
Chapter 49 Boss Briu

With Henry and the Hunter both attacking, it quickly kept over and died. After dealing with that, Henry escaped from the fight by going invisible and giving the target that was Sapped another Sap, sap can be chained but the stun duration will be reduced by a third, his next target was the monster that had already been taken to half- health by Air.

Before long the eighth mages were all killed before they could do anything. Although the priest was high-leveled, this didn't translate into their attack damage. What was challenging about defeating them was their ability to restore HP.

However, this wasn't really an issue either as there were 3 who could be considered experts in this team. Whenever they saw a healing Skill being cast, they immediately stunned the caster to interrupt the skill.

Even if they missed a few times, this didn't have much of an impact on the overall situation. Soon enough, all the priests lay dead on the floor.