
W.I.T.C.H. Awakens

Elyon gains a Brother, a protector, following her true brother's rise to the throne and her subsequent exile onto Earth in 2004. In order to hide her presence, she was never told her true identity as the Princess of Meridian, nor who her family really was. However thanks to Jackarion's presence, she knows a bit more than what meets the eye. On a Quest to find the Guardians of the Veil in 2018. Lord Jackarion enlists Yan Hay, a former Guardian, and her magical trinket which is actually the Heart of Kandrakar to find the next bearer of the stone and with them the next set of Guardians.

ZGearCecil · TV
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3 Chs

『Silver Dragon』

Florescent blue whisps bobbed through the air, little tails of spiritual greatness wiggling around them like mystical auras, as they drifted in a circle around Jack. They were a magnificent sight to see, as the dimly lit room was illuminated by their presence alone.

Suddenly all of these balls of light converged on him, a flash of light taking over the room. Everything was engulfed for a few seconds before it slowly faded.

There was no one to the blind, no one to fool and no one to see.

"I almost forgot! Ugh... I have to go meet with Elyon at the Silver Dragon," the young teen droned to himself as he was now in his human form.

At seventeen years old, he had a taller than average height and black layered hair with a braid reaching down to his mid-back. He was dressed in a black turtleneck under a white sweater vest, a pair of cargo pants with some matching boots.

Reaching up to his neck, he lightly grasped the Heart of Kandrakar that hung on a necklace of sorts tied off around his neck.

Keeping his legs on the bed, he looked around the room as he narrowed his gaze on the pair of panties along with her clothes she had been wearing earlier laying on the floor.

Taking in a deep breath, he slowly exhaled before pushing himself to his feet.

Plucking her underwear up with the end of two fingers, he tossed it into the hamper by the door. He then tossed her shirt and socks into the hamper as well. Once he got her hoodie, he paused and sniffed it lightly.

It smelled like her, a faint smile formed over his lips as he almost forgot that he had forgotten about meeting his sister and the rest of the 'family' back at the restaurant. The same place in that Will was going to be in a short while.

Tossing the hoodie over his shoulder, allowing it to the land on the bed, he waltzed over to the window with an ambient empty gaze. "It's supposedly going to be sunny tomorrow, pfft... I'd like to see that happen," Jack shook his head before

The sky was still crying out loud, howling, and hitting against the window at an unsatisfying angle. and opened just a crack. 'Traveling by Will-O'-The-Wisp seems to be for the best,' he thought as he was chuckling to himself. Just like how the light had changed his form, his body dissipated into the form of an extraordinary orb of mysterious energy and squeezed out under the window.

Transparent blue tendrils reached out and pushed the window closed once more, as to avoid getting her room wet. So without further adieu, through the pouring rain and the powerful winds ahead, Jack flew off in the direction of the restaurant owned by Hay Lin's Grandmother.

There were countless people on the street sidewalks to the point he felt like he was flying over the sea. Horns honked and because of the rain, no one noticed him as he was nothing more than a low flying very transparent mass of mist to them.

About a few minutes later, he was pretty sure he had passed over the Sedan belonging to the Vandoms.

At this point, he couldn't feel the cold, and it wasn't something he missed. The water went right through him, making him internally shift at the idea of something passing through him. Still, all he had to stay at least five meters away from the people below, to remain inconspicuous and camouflaged, so it gave him a small amount of comfort that no one was seeing him like this.

Cutting through a gap between two tall standing buildings, Jack lowered himself towards the ground by a few meters. He was hovering just above two meters, above most people of average height.

As he went back out along the walkway bordering the central avenue he took a sharp turn. He could see the bright red brick-built shop at the very end of the street, its vibrant green and yellow roofing making it stick out amongst all the grey that the world was made out of.

Smiling internally, he was coming close to the front entrance, 'Almost there...'

"When is Jack going to get here?" A voice rocketed through the noisy gusts of wind that plagued his senses. It was none other than two blondes known as Elyon, his sister, and her best friend Cornelia Hale. "You said he was coming right?"

"Can you stop obsessing over my brother?" Elyon twirled the braid running down the front of her right side, glaring her big blue eyes at her most trustworthy friend. "Seriously," she huffed.

