
Chapter 15


After Raven had released me some hours ago she looked astonished. "Where did you learn to do that." I glance away from her. I did not wish to admit it but I had learned that specific trick from AJ… "Do what? Did I do something not to your liking?" She shakes her head at me, her arms still wrapped around my neck. "Not at all. That was…wow. I applaud you. Are you sure you've never made out with anyone before?" The question catches me off guard and I reflexively push my glasses up on my nose "I am sure." "Mmmm, right." She nods "Well, that was fun. Do you want to get something to eat?" her blue eyes are alight with hope. Hope about whom or what is the question I do not have the answer to. "Will it be steak?" I ask her. My response in return is a scoff "No, I don't have money for that. Sorry to disappoint." "Disappoint? Not at all, I hate steak, and mashed potatoes; it is all rather bland, with its spices, and mixing, and mashing. It is just…" "Bland?" Raven finishes for me. "Yes. Bland."

That is how we ended up in the McDonald's right down the street from our alley, talking about toxic gas as I stare at my food that looks like a greasy mess dipped in more grease. Luckily, I paid for our food; so I do not need to feel bad for not eating. Earlier when Raven had said she didn't have money for steak she meant I didn't have money for steak being as when she went to pay for our food she pulled out my wallet from her pocket. I tune back into Raven's rant about how toxic gas is not effective enough in small doses just as she is finishing.

"And the dude was only out for like 20 seconds, so I didn't even have time to get my shirt back on before he was calling the cops. It's ridiculous, but any larger amount is considered 'illegal' which is dumb."

She takes a bite out of her burger, it is this time when I am confused about why other guys say girls barely eat in front of them, she takes some of the biggest bites I have seen; this is hard to top because I have been friends with AJ since about kindergarten. He nearly eats burgers whole.

"I agree," I say to her "When taken in small doses bleach and ammonia is not very affective, you were better off using Chloroform, and that only works so well."

"I know right! Wait, how do you know so much about these gasses? I only have access because of my parents and my dad told me that someone else who knows everything I know is probably a government agent trying to kill me."

I give her a look "Valerie Raven Sierra. I am a hacker, I can find all of your personal information in 15 seconds if I saw a cause. It is entirely plausible for me to have researched and hacked into certain classified government folders to accumulate the information I have about toxic gas."

The look on her face displays absolute horror. "You know my full name?" I sigh, I really hope that is not all she gathered from what I just told her. If she is yet another imbecile I will be very disappointed.

"Yes, I do. And I entirely understand why you wish to go by Raven. The name Valerie signifies kindness and loyalty, neither of which describe you for ought that I can tell, while Raven signifies a party goer who is wanted by all the guys. It also entails that you can either hate everyone or be the most popular girl in school. This description fits you more accurately."

She looks confused…I thought she had a slightly higher intellect. Even AJ understands me when I ramble on about things such as the meaning of names.

"Ummm, thanks for understanding why I don't like the name Valerie. I just can't tell if you were insulting me or not."

I sigh, I cannot quite tell if she truly understood what I was saying but she seems to understand more than I initially thought. Which is a good sign.

"I had no intention of insulting you Raven. I apologize if I made you feel so"

"Stop." She says "Your monotonous tone and lack of eye contact shows me you really feel no guilt for having possibly offended me. And when it comes to me, don't apologize unless you mean it. Empty promises are too predictable, it's the same with insincerity."

She takes a long pull from her soda. "You're correct but, for future reference. Did I truly offend you?" She scoffs at my inquiry

"No. I just couldn't tell if you were trying to or not."

"It is never my intention to insult people I just…do. It is like people cannot handle plain fact. Like the theory of evolution, I was almost beat to a bloody pulp by zealots for talking about how the theory of evolution should be considered fact. Instead of only theory."

She barks a laugh and nods "Yeah, that makes sense. You seem like the type that gets beat up a lot." I nod as I take a drink from my soda "That is actually how AJ and I became friends. He kept me from getting beat up by some angry 5th graders by throwing dirt in their eyes and spitting on them."

"Seriously?" she smiles "How old were you guys?"

"I do believe we were five."

"And taking on 5th graders? Dang. I'm glad I met you two, hot and badass. You're a double threat. Triple if you count the budding romance between you two."

Blood rushes to my cheeks and I choke on my soda. Coughing frantically, I manage to speak.

"How do you know about that?"

Genuine, slightly manic laughing comes from Raven as I struggle to keep my breathing under control.

"I saw you two behind the school, I didn't actually see your lips touch but it was obvious. Relax, I'm not gonna tell anyone about it."

I stare at Raven and take in her dark blue eyes, her even darker hair. When she laughed it stirred a…strange emotion in me, similar to what I feel around AJ but not quite. I look at her ruby red lips, her thick black eyeliner, her metallic green eye shadow.

"Raven, you are very beautiful." She scoffs and rolls her eyes "Yeah, like I haven't heard that one a million times."

I shake my head at her "I do not mean your sexually enticing façade, I mean you, all natural and in person are beautiful. Inside and out no matter what you might think of yourself."

Obviously stunned by my words, Raven looks away and makes a half-hearted excuse to go to the bathroom before speeding away from the table.