
W for Weird Family

What it takes to be born in a family full of weird members. Father is the leader of an Italian Mafia, mother is an Assassin, and her elder brother is a trained fighter and her second brother is a world class hacker. And now she is the only one who doesn't know what her family actually does for living. "Well you should come and learn more about my family no.. Actually weird family. My mysterious weird Family"

Bani_Mazumder · Teen
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3 Chs


What it takes to be a daughter of a wealthy 'no' weird 'Yes'. What it takes to be a daughter of a weird family.

'Well I am'

Ever since, I was born my family adored. I thought my family was just typical a rich family but, one day when I was returning home from school early, I thought of giving my father a surprise. So I went to his office and to my surprise I found my gentle father's face filled with cold and dangerous expression. He was not talking gently but coldly to the man next to him.

Os I didn't go inside and went home thinking that he was just stressed out because of work. And then when I thought it was wrong I saw my mother killing a person ruthlessly and by her looks she enjoyed it a lot.

An that time I new that something is wrong. But I wen inside my house thinking it was all an illusion and I pretended as if I didn't new anything.

So I thought of telling my older and younger brother about it. And when I went to my older brothers room at night I found out that my family has more than one secret. I saw my brother practicing martial arts and my second brother playing with his big computer there room looked more like an underground training spot than a room.

I knew that something was very wrong so I became Jane Silverstone to Detective Jane. And started collecting evidence about my family's weird behaviour at night.

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