
VRMMORPG: Legendary Level Zero

At a time when other players were fiercely striving to reach the peak level in the game, Leon was a distinct one. For a particular reason, he had remained at level zero - the Goddess of Sloth had chosen him to be her Champion. As a reward, she had generously bestowed him with five extraordinary skills, making him the strongest of all the players! [You have become the Champion of the Goddess of The Sloth.] [As the Champion of The Sloth, you have been graced with the privilege of Self Transcendence, a divine blessing.] [You have unlocked Bountiful Harvest skill] [You have unlocked Adaptive Equipment skill] [You have unlocked Quality Enhancement skill] [You have unlocked Domain Boundless Access skill] [You have unlocked Quest Advancement skill] The beginning of his journey was humble, but his extraordinary skill in the virtual realm of Yunatea quickly earned him a legendary status. He was so competent that the most complex levels posed no challenge to him. His fame brought him immense wealth, admiration from his peers and power in the real world. Not to mention, he had a multitude of women pursuing him! *** 2 Chapters/Day. Though if I end up coming home late from work and get held up in traffic, I might only be able to post one. Nevertheless, I am determined to do my best. Please consider buying the second tier of the privilege chapters; it's only two coins and you can read an additional ten chapters. Your support would be greatly appreciated and will motivate me to write even more! *** Additional Tags for the Book: Kingdom Building, Blacksmithing, Alchemy, Jewelry Crafting, Weapon Crafting, Armor Crafting. Multi-Class System, Seven Deadly Sins. Elves, Demons, Dragons, Dwarves, Faeries, Giants, and Beasts. Maids, Knights, Army Buildings, and a Lot of Magical Spells. Beautiful Princesses, Beautiful Goddesses, Attractive Side Characters, Kind Side Characters, and Helpful Side Characters. Monster Battles, Epic Wars, and a Fearless Main Character. And lastly, there are legendary weapons, legendary beasts, legendary spirits, and legendary wives! Though it may not be the main dish, the harem is still part of this captivating tale!

Galanteo · Fantasy
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332 Chs

Chapter 39 - Dual Destinies

Fokil pulled open the Smithy's doors, and a large cloud of smoke escaped, rising up towards the sky. This was a common occurrence in downtown Deadbay of Yunatea; it was a sign that the blacksmiths were hard at work.

"What are you doing out here, kid?" Fokil said in a deep voice. "Come on up to the smithy."

Broken looked up from his spot on the ground. He was surprised to see Fokil, the master blacksmith, standing before him.

"Me?" Broken asked, almost in disbelief. "You want me to come up to the smithy?"

Fokil nodded. "I've been watching you, kid. You've got some serious raw talent."

The production class was broken down into four ranks - Beginner, Advanced, Expert, and Master - each with nine levels of progression. Every rank had its own unique features that distinguished it from the others.

Players were charged with dedicating their efforts to mastering the production classes, completing quests and meeting objectives to improve their rankings. Despite this focus on progress, the most successful blacksmith in the game had only been able to reach Advanced level 9.

Beginner blacksmiths were just beginning their journey, learning the fundamentals of metalworking and tempering. Their craftsmanship was rudimentary and raw.

Advanced blacksmiths had achieved proficiency in their trade, capable of forging weapons and armor with intricate designs and superior results. They had demonstrated their commitment to the practice, and their work was highly sought after.

Expert blacksmiths were a rarity, as they were blessed with an almost supernatural perception of the characteristics of a metal. They could perform feats of fire and metal that seemed inconceivable, producing one-of-a-kind and powerful items that were greatly coveted.

And then there were the masters – renowned artisans throughout Yunatea whose names were spoken with admiration. Their creations were the stuff of legend, artifacts with the power to shape the fate of the world.

"So..." Broken whispered to himself, his lips curling into a faint smile. "This quest was worth it," he thought to himself as he gazed at Fokil's workshop in awe.

The old man was a Master Blacksmith, renowned for crafting legendary-class weapons. Broken couldn't believe that someone of such caliber could live in such a remote place. Was Fokil hiding from something or simply enjoying the solitude? It was all too puzzling, but one thing was certain - he had come to the right place.

"Master Fokil!" Broken exclaimed. "I've done it! I've completed the task you gave me!" Fokil smiled, his deep and warm voice filling the room.

"Good, kid. Bring it here, and let's have a look."

Broken carefully placed all of the moonstones he had mined onto the table, revealing several creamy yet iridescent stones. Their enchanting luminescence illuminated his features, and he held them out for Fokil to see.

