
WABI SABI || Toji Fushiguro, Toge Inumaki

Snowtigerstreamer · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter One

"Any traumatised patient is a person worth listening to. The main purpose of psychiatric supervision is not to provide patients in need with a possible state of joy, likewise, strive to assist them to gather up their patience and realize how to meet face to face their struggles and demons"

"Professor, does that mean that you believe that any case of mental illnesses can't be dealt with particularly from cluster C?" One of the students asks her.

"Nope, the opposite. Mental illnesses can be treated, as long as we furnish these patients with abundant patience going with his progression, periodically unusual cases from cluster C take time to improve"

"Then, professor, what if your patient ends up falling in love with you because of that?"

Y/n lifted her head and grinned at the student who had asked the question, a young, pretty girl who instantly hid behind her one of her friends upon glimpsing Y/n's gaze. Y/n was a psychiatrist and at the same time, a teacher at a medical university.

Because of her age, humour, and looks, she was very outstanding among all the students, and her lessons every Thursday were almost always filled to ultimate capacity. Of course, this meant that she also obtained all sorts of weird questions at the end of every lecture from her students since she was kind of manageable to approach unlike the others professors teaching here, she was lovely.

This wasn't the first time she had been asked such a question, and so she was able to answer it effortlessly with a grin."I think I'd be very pleased because that would mean that the patient's mind is under an incredible misconception."

Somebody else followed up and lifted his hand and inquired, "But Professor do you think that love is a misconception?"

"I'd call it more of a momentary delusion since sentiments attend to shift and shape into a numerous variety of emotions" Y/n answered and some students begin taking note of her knowledge.

"Have you had such a misconception, professor ?"The very pretty girl asked, tilting her head to the side.

"No, because I'm already old." Y/n ruffled her hand dismissing her playfully.

"Boo--" The whole populace of students playfully booed her statement.

"Pretending to be old is shameful!"

A courageous fellow even said jokingly."Professor, I don't mind that you're old, so can I date you?"

Y/n smiled as she shot back, "A date in the lab as my experiment?"

The student who had just asked her about dating shortly rejected with a serious expression on his face. "Love between students and faculty isn't allowed. Professor, I'll do my best to work on my self-restraint."

Everyone laughed, including Y/n. "How regretful."

The classroom was once again restored with laughter. The bell rang not too long later, gesturing that it was time for the students to flee out of class. While she bid farewell to her students, Y/n packed up her books and schooling materials. But just as she was about to flee, she noticed a male student that was laying his head on his desk, sound asleep.

She walked over to him and instantly nudged him awake. The male student brushed the sleep from his eyes and glanced at her, his blue eyes showed exhaustion and drowsiness as a moan escaped his lips.

"Do you want some energy drink? you look so tired" said Y/n. She extended her hand putting her drink on his desk "I'm sorry that my class made you feel so bored."

The student stared at her in a haze, his mood blushed to look at her with embarrassment. Y/n giggled before pat his shoulder and strolled out of the classroom. 'Cute kid!' While walking down the long hallway, her phone trembled and she grabbed it out answering the call.

"Dear, where are you? I was struggling to call you all morning "

The phone call was from Y/n's instructor, Madam Su. She was both her doctoral counsellor and a national council on psychiatry. After resigning, she felt troubled about doing nothing and thereafter opened up her bureau and laboratory.

"I just finished teaching my class, sorry for not answering the phone earlier" Y/n apologised, she could imagine Madam Su hum for the other side

"It's okay my dear, Come to my office."

Y/n left her things in her office and instantly headed over. Madam Su's bureau was right next to her residence, and the neighbourhood was far quiet, peaceful and fitted the old woman, as she simply appreciated nature. By her bureau was a made lake, and by the waterfront was a bunch of pigeons. The surroundings were refreshed with vibrant shrubs and blossoms, and, even more unusually, the water itself was clear and limpid. It was truly a comfortable area to be. The only difficulty was that it was a bit far from college, and the night rush hour only worsened the extended drive, weakened her strength. By the time Y/n arrived, it was already late enough that the early winter's evening was only being held at bay by the encircling lights. She pushed the door open and entered, sending wisps of the winter chilliness along with her.

Madam Su's hair was lined with grey, and her gold-rimmed glasses provided her with a particular scholarly air. She was sitting on the sofa in front of her desk, chatting with a black-haired man sitting in front of her. Upon hearing her, both people overlooked her. Madam Su smiled at her directing for her to come "You're here already? It's cold outside, isn't it?"

Y/n merrily answered, kneading her hands jointly for some heat "It's fine, just a little cold outside but relatively cosy here inside."

The two made small talk as Madam Su gestured for her to sit by her side. She ushered at the young man and introduced the two with a saluting smile "This is the CEO of Fushiguro Group. Toji Fushiguro or Director Toji."

