
Waifu Catalog: Conquest of a Senju!

Dying to people who I may have actually offended on a fundamental level wasn’t that surprising. Infuriating but still, not that surprising. Being offered to become a waifu collector in another world was surprising though. Now just have to make the best of it. Which means taking the world for myself. Because Konoha was a sacred tree and it was time for its roots to entangle the world and let its branches and leaves cast a shadow over all the nations! And even beyond them to other world! Cover Image in order to lure in the horni Warnings: •Power Fantasy with Plot •Senju MC with Mokuton •Harem(Waifu Catalog, duh) •Neutral Evil MC •AU Naruto world(Genderbent and other changes) •Characters aged up for purely aesthetic reasons, they are not stronger than they were in canon •Patriotism? Not sure if it is the right word for our MC(Danzo would like his goal) •If you even think about taking the MC as a role model, either get a therapist or get yourself admitted in Arkham Asylum(or maybe not since everyone and their dog can get out of there at least once a month)

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 6

"Winner, Senju Daiki." Mikoto said and I took my knee off of Satsuki's stomach and my hand away from her neck before offering it to her for help. She looked hesitant for a moment before grabbing it and getting up with some slight help.

She looked… conflicted. I knew that she was a bit obsessed with being strong so her being extremely mad and moody about being defeated like in canon wouldn't have been too weird but she just looked like she was a little mad at herself and intrigued. There were two possible reasons for this that I can think of.

First possible reason, 'Zenryoku Zenkai' and 'Stud Service'. Zenryoku Zenkai was a lure from the catalog that made me look more attractive to people who lose to me in any kind of contests, which a spar definitely counted, and 'Stud Service' made me look like a 'prime breeding stock' which meant that anyone who was interested in children, or sex in general, would see me as a prime material. She probably didn't think the same way as her canon male self but she probably wanted to 'resurrect' her clan and me being strong meant possible strong children which she subconsciously liked.

Second possible reason, I wasn't 'Naruto'. I was from a clan that was as prestigious as her own and known as a prodigy much like her. Being defeated by me should be less of a worldview threat then being defeated by a guy who had been the definition of a loudmouth weakling a few months ago.

In the end her reason for not being a giant edge machine didn't matter as I had gotten everything I had wanted out of this spar. Inflicted a strong waifu with Zenryoku Zenkai and learned exactly where I stood at the totem pole of the current genin. I liked where I stood. I knew that I was a tier five but there were characters who could defeat upper tier enemies who they should have no chance against with skill and preparation, like Batman and Spider-Man. But seeing that I had defeated Satsuki in a battle of hand to hand combat with only one use of chakra to stick to the ground, I should be pretty safe as long as I don't try to do something extremely stupid. Like showing off that I had Mokuton to the whole world and try to go against an S Rank ninja right after graduating. What kind of moron would do something like that anyway?

"Hahahaha! Satsuki got her butt kicked!" Oh yeah, she was also here wasn't she.

"I would like to see you try, dobe!" Satsuki shot back at the blonde Uzumaki whose mocking grin was immediately replaced with a comically angry look.

"You wanna see?! Then I'll show you! Here I, ow ow OW!" The jinchuuriki of Kyuubi yelled at her rival and got ready to, I assume, attack me before all of her plans were foiled by a very angry looking redhead gripping her ear. Which likely saved her from something far more painful as I could see Soi Fon in the background with her hand getting closer to her blade and an aura that literally screamed 'DEATH' around her.

"My deepest apologies Daiki-kun. It seems like I have forgotten to teach my little Naruko-chan that she can't just try to randomly attack people for stupid reasons like trying to get bragging rights!" Kushina said, sweetly in the beginning but a lot more forceful with her hair waving behind her and eyes glowing in the end.

"Ow ow ow! Mom, you are embarrassing me!"

"You should be happy that I'm not tanning you backside young lady!" Kushina snapped at her daughter as she twisted her ear even further, getting yelps of pain from her daughter.

Seeing that the Uzumaki matriarch had the situation well in hand, I turned back to the pair of Uchiha ladies. And one of those ladies looked really troubled for some reason.

