

Jayden a chief bodyguard to a very powerful politician with many enemies always puts his best into his job. He is a very good fighter and everyone knows that. He was feared amongst his colleagues. Having gone through a lot as an orphan growing up in an orphanage, he had decided to learn how to fight to defend himself and his best friend Lionel whom he loves like a brother. His fighting skills had gained the attention of a powerful politician who decided then and there to make him his personal bodyguard. He worked himself out to be where he is today. To Jayden two things ever matters- his family and his job. He would not hesitate to let hell loose on whoever tries to come in between these two things. Then there's Rose who's not helping matters at all. Obviously he's going to be the very thing he hated.

joseph_patience · Realistic
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11 Chs

Chapter 5. Dust up

Before king could say a word Jaden pounced on him and delivered punches continuously. He would kill him but he wants him to feel pains all over first. Even if king's pain was physical and his was emotional, he still wanted him to feel pain.

Charlotte screamed at the guards to save King while she stood afar. The guards, six in numbers rushed to pull Jaden away from King.

One of the guards punched me in the face and I turned to him. He was among the new recruit. I was about delivering a deadly blow to his throat when Lionel held my hand.

" Hold him down." King managed to order, scared I might launch at him again. At the order the guards pushed Lionel away and six of them held me down. My face to the earth.

"Look Jay I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of these to happen but when my wife passed away and you took me out to feel better "

I absolutely remember that day. His wife had died of cancer. He felt very sad and I took him to a bar to relax himself. It was 7:30 pm so when we were done I told him I'd love to see my wife and to tell her the reason why I won't be home. I didn't just want to call her. I wanted her to see me in person while I explained why I won't be home with her tonight. King agreed and said he'd love to meet my wife too and apologize to her for having to steal me away that night. We got to my home that day and Charlotte treated us to a nice meal. The memory of that day got me more angry. " Was that when you slept with my wife?" I spat angrily.

"No." He answered firmly as if trying to scold me for thinking ridiculously of him. "Well you see after that day we met again. That was how it all started. She told me she never loved you cause her parents forced her into marrying you."

"What?" I heard Lionel screamed from behind. "She lied to you."

It was king's turn to be surprised " I don't understand."

"Well." Lionel continued " her first fiance broke up with her, she tried killing herself, long story short Jaden found her, loved her and they both got married until now that he found out the love was one sided. She used you like she used Jaden."

Confused King signaled the guards to release me and they did then he turned to her." Is that true?"

Stammering she answered "well, em, em. That was the only time I lied to you. Every other thing I told you was nothing but the truth."

"Wow Charlotte, you really are a bitch." I cursed at her as I stood up and clean the dirt on my clothes.Whether King was disappointed or not I don't know but he knew me finding out was a threat not only to him but also his political career.

"Jay I want us to settle this peacefully." King said.

"Of course we will. When your political career blows up in your face, that will give me peace. Get ready to be exposed to the whole world on who you really are." I turned to leave. By my threat he knew I wasn't only talking about him snatching my wife but all the atrocious deeds we have committed in his name. Who better knows King than his right hand man? - me. Even if it'll mean me going down, I'm not going down alone. He's going down with me. I turned to leave not caring whether he'd order them to shoot me now. There were guards watching from afar, some who were my trusted aide, who has worked with me for years. If anything happens to me I know they won't let it slide after hearing the whole story.

"I'll pay you ten million to let this go." I heard king offered. Angrily I rushed past the guards to him and grabbed him by his throat.

"I loved this woman unconditionally and I served you with all loyalty from my teenage years until now. But what have I gotten in return? - Betrayal. By the two people I am very loyal to." At this point Charlotte was crying and pleading for me to stop, the guards were ready to attack me but all King deed was raise a hand to stop them. What was he trying to prove? That he now suddenly gained a conscience? Where was that conscience when he's been fucking my wife. That explains some times when he would travel and ask me not to come but to help him sort out some of his company's issues. And Charlotte would always travel to see her parents. The signs were written on the wall but I was to blinded by love and loyalty to see it all.

