
A Ruined Day

Adam was refreshed after dealing with the three factions. He was now able to go and enjoy the rest of his day like he'd planned. He got back to Eve and they started to walk home. Thankfully, there's wasn't as much pedestrian traffic as usual and they swiftly made their way home.

Approaching his house he could see a mix of blue and red lights.

'What's happening? I haven't had sex with a loli' he questioned himself. All of the girls were outside looking distressed. The police saw him with Eve and quickly approached him.

"I gotta say, this is the first time I haven't seen a criminal run." The leading police officer said. He pulled the handcuffs on Adam's wrists and pushed him towards the police cruiser. Adam was extremely confused. All crimes he had committed were legal in this world, he completely memorized the long list of laws when he was still with the Kingsley family. Maybe that's why he's being detained?

"May I ask why I'm being arrested, Good Officers?" He asked. The police knew he was bluffing.

"Don't try to act dumb with us, you bastard. You kidnapped 7 women and blackmailed them into becoming your sex slaves. Even now they are defending you." The officer scoffed. 'Truly a disgusting bastard till the end' he thought. Adam grew even more confused but nevertheless stood his ground.

"With what evidence am I being accused?" He asked. Adam didn't really think there'd be any evidence against him, after all, it wasn't true. The officer visibly recoiled after hearing that. They truly didn't have any evidence yet, they were simply detaining him off of suspicions.

"Shut up you bastard! We'll find evidence once we've finished searching." He shouted. Adam soon gave up, if they truly locked him up with no evidence he'd simply cause a massacre and escape. He looked over to his women, none had worried expressions. There was simply no reason for whatever allegation to actually be successful. There was no evidence, there no witnesses, the girls all consented to the relationship.

Adam stepped into the vehicle and they took off. The officers were pissed off at the carefree attitude of the prisoner. Had he no guilt?

"The bastard even blackmailed his own mother, how revolting." An officer said.

'My day is officially ruined. I had so much to do and everyone just had to come fuck it up.' Adam thought. After thinking about his situation, he became more and more pissed off. To calm himself, he summoned his apple and started chewing on it.

"Hey! Where'd you get that apple!" An officer had seen the apple in the rear-view mirror and called Adam out on it. When he turned around, the apple wasn't there?

"Keep your eyes on the road pops!" Adam mocked. The other officer looked suspiciously at his colleague. 'Is he on drugs?' He thought. A light bulb lit up in Adam's mind. He summoned his apple again and began chewing. The officer that had previously seen it started to shout again.

"I just saw you with the apple again!" He shouted. Once he had fully turned around, Adam was without his apple and his colleague was once again looking at him weirdly. No matter how prepared they were for all sorts of strong superpowers, they never thought a young man would use his powers to summon an apple, thus the colleague's confusion.

This had repeated many times on the way there. The colleague had begun to question his partner's sanity. Why would the boy even summon an apple, much less show it off. Soon, they switched places, he couldn't trust his partner to drive in such a delusional condition. With the colleague's eyes on the road, the first police officer could be taunted all Adam wanted. He took out his apple and started to chew on it, the officer turned around.

"I knew it! Look Jeffery! I was right!" He screamed. Jeffery didn't look back, he knew his partner couldn't think straight at the moment. The ride to the police station was filled with such screams. The police officer was soon to be sent to a mental help facility where he would be put under intense electroshock therapy. Adam was soon taken out of car and taken to a secluded part of the prison.

"We made a separate prison for minor's at your age. We call it prison school. You'll spend the day being educated and will go the night in a prison cell." Jeffery explained. Although this young man was a criminal, he felt sorry that he had to deal with his partner which seemed to have mental problems.

"Thanks Jeffery! Although I'll be taken out of here soon, proven until proven guilty right?" Adam stated. Instead of putting him into a holding cell he was taken right to the prison. This was suspicious, he couldn't even go to court and defend himself? 'I might as well enjoy myself while I'm here, it's not every day you get to spend a while in the famous prison school.' He thought. Maybe he'd add some of the women to his harem?

He was taken to a large-breasted silver-haired woman. Her curves were on another level but Adam's eyes didn't wander for too long.

"This is your new inmate. His name is Adam Oosuki." Jeffery said. He then left Adam in the woman's care.

"Come with me maggot, I'll make your life a living hell if you disobey me." She threatened. Meiko was much less threatening when her breasts and ass jiggled every time she tried to glare at him.

"Sure but I have a question. Why wasn't I allowed a court trial?" He asked. This was a legitimate question.

"Don't play dumb with me, if you're here then you would've had a trial at least 3 days ago." She said. This was the moment Adam knew something weird was occurring. Most likely, this was an order from the higher ups. Meiko saw the confused expression on his face, which, in turn, made her confused.

"I see, well, I'll be free soon then." Adam cheered himself up. His women wouldn't allow him to be locked up for too long. Yumeko was most likely to be the one that fought the hardest considering how she was now addicted to him. Meiko studied the young man's expression, usually inmates would cry or try to plead. His reaction made her curious.

"What are you in for, inmate?" She asked. What crime did such a pleasant looking man commit?

"I came home from school to a bunch of cops surrounding my house. I was immediately detained. Once I asked what I had done they said I blackmailed all of my girlfriends to make them my sex slaves. I was instantly transported here." He explained. He was still quite confused about the situation but nevertheless he was optimistic about his chances to be taken out after some facts were exposed. Meiko saw his expression and slightly bought into it, however, he is still an inmate and must be treated as such. They made their way to the cell he would be staying in for a while.

"This is your cell. Don't try to escape, if you do then you have no chance of leaving on parole." She advised. It seems as though she believed some of Adam's story. Her ass swayed as she left him to sleep the night away. He lied down and drifted into unconsciousness, there was no reason to cry over spilt milk and therefore he didn't lose any sleep over worrying about his situation.

A smaller chapter. I'll have another one up soon.

Hopefully this doesn't feel too out of left-field.

BillNyeThePGGuycreators' thoughts