"Satsuki, is there something wrong?" I asked, no longer using the honorific. It felt like it wasn't actually needed and seemed to make the older Uchiha very happy with the way she was smiling.

"When I swiped your leg, I couldn't move you at all." She grumbled, reminding me of a cat with her adorable frown.

"Yeah, I kinda cheated on that." I admitted freely, causing the Uchiha heiress to look at me with shock.

"How can you cheat not getting swiped off of the floor?" She asked incredulously, which was answered right after the question left her lips.

"Chakra sticking." The one who answered walked into the room with an elegant smile on her face.

"Shutara-san." Mikoto greeted the woman she only knew as an accomplished kunoichi of the village rather than a Shinigami that she actually was.

"Mikoto-sama, Kushina-sama." She greeted both matriarchs with a small bow, her smile never leaving her face as she performed acts accordance to etiquette.

"What do you mean?" Satsuki on the other hand seemed to have no interest in etiquette much to her mother's embarrassment.

"Have you learned tree walking exercise?" Shutara asked with a smile and Satsuki's eyes widened in understanding.

"You used chakra to stick to the ground." She said looking at me.

"Huh, you can do that with chakra? Mom, why didn't you tell me that?" The blonde Uzumaki entered the conversation before turning to her mother with a betrayed expression, which turned into one of worry as she noticed Uzumaki matriarch's eyebrow was twitching violently.

"I did. You just never listen to anything when I explain that it's about chakra control."

"Ahahaha." Naruko laughed sheepishly as she took a few steps away from her mother before turning to us with an excited face.

"Does that mean we can use chakra in battle so that we never fall? Why don't everybody do that then?" She asked and I could see that Satsuki herself seemed to have similar inquiries in her mind.

"Because most of the time its either useless or an hindrance rather than help." I said and continued to explain as I saw that they didn't get it.

"You can use chakra to stick to the ground but that won't exactly protect you from the force of the hits. If you take a hard hit while keeping your feet stuck to the ground you can have your ankles hurt or theoretically, if the hit is strong enough, fly away while leaving your feet struck to the ground. Leading to your likely death from blood loss, and that is if your enemy doesn't just put you down." I explained much to the growing horror of the girls.

"That is only theoretical though since such a force would simply send you flying away since most people don't try to stick to any surface that powerfully and even if they did it is more likely that the ground you stick would fly with you anyway." I said with a smile, trying to make them feel less horrified.

"So while it was useful against Satsuki's leg sweep, that was an exception rather than the norm. Not to mention ours was a taijutsu battle, standing your ground like that wouldn't exactly be smart in a battle where ninjutsu is involved." I said, trying to imagine what kind of idiot would try to stick to the ground while the enemy hurled a giant fireball at them.

"Hmm, I should remember that. Sounds like something I should put into academy when I become Hokage. Rather than one of those useless lessons like math, or that geopoles thing." She said with a sagely nod while her mother slapped her forehead while the other occupants stared at her like she was a rare species of an animal they never seen before.

"Naruko… I think you mean geopolitics. That's something not only a Hokage but most Jōnin should know about." I said with a strained smile on my face, wondering exactly what she was thinking about doing as a Hokage.

"Shut up, what do you know about being Hokage?!" She snapped at me with a massive blush on her face before getting slapped on the back of her head by Satsuki.

"Idiot, he is the great grandson of the First Hokage and the great grand nephew of the Second Hokage. His family is practically about being Hokage." The Uchiha heiress said, not seeing her mother's rather frigid expression which Kushina looked at worriedly before turning to me.

"Ahaha, that is actually a great question, Daiki-kun?" She said, likely hoping to keep attention off of her friend who shook herself and schooled her expression, going back to a polite smile. Interesting.

"In the past I actually wanted to be Hokage myself. Screamed about being the first female Hokage and everything. It's kinda embarrassing really." She said while rubbing her finger under her nose with a smile.

"So, Daiki-kun, what is being Hokage to you?" She asked, putting all the attention on me once more.