"Oh my!" Fokil breathed, his face showing a mix of awe and surprise. His eyes widened as he took in the brilliant moonstones, and his jaw dropped slightly in disbelief.

"How did you come across these?" he asked in an awed whisper.

"Through sheer determination," Broken replied, his eyes shining with pride as he recounted his story. "I met Gia, and she told me how to mine these moonstones. It took me almost a month to collect them, plus one additional high-quality moonstone as a gift from Gia."

Fokil examined the precious stones before him and shifted his gaze to the young man. The fire of determination in Broken's eyes was something he had only seen in a handful of talented individuals throughout the years.

"Your mining skills are impressive," he said. "But mining has nothing to do with blacksmithing, so I don't believe you have talent in blacksmithing."

"I am determined to acquire the blacksmith class," Broken declared firmly. "So I will take on any challenge that comes my way."

"But you could be a talented miner, and it would give you a lot of money," Fokil pointed out. "Why are you still so determined to become a blacksmith?"

Broken considered the possibility of earning more money by becoming a blacksmith. "I have a strong will here," he said determinedly, "I have no other reason."

"So I guess not everyone does things for money," Fokil muttered under his breath, admiration evident in his voice. "I am proud of you."

Fokil solemnly extended a hand to clasp Broken's shoulder and praised him, "Your resolve is a commendable, young one. It is only fitting that you should be rewarded for your efforts."

Turning away towards a nearby chest, Fokil rummaged through it before presenting a blueprint to Broken. It depicted a magnificent weapon design - a sword whose hilt was adorned with twisting vines that seemed to come alive.

"Take this," Fokil said, handing the blueprint to Broken. "This is the Moonvine Sword blueprint. With your dedication and the power of the moonstones, I have no doubt that you will be able to bring this creation to life."

Next, Fokil handed Broken a finely crafted leather-bound tome, its cover embossed with the emblem of the Smithy – an anvil wreathed in flames. "This is my personal journal," Fokil explained, his voice tinged with pride. "Within its pages are the techniques and secrets I have accumulated over decades of honing my craft. Study it well, for it will serve as your guide on the path to becoming a true blacksmith."

[Fokil was astonished to discover that a novice miner like you was able to mine high-quality moonstone in only one month - a remarkable accomplishment!]

[As a result, the quest to mine 5 Moonstones has been upgraded to an A-rating.]

[Congratulations on completing the quest!]

[As a reward, you have earned 1 The Moonvine Sword blueprint.]

[Your affinity with Master Blacksmith Fokil has increased to 30%]

[You have also been rewarded with 40 stat points.]

[Your quest to "Become an apprentice of Fokil the Blacksmith" was upgraded to a higher rating.]

"Moonvine Sword?" Broken asked, his voice trembling as he gazed upon the blueprint before him. "I hope this is a blueprint that will use Moonstone as a material," he added, taking a gulp.

[You have achieved remarkable success! Your efforts in the quest "Become an Apprentice of Fokil the Blacksmith" have been rewarded with an upgrade to an A-rating, and you have received an acknowledgment from the Master Blacksmith Fokil himself.]

[Congratulations! You have completed the quest with flying colors.]

[You have earned the unique class of Royal Blacksmith through the book of Master Blacksmith.]

[Additionally, your affinity with Master Blacksmith Fokil has increased to 35%.]

[You have received 40 stat points]

Broken was filled with enthusiasm as he exclaimed, "Another Unique class!"

His excitement was due to the buzz on Immortal Legacy that players of the highest level should have only a class with Epic grade, which is just below Unique. He couldn't believe it when he realized he had obtained two Unique grade classes and his hands were still slightly shaking from the shock.

He was astonished at what he'd achieved, understanding the heavy labor ahead of him to upgrade and learn new abilities with his Super Novice class, as well as the dedication required for taking on Blacksmithing. Nonetheless, he had gained something exceptional.

"I'm currently devoted to learning how to be a smith," he declared with resolution. "But I know I have the possibility of becoming an amazing warrior as well. That means I have two potential paths. Whichever I pick, I'm prepared to tackle it without hesitation."

Broken stared in wonder at the priceless items he was given, feeling their weight as they came into his possession. He understood that Fokil had not granted him these objects lightly, and he silently promised himself to take full advantage of their beneficence.

"Thank you, Master Fokil," Broken said, bowing deeply in gratitude. "I promise to honor your teachings and learn all that I can."

"Good," Fokil replied, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "Now, let us begin."