then I'll scan you," Xingyue agreed, taking out her phone.

"Here," Haotian said, offering his QR code.

"Thanks for today, Wang Shushu," she expressed her gratitude.

"It's alright. Then I'm leaving," Haotian said, preparing to take his leave.

Hello everyone, welcome to my second story(◍•ᴗ•◍)



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