
Wacky Wizard

Wally, the shitty, cheating scoundrel that likes to play games the wrong way... that is Wacky Wally, an enigmatic player who doesn't give a damn about the rules! After cheating his way to victory in his not-so-favorite online game, he transmigrated to the said online game's world... It sucks to be Wally. Do you want to be Wally? Don't say yes yet, because you don't know Wally... No one among us truly does... *** WARNING! Irregular updates.

Alfir · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The Lich (2)

The Death Goblin King is a unique variant specialized in group battles. Instead of green skin, it has rotting pale grey skin. Its skills have now become more inclined to death, and its powers have become more potent. Compared to a basic Goblin King, the Death variant is a more challenging enemy.

When I sensed the energy of death deep in the cave, I became certain that a boss battle is about to occur. This goblin cave has been very weird from the very start. I cannot rely on my shallow knowledge of the game, so as not to risk my own safety; I can only rely on myself.

The Wizard class allows its user to research different schools of magic at the cost of more exp and skill points. It could be said that the Wizard is the most flexible class in the game. I raised my wand, and with a silent chant, I cast Holy Barrier. Iridescent white flames hovered around me, expanding into a translucent sphere that surrounds me in a protective manner.

A Death Goblin King only means one thing, the final boss of this game will be an undead type. And what undead is good with magic? Even as a noob, I knowꟷ a lich!

The stench of rot fills the cave. With Arcane Clarity, I took a peek at the enemies beyond the darkness of the cave. And in there, I saw... Grey Goblins, a lot of themꟷ a death affinity goblin in great numbers. These little critters can inflict poison, disease, and curses. Quite a troublesome bunch.

"Kieffer, back off… This is a battle you cannot participate in!"


"No buts! Return to the surface as fast as you can. Survive, and you shall see your sister again."

Kieffer struggled internally, but what can he do?


I uttered the skill's names, bestowing Kieffer with magical might!

Magical forces gathered at young Kieffer, further empowering his stats. Kieffer cannot even argue as I hurl myself towards the enemy forces. If this were a game, I would have taken care of these small fries with ease given the game mechanics' rigid rules.

But this is real life, the rules are different! I just cannot blast them with my strongest magic! I don't really like causing a landslide inside this shitty cave. Truthfully, I am not fond of the idea of self-burying.

Should I play along with the rules then?

Should I?

Nah, fuck it.

Who am I to follow rules?

Rules are a bitch, and they are meant to be broken anyway!

"ARCANE PILLAR!" Extreme magical force gathered at my wand. A pillar of pure arcana blasted through the roof. A strong collapse is inevitable at this point.

Without any further ado, I charged my magic once again, rushing further towards the tsunami of enemy forces. "ARCANE STEP!"

A step and I am gone! This is my first time using this teleportation magic. I am kind of paranoid when it comes to space-interfering magic. I can't help but imagine accidents, you know? I just felt that throwing energy blasts felt safer, you know? It is just that there is some magic I am averse to using, you know?

But you know what? Aside from some dizziness, I feel mighty fine!

"Arcane Step, Arcane Step, Arcane Step!"

With a series of Arcane Steps, I arrived at the enemy's rear in no time at all. If the Death Goblin King were a living entity, its facial expression would have been interesting. Alas, I need to straighten my priorities. Though it is sad I cannot enjoy this moment, I have better things to do.


Boulders of rocks and crags collapsed as the goblins flail for survival, I watched in glee as my Arcane Pillar worked as I intended… A cave-in seems disadvantageous to me, but I can manage.

I cast Arcane Barrier, the most all-rounded among barriers that offer resistance to all attributes. On top of Holy Barrier and Arcane Step, I can protect myself from the most dangers.

Most of all, my Arcane Pillar was calculatedly aimed so that the whole posse of these poor grey critters would suffer complete annihilation. By being here at their rear, I was able to secure my safety.

Silence slowly permeated the surroundings.

I wonder, did Kieffer follow my instructions? Meh... Good luck to him.

"If this were the game, I would be hearing a lot of exp points notification, sigh…" Exp gain in the game can be accumulated, like that of gold. In a sense, Exp can be considered a special currency after reaching the maximum level.

Well, I shouldn't be greedy and be happy with the results.

I turned around, eager to finish my 'quest', and with the ushering of my magic, I invoked ARCANE AGILITY to myself. Deeper in this cave, I would find the cause of the irregularities in this supposedly noob-level cave.


Huh? An aftershock or something? I hear the rumbling of rocks loud and clear.

I subtly felt the undulations of the air, and then caught a glimpse of its perpetrator, the Death Goblin King!

"You are one tough mother fucker."

I instinctively cast ARCANE ENDURANCE, empowering my defense and vitality. The Death Goblin King came, with the force of a bulldozer. It was just a simple punch! But that speed!

I only caught a glimpse of his afterimage when he suddenly appeared in front of me.


The taste of iron permeated my tongue. I wanted to scream, but I vomited blood instead.

My defense was easily penetrated as the Death Goblin King shattered my Arcane Barrier. I can't help, but vomit more blood as my back crash along the cave walls. It's bad enough that my Holy Barrier seems to not affect the Death Goblin King, but now I also have to endure this gut-wrenching pain.

It's painful. I have never been hit by a bulldozer before, but this must be what it feels like.

"Oh fuck. You have a phase two, I didn't see that coming. What the fuck are you? A special mid-boss or something?"

The Death Goblin King has signs of being in BERSERK, a state usually seen on boss-level characters. Its skin is in a shade of red, while its stats are multiplied several folds. My only consolation is that the monster's lack of weapons availed me of a chance for survival. If it were wielding a weapon, I imagine that I would have been one-hit killed. The freaking Goblin must've lost it along with the landslide.

"CALL DEATH!" At the Death Goblin King's deep voice, the aura of death gathered at his side. From the crevices of the aftermath I caused, they rose. Undead Goblins.

I drank my Vitality Potions as fast as I can. There are two options in front of me. Fight the Goblin Death King and his army of little critters, or delve further into the cave and aim for the lich's head. The latter sounds appealing but too dangerous… The former is…

Sheesh… "Do I really have to contemplate my decisions?!"

I am a decisive and vicious decision-maker… It doesn't need further deliberation… EFFICIENCY BEATS EFFECTIVENESS AFTER ALL! Moreover, I am not keen on being pincered on two sides so I might as well deal with these goblin fucks in front of me.

"Let's dance~"