


/"It seems that way, doesn't it?/" He says and looks over his body in my bed.

/"I'm sorry for how I reacted yesterday. She just got to me. I know it wasn't your fault./"

Adam, not expecting me to bring it up, says nothing. His eyes gaze so deeply into mine that I wonder if he can hear my thoughts. Finally, he says, /"You have nothing to apologize for./"

The pinkness and warmth of my lamp rest against his handsome face. It coats everything. I take in the sight of his head on my pillow. All we can do is look at one another because an unspoken rule has been established limiting any possible touching. Although the door is locked, I know that Adam would never try anything. It only makes me want to bring him to break the rule, to make him unable to help himself.

/"Let's just go,/" I mumble. /"Let's just leave./"