
Chapter 25 - The Welcoming Ceremony

Chapter 25 – The Welcoming Ceremony

Spring 6th, Month 1, the Year 2301

Berry, Hardy, and Pierre arrived at the office and many people had already arrived. All of them had started working as the next day would be the day the U20 reserve members would start coming to work.

"Berry, go to the VR Capsule's room and helps the Tech Team checking on the capsules," Kenny ordered Berry.

"Yes," Berry replied and he went to the VR Capsule's room to help the Tech Team. Berry assisted the Tech Team for a few hours before he got back to the room. However, he was given more works once he arrived.

"Berry, photocopy these documents and after you do that, go to the meeting room and helps Team 1 there," Kenny ordered. Berry followed the order.

On this day, Berry did not even get to sit. He needed to walk here and there without much rest. He only got to rest for half an hour during the lunch break before he was called back for more work.

It was 9 pm and Berry was still at the office working. Not only him but everyone was present too. It was a busy day and many things needed to be done and checked.


While everyone was busy working, they heard someone made a loud clap. Everyone looked in that direction and Daisy was there smiling.

"Dinner will be here in 10 minutes. I know everyone is tired and hungry. So, this will be my treat," Daisy's announcement made everyone cheered happily.

Ten minutes later, dinner arrived. They cleared the area in the middle of the office and had their dinner together.

"Berry, Melina, Andy, what do you think after working for a few days?" Daisy asked.

"Everyone treats me well and I am happy working here," Melina replied. "I am a bit nervous but after getting to know everyone here, I am not nervous anymore. They all are nice people," Melina smiled.

"That is because the Players are not here yet. They are all stressed free that everyone is nice. Just wait until the Players is here, that guy," Daisy pointed at a guy that was gulping on the food.

"When he is stress, he will start shouting at everyone. He shouted at me many times since he starts working here," Daisy spoke.

"Cough! Cough!" the guy choked on his food and was coughing. He looked at Daisy and smiled, "Sorry, Boss."

"That girl," Daisy pointed at another person.

"You will see that she disappears a lot because she is hiding from the Players and is slacking somewhere. If you go to the emergency stairs, you can find her playing with her phone."

The girl blushed. She lowered her head and continued eating her food silently.

"That guy will be silent and will not talk to anyone when he is stress. You will get a headache trying to talk to him. You can shout at him too and he will not get angry but he will not answer you either."

Berry, Melina, and Andy were speechless.

"I can tell you about everyone's bad attitude here but that will take the whole night. I did not fire any of them because they did their job well. I also understand their stress when dealing with the Players, so, once in a while, I let them act like that but if it is too much, I still get angry at them," Daisy added.

"So, my cute sister Melina, be prepared and don't get shocked when it happens," Daisy smiled. Melina gulped on her saliva as she started getting nervous. Daisy looked at Andy.

"The work is not as hard as I thought. I am doing fine," Andy replied. He did not try to sugarcoat his words anymore and be frank with everything.

"…Yeah, I cannot say anything bad about how you work. You are doing fine," Daisy did not know what else to say about Andy. Andy might have talked big on their first meeting but he backed it up with his work. He did not cause any trouble and was doing extremely well with his job.

Daisy moved on and looked at Berry.

"I am still learning but I am doing fine," Berry replied.

"You will do best if you become a Player," Daisy spoke with regret. Berry only smiled.

"So, how is your game progress?" Kenny was curious and asked Berry.

"He won twice at the Battle Facility and gained a follower," Daisy replied. Berry was a bit surprised. "I keep tabs of your progress and I also have become one of your followers. When you log in tonight, you will see my account is following you," Daisy added.

"How is he fare in the fight?" Kenny asked.

"I download his video. I will send it to you," Daisy took out her phone and sent the video to Kenny.

"Sister Daisy! I want the video too," another staff was curious.

"Me too, me too," another one wanted to see it too.

"I am sending it to our group chat. Check it there," Daisy made her decision. She sent the Berry's Battle Facility's match videos to the chat group.

"…" Berry was speechless at their enthusiasm.

Many of them stopped eating and watched the video in the chat group. In less than a minute, they flooded the chat group with praises against Berry.

"Berry, you are good. That kick is super nice," a staff spoke to Berry.

"…Well…" Berry was awkward.

"He has potential in this. From this battle, I can say he is much much better than the reserve players we recruited," Kenny spoke. The other coaches agreed with Kenny.

'I am not doing that well in the game and they keep saying I am good,' thought Berry.

"Are you an athlete?" a staff asked.

"No, I practice martial arts as a hobby," Berry replied.

"Oh~ then you can fight, punch and kick people?" another staff added.

"I am not that good. I may have practice in martial arts but I don't have experience punching, kicking, and fighting people. Those players in the game are the first that I kicked," Berry replied.

Everyone started talking about Berry.

"Well, Berry, if you don't want to take my offer, make sure you keep your Dodgeball Master account a secret," Daisy spoke.

"Huh?" Berry was confused.

"Everyone keeps this matter a secret too. Don't let any of the players know about this," Daisy ordered.

"If you are playing the game well and are doing better than the Players we recruited, they will get jealous and cause trouble to you," Kenny explained.

"They are competitive and have a huge pride. If a lowly staff like you is playing better than them, that will be a disgrace. Since their position is better than you in the company and you are an assistant, they will trample on you," Daisy added.

"I understand," Berry nodded.

After that, they continued eating and chatting for an hour before they continued working. Some of them decided to go home while some decided to sleep at the office.

Berry was the latter. He chose to stay and help others at the office. That day, Berry did not log into the game and focused on his work.

Spring 7th, Month 1, the Year 2301

At the U20 Reserve Team's office, the staff started to wake up one by one. It was morning and it was time for them to wake up and continued working. Berry was not among them because he woke up earlier to practice his martial arts in secret, alone.

8 am and everyone was rushing here and there because it was almost time for the welcoming ceremony to start.

"Okay, everyone, let's go to the Sports Center now or we will be late. Sister Daisy is already there," a staff shouted. Everyone started to rush. Those that had become free left the office to the Sports Center.

The welcoming ceremony would be held at the Sports Centre. There were hundreds of Players from tens of games. They would need a large venue to welcome them and the Sports Center had always been the first choice.

Berry and his coworkers went to the Sports Centre. There were many people there and all of them were Thunder Tiger's staff and Players. Everyone was grouped based on the games they represented.

Since Berry was the staff for the U20 Reserve Team, he was at the end row of the Dodgeball Department. At the front of the team were the managers and the main team Players.

Since Berry was at the back, he could not see who was at the front.

At 9 am, the welcoming ceremony started with the opening speech by the Thunder Tiger Company's President, and after that were the other executives from the company.

After all those people at the top of the company, it was the team leader from each game to give their speech.

Berry looked at all of them but he did not recognize any of them. He did recognize the team leader for all the Dodgeball main team because he was part of the team. However, other than knowing their achievements from the record listed on a paper, he did not know them much.

The welcoming ceremony ended an hour later. It was not a big ceremony and thus, they made it simple. Even the speech from the president was only about five minutes long and it was a recorded speech. Same with the other company's executives. It was just a formality.

After that, Daisy gathered the staff and players from the U20 Reserve Team at a room in the Sports Centre.

Thank you~

Note: This story is fiction. It is not real

SweetRambutancreators' thoughts