
VRMMORPG:The Sun Sets When The World Ends

Dante, an apostle for the evil God????? kneeled on the collapsed floor of a building coughing up blood, looking around he saw nothing but destruction where there was once prosperity and laughed self mockingly while he reminisced about how he did it. "Why?... Why did you do it Dante!" the hero said as his eyes swam looking around at this destruction, his voice sounding like he was on the verge of crying, his sword weakly at the neck of Dante, waking Dante from his reminiscent due to the icy sensation of the magical metal. "It was the only way...and even if there was another option, it's too late anyway," Dante said as he looked at the hero with his already half-blind blue eyes from the fight they just had. Hearing that, the hero didn't even continue speaking with him and just swung the sword, instantly decapitating him. The last sight he saw was the beautiful sunset mixed among the ruins of buildings as his vision turned black. [Activating Chronos's last wish] A villain's end is never the end (PayPal link) https://www.paypal.me/LeoKala3q ____________________________________________ (Author Disclaimer) I don't own nor claim the rights to the picture If want to be removed, please contact me (MASSIVE REWORK EMMINENT!!!!!) A's an author. I want to give you my best, so that's why I will rework will be reworking all chapters released. ___________________________________________ (Ps Goals) 100 Ps =2 chaps extra 500 Ps=5 chaps extra 1000 Ps=10 chaps extra Ps goals are stacked so if you complete all of them you will get 17 chaps

Death_Penalty · Games
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35 Chs


Certain individuals possess an extraordinary power that sets them apart from others. This power is not something that can be learned or earned through hard work and dedication but is instead inherited through their bloodline. These individuals are known to possess unique abilities and talents that enable them to achieve greatness.

However, in some rare cases, individuals without such a bloodline can obtain these powers. This is known as obtaining a "bloodline" or "lineage." It is said that this can be achieved through various means, such as drinking the blood of a powerful bloodline holder or undergoing a ritual that allows them to inherit the power.

Upon obtaining a bloodline, an individual will gain a variety of benefits. First and foremost, they will receive a significant boost in their physical and magical abilities, allowing them to achieve feats that were once thought impossible. They may also gain access to unique and powerful skills and techniques that are exclusive to those with the bloodline.

Additionally, those with a bloodline are often able to sense the presence of others with the same lineage, creating a sense of camaraderie and kinship among those who share the power.

However, obtaining a bloodline is not without its risks. The power that comes with it can be overwhelming, and without proper training and control, it can lead to disaster. Some have even been known to succumb to the power and become consumed by it, turning into monstrous beings that are a danger to those around them.

Furthermore, those who possess a bloodline are often the target of jealousy and envy, as their abilities are seen as a symbol of power and status. This can make them a target for those who seek to obtain the power for themselves, either through force or by other means.

Despite these risks, many still seek to obtain a bloodline, seeing it as a way to achieve greatness and stand out among others. And for those who successfully obtain one, the power it grants can truly be life-changing, allowing them to achieve feats that were once thought impossible and stand among the greatest and most powerful beings in the world.

The following is a description of bloodlines ranging from F-SSS tier:

F-Tier Bloodlines:

F-tier bloodlines are typically the weakest and most common bloodlines in a game. These bloodlines usually have little to no special abilities or powers and are often considered to be average or below average in terms of strength.

D-Tier Bloodlines:

D-tier bloodlines are slightly stronger than F-tier bloodlines and may offer some minor abilities or bonuses. However, they are still considered to be relatively common and not particularly rare or powerful.

C-Tier Bloodlines:

C-tier bloodlines are stronger than D-tier bloodlines and often offer more significant abilities or bonuses. These bloodlines may be somewhat rare, but they are still relatively common and not considered to be particularly powerful.

B-Tier Bloodlines:

B-tier bloodlines are quite rare and offer powerful abilities or bonuses. These bloodlines are often associated with legendary or mythological creatures and are highly sought after by players.

A-Tier Bloodlines:

A-tier bloodlines are even rarer than B-tier bloodlines and offer incredibly powerful abilities or bonuses. These bloodlines may be associated with divine or celestial beings and are typically only possessed by a few select characters in the game.

S-Tier Bloodlines:

S-tier bloodlines are the most powerful and rare bloodlines in the game. They offer unparalleled abilities or bonuses and are often associated with legendary or mythical figures. These bloodlines are extremely difficult to obtain and are typically only possessed by the most elite and powerful characters in the game.

SS-Tier Bloodlines:

SS-tier bloodlines are even more powerful and rare than S-tier bloodlines. They offer abilities or bonuses that are considered to be game-breaking and can drastically alter the balance of power in the game. These bloodlines are typically only possessed by a select few characters in the game and are highly sought after by players.

SSS-Tier Bloodlines:

SSS-tier bloodlines are the rarest and most powerful bloodlines in the game. They offer abilities or bonuses that are considered to be godlike and can completely dominate the game. These bloodlines are typically associated with deities or other incredibly powerful beings and are only possessed by a single character in the game, making them virtually impossible to obtain for most players