
Vulture of Eternal: the Desire of Future without Duty

"The end of journey means the start of another one." -Book of Felicity "A reliving and experiencing a life that I abandon. What a predicament." That's one of the thoughts she had. Someone who only desires a normal life, yet that desire was not for her to gain. Died once and relive the life that she almost hated. Drown from loneliness, exhausted and bearing all the duty she had never wished for. Unexpectedly between those years, she found such people that she always hoped to protect and watch as they grow. Saving a life she had cherished is a normal thing to do, even sacrificing something she had...is the most treasured moment she could remember. ("Sometimes reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey." -Vera Nazarian) She thought that her journey was once ended, thus another journey is now starting to call her. A journey that she thought she ended but the truth is, it was just an unfinished journey that she tried to abandon. ("Sometimes it's the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination." -Drake) As she was trying to resolve everything, she suddenly found a friend, a companion, and good people-what will be her life now? Can she find the answers to all of her unanswered lingering questions in her heart? For her, this is another journey where a life full of mysteries that are needed to unravel. Like a thread of fate, that binds up her heart.

Arria_Hestia · Fantasy
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13 Chs


It was an afternoon of the 6th month of the year. It was quite busy in the place where I was assigned to. The soldiers are busy walking around the camp as preparing for the battle, while others are helping us to resupply the medicines and bandages.

Knowing this kind of work was exhausting, I keep on pushing through myself to it, though my husband was mad about it. I understand his thoughts of being concerned about fatigue that I would get from working my ass of. But this work was vital on helping the soldiers for their mission-the subjugation of demonic species.

This will be the second time that the kingdom of Urania done this expedition.

"My lady, all the supplies needed for this tent are here in the corner. Do you need anything else? Madame?" Neita said, one of the soldiers. I look at him and give him a nod.

"I think for now, that's enough. I'll inform you if I needed more of these. Thank you, Sir Neita."

He bowed slightly and then went out from the tent.

Now, I have to finish my rounds on checking the wounded men in this tent. And hoping for this expedition to end.

But my prayers was not heard.

I felt the ground shaking. I immediately run outside the tent, and witness as the horde of demonic species are heading towards the camp where all of us are staying. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind making the tents rattled and surrounding trees swayed because of it. I hardly make myself look to the source of that wind, my heart was like crushed by a heavy boulder.

No. Seeing this terrifying situation, I felt like my knees are getting weak. I just felt that I've been sitting on the ground from slowly sinking to the thoughts of being killed and the fear of not be able to save everyone.

It was the so called legendary high-breed of demonic species. The Death dragon of demonic realm.


"That's all for today. Please, don't forget your incoming deadline for the last month's project that I've given to you. See you next week, class." The professor said as he was emphasizing the task he had given to his class where its due is already around the corner.

But for the 4th year college students of the Zircon Academy, it was like a normal routine for them to do difficult tasks and projects thus they could still pass it on time.

The bell rang for lunch break. Some of the students went home, some of them decided to eat their lunch outside the academy where a town was nearby, and some of them remain and ate their lunch in the school cafeteria—mostly of them are scholars.



The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

Moreover, it reflects the author's present recollections of experiences over time. Some names and characteristics have been changed, some events have been compressed, and some dialogue has been recreated.

Again, this is a work of fiction.

*To all images/media used in this story are totally credits to the owner. I don't own or even created them. Some of it are borrowed from Pinterest, specifically from Google.

Author's Note:

Greetings! To all the readers of this story, I hope you're all doing well. I hope that you will love this story, the fruit of my imagination. Though, it is my first time writing a story using English language as the medium, I hope that I will be successful in delivering all my thoughts especially in narrating the story—the fact that it was my second language.

Please forgive me, when there are some part of the chapters that could be messy, confusing, or even shows grammatical errors. Hence, I've been teaching myself to correct it from time to time before updating or publishing a chapter. Hoping for your help and kind consideration. As I am trying my best to make it better and better in every chapter.

I hope that you will enjoy reading this story, and support it through your votes and comments. I think that's all.

Thank you everyone! ❤️

This story entitled: "Vulture of Eternal: the Desire of Future without Duty"