


As the guys gently touch me and lead me to the door, he says, /"Leave her. Forget it./"

I watch them walk around me and out the door. Their obedience has me curious.

Sunlight filters through the windows, seeping through the thinning clouds and resting on his face. Would it be silly to say that he sparkles in the sunlight? Or is my head caught up in fictional fantasies and not this real one? Either way, unearthly or not, he looks at me, waits for me to speak but nothing leaves my lips.

/"You're not allowed here, Wrenley,/" he says. My stomach wobbles inside of me. How does he know my name? /"How much did Vivian tell you? Do you know what is happening here?/"

His voice makes me giddy. There is no way that he is also that scary, rude, stubborn, super-sized beast.

I murmur, /"Why do I feel this way? I don't... What are you?/"