I let go of him after choking him to my satisfaction. "You will hear from me so be prepared for your worst nightmare." I hissed in his face before leaving his presence. I know one thing King will do anything to keep and that is his political career and ambition- to become the president. I was going to ruin the election for him. After working with him for many years he knew I don't give empty threats.If he wants this buried then it's better he kills me now cause I'm not letting this betrayal go. My only concern was Lionel's safety, I'll die first before anything happens to him. I expected him to command them to fire gunshots at me but didn't hear him give such. At least his actions shows he doesn't want me dead just yet.


On our way home Lionel drove the car seeing how unstable I was. If the heat of anger boiling inside me was a bomb it would have exploded by now and destroyed the whole city. I'd destroy his political career and I mean it. I picked my phone to call Harrison. He was a veteran journalist at 'You rock tv'. Not only that he also belong to the political party that opposed king's. Harrison's childhood friend was their party's presidential aspirant. He'd do anything that'd guarantee his dear friend winning the election. On many occasions he had come to ask me to work for him. On one occasion he asked me to name my price but I turned him down. I had told him I won't betray king for money. If I had known king would do this to me I would have switched sides long ago. He would be glad to hear and publish what King has done. I dial his line and on first ring he answered

" Yes talk to me Jaden." I was surprised he has my number . I didn't doubt it was him cause his deep voice can betray him any where.

" How did you get my number? I asked him

" Oh my dear friend. Always inquisitive. Well with true caller apps out these days you can never tell."

That sounds like a buyable truth but I know better.

"Does your call mean you have accepted my offer?"

Nothing will make him happier than me saying yes. To him it will be a slap to king's face. But with what's going on in my life right now I have no intention of working for him or king or any politician.

" No but I have something that might give you a winning hand in the coming election."

"Hmm." I heard him say. " Should I be concerned that the everly faithful Jaden is suddenly ready to tell me something that'd help me in the coming election against King who is like a god to him? Tell me, what is it?."

"Choose a place and I'll meet you tomorrow to tell you." I hanged up the call. If I wasn't looking disheveled from dirt's and bruise I'd go there but Harrison is quizzical in nature or perhaps he owes that trait due to his profession.

"I still can't believe Charlotte slept with your boss for the money." Lionel hissed bringing me back from my thoughts. I knew that but I just still can't bring myself to believe this is happening to me.

We went to Lionel's place cause I couldn't bring myself to go over to my place. Something about it now repulses me. There was no way I'd go to my place without thinking the best way to end my misery was to kill King and Charlotte.


"It worked, it worked." a guy barged into Lionel's house. He hugged Lionel almost lifting him up. The dude was grinning from ear to ear.

"On my first day I made five hundred box and I got 150 customers. Isn't that amazing?" Lionel happily offered him a sit.

" Yeah I know. I never really expected such crowd myself. It shows you didn't just only take my advice you put forth effort too."

"I'm really grateful . And to think you offered me a free section with you."

He dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out money. "This is 250 box. Please take it as an appreciation from me."

" No way. Take that as your startup capital. You can show your appreciation by bringing me more clients. Then I can charge for every advice they come for."


"You're welcome.". He left and I came out from the dark corner I was, observing everything.

"Who is he?"

"Oh that's Benny. He came for advice on his business. 500 dollars in one day? Can you imagine that?."

"Nah. You know it's just funny how you advise people on starting a business but you've never started one yourself."

"Hey man you know me well. This is what I'm good at. Helping people develop their business. Besides my home is my office as you can see." He gestures his hands round the whole room and we both laughed.

"Well you're getting better every day."

" I just need a big customer to hit big and open my office. You know, a big building on the top floor where I can look I can look at the whole city through the glass window of my office."

"Don't worry I have hope your dream will definitely come true someday."

"I'll make us something to eat."

"I can't wait. Harrison just texted me the address. He'll soon be waiting there for me. But I'll go over to my place to pick a few things before I head to the address Harrison sent.

"Are you sure about this?"

I replied with a nod and left.