"Oi... Don't be such a party pooper," Cornelia blew a raspberry towards her friend teasingly.

Slipping into the alleyway behind the restaurant, covered by the roof that shadowed over it, Jack transformed back into his human form and landed on his feet.

"Huh? What was that?" Cornelia blinked lightly as she turned her head to the side, running a hand through her blonde hair. Her gaze rested on the alleyway for a few seconds, but no one came out.

Taking his phone out of his pocket, he flipped it open as he leaned against the red brick wall before pressing the button designated with the number two and holding it down. A few seconds later, the phone would begin to ring. A small chirping sound could be heard on the other side of the wall, it was Elyon's phone.

"Uh... Eh!? It's Jack, is he going to be late again!?" Elyon snapped to herself before answering it and putting it by her ear. "Jack, is that you?" Her voice had taken a complete one-eighty, being calm, compassionate, even alluring to some degree.

"No, this is the Sixth Street Pizza Parlor, calling to see if you still ordered pepperoni every Wednesday at nine..." Jack purred into the phone.

"Are you being serious now, Jack?" Elyon giggled lightly just at a hint that shared the likeness to his normal voice as he purred. "Where are you anyway?"

"Nearby," Jack rested the back of his head against the brick wall with a smug look on his face. "I found part of what I am looking for, so I'm closer to fixing the problem."

"Nearby?" Elyon blinked a few times before both she and Cornelia glanced at the alleyway. "Hmm... So does that mean you'll be home more often, or out even more?"

"Probably out more, but don't worry. You're my precious little sister," Jack's head lulled to the side carefully, his empty gaze becoming more casual compared to before.

Her face was quickly taken over by a tinge of red which bothered the natural pigment of her cheeks. She was blushing and Cornelia only just noticed as she looked towards her a few seconds later.

"Huh? What's with that face?" Cornelia Hale blinked several times looking over her face, "What is he saying? Is he talking about me? That's the reason your face is so red right? Haha, of course, it is!"

"No, no I'm not," Jack hung up his cellphone and stepped out of the alleyway looking over the two of them. Immediately causing Cornelia to freeze up, "What a 'Corny' Narcissist," he used her nickname was a pun. "You have to stop making things all about yourself, or you won't even be caught in a spider's web."

"Why would I want to be captured by a spider!? That's so grosssss~!" Cornelia blurted as her arms tensed at her sides, her hands clenched in fists to emphasize her meager sense of rage.

Jack walked passed her without much of a care, slipping his fingers into his sister's hand and pulling her along. From the corner of his eye, he could see Will Vandom and her Mother driving by. A splash of excitement beat against the interior of his chest as he saw her flash a smile as he gave her a side glance.

Will, on the other hand, had wide eyes as she saw a low wave of his free hand in her direction. He had noticed her! Giving herself a silent cheer with her hands clenched shut as if she scored a massive set of points.

"What are you cheering about?" Laughed Susan as she looked over at her daughter, before catching a glance of the young man with the black braid heading inside the Restaurant with the blondes. "Oh? He seems to have company..."

"That's his sister," Will pointed out with a wide smile as her mother pulled the car over to the side in front of a parking meter.

"His sister's cute," Susan smiled to herself, "Is she your friend."

"Remember, mom, don't you dare embarrass me." She raised a brow and pointed to her mother, as she let her body slide against the uncovered passenger seat of the sedan.

"Right, right. Go get him my little--"

"Mooom~!" Will cried before she snatched her blue coat from the back seat and jumped out onto the sidewalk. Quickly whipping her jacket over her shoulders, she fixed her velvet colored turtleneck before rushing toward the front door of the restaurant.

As she slipped inside, she quickly found warmth that allowed her wet face to quickly start drying.

Susan shook her head and quickly followed after her, bringing her purse along with her over her shoulder before paying the meter with an application on her phone. "Such a handy little thing..."

Soon enough the duo was standing beside one another, searching over the small number of guests who were currently ordering or getting their food.

"So where is the boy you like?" Susan held a hand flatly over her brow as if she was blocking out the sun to scout out the horizon.