She turned towards him as she introduces her student "This's my youthful lovely and creative Dr Y/n that I've been telling you so much about."

Y/n knew of Fushiguro Group, a large drug manufactory; many of Madam Su Ryomen's operations were funded by this company. Nonetheless, She just hadn't expected their CEO to be so young. He was a relatively handsome man. Y/n's first impression of Toji was not only that he was young and attractive, but also cold and distant. When their gazes confronted, his gaze penetrated her, green emerald eyes staring at her with such void restricted from any emotions. Remembering seen all kinds of patients, Y/n was very susceptible towards people with infrequently remarkable manner, she didn't mind his behaviour that vastly. Since her instructor had introduced her, she smiled and greeted him.

"Nice to meet you!"

Toji maintained staring at her, his forehead slowly creasing. "Your taste in clothes is horrible"

Y/n, slightly baffled, automatically answered back. "Excuse me, what did you say?"

"So irrelevant" This surprising evaluation left Y/n speechless, she squinted her eyes looking at the man quite stunned. Madame Su furthermore looked on blankly for a second before laughing cheerily. "Her students would possibly rip anyone if they ever learned that somebody assessed their gorgeous professor renowned for her taste in clothes"

She giggled so heartily that Y/n felt a bit weary and she declared to Toji, "I'm sorry for offending you with my ugliness. Do you want me to cover up my clothes?"

This spurred another trial of laughter from the aged woman, but it was as if Toji couldn't grasp the humour in her tone. His indifference was something Y/n picked up, he looked down at his Rolex before motioning for Madam Su. "Let's go, it's already time for dinner"

The old lady brushed the tears of laughter off of her face. "Your grandparents aren't here yet, we have to wait for them"

"They're late. Do we need to wait for them?" He replied indifferently, his voice detached. Y/n had some more time to look at him directly. Toji was expressionless, his good-looking face as neutral as still water.

She raised her eyebrows slightly upon seeing that Madam Su was squinting quickly at her. "Let's go, dear"


"To have dinner with us "

"Oh, my bad" Y/n assisted her teacher up, and then followed along partly confused. Toji's grandparents never came, so it was just the three of them at the dining table. He was unwilling the whole time leaving mainly Y/n and Madam Su doing the talking and laughing during the dinner. But just as the waiter served the last fruit platter, he held up his hand and grabbed the waitress wrist.

"Remove it."The girl flinched debating whether to take in his words or not. Both ladies stopped talking. Toji pointed at the platter a little hastily. "What are you thinking, plating the fruits in such an inelegant way?"

The waitress, psychiatrist and her professor all looked at the platter. Quite honestly, the fruits platter was adorned beautifully, with maintenance and preciseness. It was contained of half a honeydew engraved into the shape of a flower, which was then filled with a mixture of rich fruits; it was a typical piece of art.Y/n rapidly glimpsed that on that platter was a crooked cherry tomato, the likely reason for Toji's wicked face.

As expected, this person has a very serious form of OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder). Madame Su did not appear to discover his nature unusual and waved at the waiter with a smile. "Take it away sweetheart, will you?"And, as if nothing had occurred, she twirled to Y/n. "Keep talking about that patient from just now."

Y/n began again explaining, "Her family invited a spirit medium to purify all the ghosts from their house, declaring that the girl must have been possessed. During the ritual, the girl was bitterly terrified, and in her terror, she accidentally murdered her grandmother. When I saw her during my everyday rotations, her situation had already attained a very drastic state, she truly thought that someone had chopped her head off and that she was a headless corpse."

Toji kept his gaze fixed at Y/n during her conversation. It was possibly the first time he had promptly gazed at her after having remarked on her clothes. She was speaking about one of the patients submitted under her oversight, one with a significant case of Cotard's syndrome, colloquially known as the walking corpse syndrome.

"This is truly a particular case of Cotard's syndrome. It's a very unique disorder. How do you plan on tackling it?" Madame Su replied. But before Y/n could respond, the aged woman's phone rang and she picked up instantly.

Y/n heard her say a few words into the phone before Madam Su ended the call giving them a remorseful look."Something important attained at the office, I have to go."

Y/n stood up. "Let me walk you outside Madame Su that least I could do" As a consultant, there were always sudden, surprising circumstances, particularly in the psychiatry department-when patients' diseases flared up, most people wouldn't be able to deal with them. Y/n wasn't worried by Su's sudden withdrawal, only thinking about how she might be able to help her out, essentially a habit she developed.

"Oh Dear," Madame Su interrupted her. "It's fine, my assistant is coming to pick me up, and there are enough people on the scene already. You should remain here and enjoy a delightful dinner with Director Toji since you are his guest now" She soothed then peeked at Toji with a grin adorning her face who gazed back at her. "You'll help me take care of Y/n, won't you Toji?"