
Wait a minute, is this my Chat?

Maybe you've heard of Beta character ai, which allows you to talk to your favorite characters with the support of artificial intelligence (or just the Milf next door) The person using the nickname Seth had heard of it and started many conversations with pleasure, some long, some short, some emotional, some romantic, some of them immoral, and one day he woke up in his chat? Witness how depraved and corrupt a weeb can be! Mc's target will usually be having a partner or "mature women" ahem MILFs. No NTR Probably lots of Netori (Yes I'm a hypocrite) Meet a man who will always be hostile to NTR even if he does it himself If there are any mistakes in English, please be warned and they will be corrected.

Hades0 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

The Bet

When Seth arrived at school, the classroom was as usual. Lucy and Nila were chatting and Jack was absent again.

"Ahh what the hell is this guy doing, I can't go see Erica because I don't know where she is because of him"

-Be patient, you'll get your chance, focus on the other woman you wants.

"....Yome always seems to leave Lucy alone, maybe I should pay her a regular visit every day"

-Ohh so boring


-I mean, I think Seth will eventually prefer a man who tries every day not to leave her alone instead of a man who prefers video games all the time, but it's a long process and it's boring and I want more action.

"What am I supposed to do, take her to bed tonight?"

-Heh, you make it sound like you can do it.

"I can do it!"

-Well then, how about a bet, if you can get into Lucy's pants before the end of tonight, I'll give you .... a supernatural ability you asked for

"Are you serious?"

-Why wouldn't I lie? In fact, I'm gonna help you succeed.

Seth violently slammed his hand on the table, the whole class turned to look at him for a moment and then went back to their own work

I accept! ... wait a second, what is your interest??

-There is not much that a God can take from man, there are things that I can take from you, but that is not the point, you have already given me what I wanted by accepting this bet, more action

Seth grunted, it was like he had fallen into Hades' trap, but he didn't care, he thought of Lucy. How could he do it, they were friends now, he had an idea, but it would be hard to do it alone, he needed an accomplice.

"Good morning, Seth."

"Oh, yes, yes, good morning, Nila."

"I heard you took Lucy out on a date."

'I think it would not be wrong to call it a date'

"Yes, I went with him to Lunaprak yesterday, is there a problem?"

"No, on the contrary, I came to thank you. Yome always leaves her alone, I've known her for a long time so it hurts me to see her sad. That bastard Yome only asked her out for her body."

Nila's anger was written all over her face, her brow was furrowed and she had a disgusted look on her face. She had long ago lost her patience for food and this made her a good accomplice

"So all Yome wanted was Lucy's body ... did he get what he wanted?"

"I don't know, Lucy is innocent in such matters, but if he had gotten what he wanted, I'm sure he would have left already!"

-Innocent? -No, no, the heavens can't give a man a body like that and make him pure, he just hasn't found someone yet to awaken the demon inside him.

'How nice of you to say so (!)'

"... Nila, I have an idea that will make Lucy happy, but I need your help to put it into practice."

"Do you really think it could work?"

Seth pretended to think and whispered to Hades in a voice only he could hear.

"Hades, you said you'd help, right?"


"Are you really sure there's something inside her?"

-As I said, everybody's got something in them. Sometimes it's deep, sometimes it's not deep, but it's there and there's definitely something big in her.

Seth has returned to Nila

"Yes, absolutely" Seth grinned broadly

"Look, I'm going to take Lucy out again today and when I text you, this is what you're going to do ......."

" ... What will this do?"

"Don't worry about it, are you in or out?"

Nila sighed, "Give me your phone number."

"Hehe, hey Hades"


Can you make it rain?


When the school day was over Lucy checked her phone and her face fell, another case of being left alone. Seth inwardly thanked Yome for that, if he had decided to be a good boyfriend for a day he would have had to put the plan on hold. Seth approached Lucy

-Hello Lucy I'm going to do some shopping but I need a second opinion and I had so much fun with you yesterday, are you free today? I could really use a pair of eyes

A slight smile spread across Lucy's face

Yeah, let's go, I'll make you even more handsome than you already are!

Seth laughed. Then they left the school and headed to the central area where the shops were, chatting on the way

"So what are we looking for today?"

"I think it's more casual and shabby, but I'm not sure if I should buy it today, let's go and see"

"Let's go and see"

Lucy and Seth went from shop to shop looking for new clothes for Seth. Seth still had a week to make do with the money he had in his pocket. He didn't have much money to buy new clothes, but Lucy didn't need to know that. A few hours later Seth was still empty-handed

"I'm sorry I didn't take anything, but I dragged you here."

"Oh, you don't have to worry"

"Let's see if we can get you something. It's better than coming back empty-handed today."

"Hmmm if you say so"




'Yes, I said so, but I didn't expect to come to a lingerie shop'

"I'm sorry, Seth, I feel like I'm abusing your goodwill right now, but I didn't want to leave without stopping by here, since it's far from my house."

"It's okay, just hurry up, people look at me funny like I'm a pervert"

"O-of course"

When Lucy went to pay at the cash register, the woman at the counter took a quick glance at her body.

"Welcome, young lady, a growth spurt?"

"Y-yes, I think I'll just take these."

"Would you like to take advantage of the discount?"

"What discount, as far as I know there is no discount?"

"Oh, of course there is. If you buy these products and this one, you can get a 25% discount."

"This thing isn't really me, it's a little daring?"

"No, no, it's perfectly normal and your boyfriend will love it."

The cashier was probably talking about Seth, Lucy was about to speak when she stopped, she didn't want to make Seth wait any longer by trying to correct the misunderstanding

"Well, I-"

"Thanks for waiting, Seth, we can go now." Lucy had two bags in her hand.

Meanwhile, Seth was looking at his phone, avoiding looking around as much as possible.

"Let's go then, there's a nice cafe nearby, do you want to go?"

"Sure, that'd be nice." When Seth heard the answer, he sent a message

As they walked towards the café, the sun was setting and it would soon be dark. The café was popular with couples because there was a love hotel nearby. As they sat and talked, Lucy received a text message.

"Oh this is from Nila, sorry can I answer? She gets mad at me when I return her messages late"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Thanks" Lucy turned red as she checked her phone. "Nila!"

Seth saw this reaction and signaled Hades

"What's wrong?"

"Well it's just a slightly intimate photo of Nila and her boyfriend, making fun of me"


"Yeah, they're a little too cozy." Lucy blushed.

'I think Nila threw a bigger bait than I said but that's good'

"Lucy, you and Yome-"

There was a loud clap of thunder and suddenly it started to rain very fast. Seth and Lucy ran inside the café and a staff moved tables inside and after a while all the tables were inside.

"Sir, ma'am, I'm afraid we have to take you out."

"But can't you see the rain outside!?" said Lucy.

That's exactly why, it's night, it's raining and it doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon, so we're closing early because there won't be any more customers"


"Sorry, boss's orders, I can't do anything."

"Don't worry, Lucy, I think I know a place where we can wait out the rain."

"Really, I'm so relieved."

"Yes, if we go fast under the awnings of the shops just around the corner, we will hardly get wet at all"

"Let's go fast then, the rain is getting faster and faster"

"Yeah, come on."

I'm sorry for not having an episode yesterday, it was a busy day, I'll make up for it another time, but for now, enjoy the new episode. And leave a comment!

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