"Don't embarrass me," she muttered as she furrowed her brows at her mother, before turning her head just in time to see Jack walking passed his family's table and over to an elderly woman in blue-ish green robes. "Oh I see him," she blinked a few times as she watched him hand the woman a small bag that seemed to strangely grab her attention.

"He seems to be friends with the owner," Susan raised a brow, "Maybe he works here?"

Tilting her head to the side, Will wasn't quite sure that was the case, "I... Don't think so," was her only response to this observation. He seemed to be returning something.

"Will?" Hay Lin, a Chinese girl a year younger than Will and granddaughter of the owner, flashed a smile seeing her classmate occupying the space in front of the host stand with their parent.

"Oh, Hay Lin." Will smiled in return, "You work here?"

"I live here," Hay Lin giggled to the new girl from her class, "From the looks of things, you were checking out Jack, weren't you?" She continued to smile as nothing could ever affect her, as if she was an iron wall.

Will's face turned beet red, "Am I?" She bleated out questioningly, trying to cover for herself. Either way, she grasped the outer edge of the host stand with her thumbs, her other fingers resting on its flat surface.

Leaning forward, Hay Lin covered one side of her mouth, gesturing for Will to come in closer. "Corny already tried her hand and was put down by him last week. So relax, he's free," she whispered to the redhead with a faint encouraging grin now across her lips.

"Really?" Will's eyes were wide, finding it unbelievable that he was single. Then again, she had a hard time believing Matt Olson may have been single too. If either of them were seeing someone, there was no telling how jealous she could get. Nipping at her lower lip, she turned to look at Jack's general direction.

Jack was standing where he had met up with Hay Lin's grandmother, but she had long since left him alone. He was just standing there with a friendly expression, looking directly at her.

Though the moment he noticed her gaze, his eyes briefly broadened before his sights fell away from her. In a swift motion, in only a couple seconds he had moved to his family's table, and sat down.

"Did you see that?" Will asked in a hushed squeal, still pumped from the low wave before, she nearly jumped in place as she was both excited and anxious.

"Huh... He was looking at you," Hay Lin exclaimed rather stoked by the sudden development. As she grinned to herself, she strokes her chin, "I'll get you a table near him, ok?"

"What, for real? AWESOMENESS!" Will beamed at the offer, already seeing a friend in Hay Lin.

Fetching the menus from other the stand, she gestures for her new friend to follow, leading them by the white cloth-covered tables. People were eating their food at mixed paces, the food smelled good, but it seemed there weren't all that many people working out on the floor.

Maneuvering between tables was mere child play. When they finally reached the desired table, Will quickly sat down on the right side of the table, directly to Jack's back.

When it came to Susan however, she sat directly across the table from her daughter, smiling at her with a favorable gaze. Then her eyes moved over towards Jack who was leaning back in his chair, skimming over the menu whilst the rest of his family were doing the same.

"Here are your menus," Hay Lin said as she put them down on the table in front of her classmate, "I'll get you guys some water while you look over the menu." With that, she left them alone.

"So did you find what you were looking for?" Thomas, Elyon and Jack's adoptive father, asked curiously as he looked over the child he had been taking care of for well over a decade now.

"Mmm... Yes, I did," Jack hardly shifted in his seat as he glanced up towards his 'father' and tilted his head to the side slightly, "The holder is supremely elegant, if I may say so myself, and worth keeping close."

Thomas raised a brow lightly. He was a man with prim and proper short brown hair, sad-looking dark eyes with pale skin. What was most remarkable regarding his attire though happened to be an old dark green and grey business suit, which set him apart from most others.

Beside him was a moderately modest-looking wife, with ginger hair and sharp green eyes named Miriadel. She wore a fragile smile across her lips as she was peering over her children.

"Holder?" Elyon inquired curiously as she leaned toward her brother who was she was sitting beside. "What kind of holder did you find?"

Little did she know, a massive pressure was then set upon Jack by her parents, one that weighed down on him like a massive anvil being dropped from the heavens above. It had far more electrical charge than the thunder and lightning that governed the skies.

Cornelia, likewise, was rather ignorant of this fact as well. She was just sitting beside Elyon with her arms fixated over her chest. The girl didn't seem like she was having a good time, but no one else seemed bothered by this.

"Uh, a Coffee Cupholder... Yeah, a Cupholder~!" Jack blurted out at a moderate volume as a sweat drop formed over his brow, scratching the back of his head, purring to himself.

