[1 year later]
Mikasa "Rama!, mom is calling" poking out of the door.
Rama "coming" as I swing down a axe with one hand, splitting the wood.
It's been a year, I know it's only calm for now, but it's not like I can't enjoy it, for a while.
Over time, the Ackermans treated me as there son, even if I wasn't blood, and mikasa and me grew close.
[flash back]
Mr. Ackerman "no where to go huh? *sigh, well it does make sense why I found alone, I didn't see any signs, of anyone else but you" rubbing his chin.
Mrs. Ackerman "your welcome to stay here with us, I won't send you back into the forest, what do you think mikasa?" Playing with her on her lap.
Mikasa "ok mom haha " getting tickled, before looking at me, while smiling.
Mr. Ackerman "guess that settles it " going up patting my shoulder.
Mrs. Ackerman "welcome to our small family" with a smile, while she hugged me.
"Thank you" smiling, looking at my new family.
[end flashback]
Picking up the wood with one hand, throwing them on my shoulder, though I was still a kid, my strength far pasted a adults.
Mr. Ackerman " that will never not amaze me haha" carrying a single piece of wood, that didn't have to work so hard anymore.
"Can't let you work yourself into the grave, old man" Looking at him with a grin.
Mr. Ackerman "you little" coming to me tapping me on the head.
Both of us "haha" as we walk inside, smelling the food.
Mrs. Ackerman "what's so funny hehe, still letting Rama do your work aren't you...." looking at dad.
I got to say mikasa mother, is scary sometimes, walking too the fire place putting a few.
Mr. Ackerman "it's not like I don't try hunny" hoping to be spared, from his wives creepy smile.
"He's right mom, I'm the one who told father, to leave it to me". Coming to the small dining area.
Mrs. Ackerman "I under.....hold on what did you say Rama?!" Stopping after hearing my words.
"That it was my fault" looking at them while scratching my head.
Mr. Ackerman "no Rama not that you called us..." trying to get out his words.
"Oh..mother and father" smiling, before getting rushed by my mother.
Mrs. Ackerman "you called me mom!! You are my little boy" hugging me with excitement In her voice.
Mr. Ackerman "I was wondering, when you would act more like family, towards us" patting my long hair.
Mikasa "you are my big brother, right Rama" coming in to the kitchen, looking at us, running up and joining the hug.
"That's right, mikasa, your my cute little sister" rubbing her head. She's 8 now so cute.
Mrs. Ackerman "let's eat, celebrate the day our family became whole" walking to grab the stew.
Mr. Ackerman "guess it's a good time as ever, to give you this" giving me a wrapped gift.
Opening it, it was hes old hunting rifle.
"Thanks father, finally admitting I'm better at hunting haha" touching the rifle I had become, all to familiar with.
Mr. Ackerman "you have quite the quick tongue on you boy haha, but I have to say your skill with hunter is something to envy" as mikasa comes to him.
Mikasa "I..I..I I want to hunt to, like you and brother" giving him her puppy eyes.
Mrs. Ackerman "mikasa, I have told you about this, you are not rea.." coming in with the stew.
"Mother it's fine isn't it ? Me and father will protect her" trying to give her my heart melting smile.
Mrs. Ackerman "ehh....no..no Rama that wont work this time" turning her head.
Mr. Ackerman "the boy is right haha" caught in the effect of mikasa puppy eyes.
Mrs. Ackerman "Ahh..very well but protect her, no matter what Rama" looking at me rubbing my cheek.
Mr. Ackerman "what about me hunny?!" Hurt.
Mrs. Ackerman "didn't you say, he was the Better hunter my love haha, now let's eat" acting as if not worried about his plight.
"Haha you heard her father" looking at his drooping head.
Mikasa "see papa, brother is the best he will protect me to hehe" joining in.
Mr. Ackerman "ahhhh even my little girl is against me" looking at mikasa, laughing.
Everyone but him "haha"
As we ate and talked, laughing, after I helped clean the table, and played with mikasa.
Mrs. Ackerman "so he will come tomorrow?" Sitting at the table.
Mr. Ackerman "yes just checking up on us, and to see Rama" rubbing his forehead.
Mrs. Ackerman "I understand he is our son! I will not let him be judged by his looks" getting a little anxious.
Mr. Ackerman "there just going into the city, grisha and I will be there, I will not let our boy come to any harm...." holding her hand.
Mrs. Ackerman "you know they are ignorant to what they don't understand! Our son is not a monster!" Covering her mouth, remembering the first time we went into the city.
Mr. Ackerman "do you think Rama, cares about those things?, he still smiled all the same when they said those things to him, he will be fine" hugging his wife.
Mrs. Ackerman "he's not a mom..." rubbing her husbands hand back, knowing how the people who live behind that wall can be.
"It's ok mom, as long as you guys understand me who cares" the same smile i always have, it's not like they can do anything to me anyway.
mikasa "yes mama I will protect brother!" Acting like she was a fighter, with no form just punching the air.
Mrs. Ackerman "ok ok haha..time to sleep a long day tomorrow." Getting up looking at us, walking us to our room.
And like that the day passed, even though this world is shit, for all the death, schemes, the little works that move in the back ground I do not care. As the makers on my face grow a little, so what if they think of me as a demon cause my eyes, as my yellowish eyes glow.