'Why do I have to keep this whole thing a secret anyway? Is it because I was old enough to remember? The head of the Royal Guard is such a pain...' He thought to himself, his eyes concentrated on Thomas who was alternatively known as Alborn, the Head Royal Guard of Meridian.

"Eeeeh~?" Creasing her brows in disbelief to her brother's fib, Elyon pursed her lips. She knew he was lying his, which was unusual, considering he was normally mischievous and good at hiding his tracks.

Elyon's eyes then followed his gaze over towards their father, whose morose-eyes, were staring through her adoptive brother. "Hm..." Though as she did so, she hardly noticed as Jack turned his attention elsewhere.

As it seemed, she was not the only one curious about what he had found. Will who was listening in on their conversation was growing curious about what he was talking about. People didn't usually describe a cupholder as elegant or worth keeping around. It sounded more like he was talking about a person. Curling in her upper lip, she turned her head to glance over towards the crush she had in the building.

Jack was already looking over at her, immediately locking eyes. "Hey there," his voice charming like a heated knife slipping effortlessly through butter as he spoke.

It felt like something grasping her throat, she was almost unable to breathe. "Um... Hi..." Will bashfully spoke, her voice quiet, but he could hear her as his lips became soft and welcoming in the form of a smile.

Cornelia immediately snapped to attention hearing Jack talked to someone, her eyes dropping upon the redhead like that of a hawk's upon prey.

"Will, right?" Jack's dark blue eyes were carving their way in through her big brown hues and sticking their flag into them, claiming them as his own.

"Yeah," she immediately lit up as he had known her name before she even had to introduce herself properly. "And your name is Jack," she shifted her legs to the side of the seat to face him directly, "Elyon's brother."

Nodding to her, Jack nonchalantly rested his arm over the back of his chair, holding out a hand for hers as if to ask for a shake. "It's a pleasure to talk to you," his head dipped to the side slightly.

Elyon was just staring at the back of her brother's head, then changing her gaze over towards Will. Perceptively, she saw the workable connection between the two of them, but she just had no feasible thought that would connect her and the holder.

Will without hesitation clasped his hand and excitedly bounced in her seat, "Likewise."

"You moved in this semester, right? If you need anything, just let me know. Learning in a new place can be quite challenging." That was an immediate offer, one that she was likely waiting for.

"Oh? That is convenient," Corny complained quietly to herself.

"Just what we were looking for!" Susan leaned forward against their table, looking over Will and Jack who were still holding hands, not having let go just yet.

Will's head nearly did a three-sixty as she turned to look at her mother, subtly shaking her head. She had told her mother not to embarrass her and that was exactly what she sensed she was about to do, even though she had told her not to.

"Perhaps..." Susan grinned smugly at her daughter who looked as if she was going to die, "You could tutor Will. Her grade in Algebra isn't very high, and since I'm busy with work..." She sounded as if she was laying down bait for a grand catch.

Jack raised a brow at this, only to look to Will once more, "I'll meet you after school tomorrow." Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his cellphone and flicked over to his contacts, "Would you like to put yourself in?"

"Yes, yes. Of course," Will speedily took hold of his phone and began typing in her information. She only put in her number and 'Will Vandom' as she didn't want to put in her full first name. She found it awkwardly long and annoying.

Once she was finished, she held it back out to him to take, "Is there anywhere you'd like to meet?" She questioned eagerly, resting her hands in her lap as pleasant and polished as possible.

Taking his phone back and slipping it into his pocket, he thought about her question. 'There are a few places we can go to... The library seems to be the best idea to meet, I wonder if...' His eyes moved over to her mother for a few seconds, then back to Will. "How about we meet at the library after school? Then go to your place to study?"

Elyon's jaw slackened before she immediately faced forward, puffing up a cheek jealously.

"Sounds like a good idea," Will lost the ability to stop herself from smiling, "But how come you're agreeing so easily to this?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Jack replied with his own question to combat hers, something which caught her off guard and made her heart punch out heavily against her ribs.

Swallowing shallowly, she nodded as she let her head lower a bit, averting eye contact as she couldn't control the heat that was coming to her face. "I see..."