
Voyages in the Night

When Nerina Onasis and her friends go on an all-girls vacation to Bermuda for her 30th birthday, they expected to sit and relax sipping drinks on the beach during the day and enjoying the night life during...well the night! What happens when the group of friend's meet strange men while out touring an old tavern on the island? And why do these men seem oddly familiar to them? Crack open the book to find out.

Sydney_Mauritz · Urban
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28 Chs

Back in Time

(William's P.O.V)

To say I was stunned was an understatement when Nerina shared with us the information she had received from this Selene woman. The information she received from her, however, matched what I knew from the clairvoyant I had managed to find in America. I knew a witch had been involved and that it had involved my grandfather, but with the new information Nerina had, I could finally put this to rest. We made it aboard the Bloody Hangman with no problems and I found the piece of parchment where Selene had said I would find it.

"Has everyone read it thoroughly enough?" Harry asks from behind my shoulder.

There was a murmur of ascent that everyone had, in fact, read it over. It was now time to say it aloud:

Heed these words, and this rhyme

With all our hope set in our minds

Send us back to where we'll find

What we want in its place and time

There is a great wind that sweeps through the cabin, and it feels like the ship begins to spin and rock violently.

"Hold on everyone!" Edward calls out, as everyone grabs onto something to steady themselves.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Kailani calls out as the ship continues its course to nowhere.

"Please don't throw up on the rug, it's Persian." I yell out.

"Well, I won't have much choice about where it lands here, Grandpa!" She retorts.

Before I can snap back at her, the spinning and the rocking of the ship stops, the wind ceases to blow through the cabin. Everyone stands stock still trying to regain their center of gravity before moving. I look out the window of my cabin and there before me, is the island and the tavern as it looked when we were here back in the day.

"Oh, my Goddess! Guys! Look at our clothes!" Corie shrieks out.

Looking down, I see that I am dressed in my old clothes: a clean ivory cotton point-collar shirt that had a deep-V to it, my dark brown frock coat, my dark brown tied breeches, and my black calf-length boots with gold buckles on the sides. My sword was back in its scabbard, attached to my hip. It felt both wonderful and weird being back in these clothes that had so long ago felt comfortable. Looking at Edward, Harry, Arthur, and John, I could see that they were all just as amazed as I was.

"Guys! We look so fucking badass!" Nerina squeals.

It's then that I get a good look at all the women and what they are wearing, and I am not pleased at all with what they have on—particularly Nerina. I take a quick look at John who has, as subtly as possible, adjusted himself in his trousers whilst looking at my granddaughter, filthy pervert. Nerina is dressed in what amounts to a bra with leather straps crisscrossing over her chest, a black with white lace detailed tri-corn hat sits atop her black curls, her bare midriff is showing, and she has on what I suppose would be a skirt, however there is very little fabric covering anything—it only goes to her mid-thigh for God's sake! To top that off, she's wearing thigh-high boots! Well, at least they were practical and only had a small block heel on them. Her scabbard was attached at her hip with a large black belt with a large silver buckle. Looking at all the girls, I see that their outfits are much the same!

"You look like…like…" I'm at a loss for words.

"We look like saucy wenches is what we look like!" Lizzie squeals out.

"To the tavern wenches! We need ale! And dicks! Ooh Ashe! Your titties look AMAZING!" Nikita squeals out, poking Ashe in her breast.

"Oi! Lay off!" Ashe cries out, slapping Nikita's hand away.

"It's a sea of boobies!" Corie laughs.

"I think all of our tits look seriously amazing." Nerina agrees, admiring herself in the mirror.

"Girl, do you see my ass in these pants!?" Kailani squeals.

"Alright. That's enough. We need to get you to your ship now so we can do what Selene has told us to do." Harry claps his hands as he gathers everyone's attention.

"Ugh, fine. You're no fun grandpa." Elizabeth pouts to him.

"I don't think I will EVER get used to being called grandpa." He mutters.

We all walk out of my cabin and onto the main deck, walking over to the gangway that was already dropped onto the dock. Once we walked past the Bloody Hangman, a large brigantine ship, painted in different shades of blue and gray laid before us. It was truly a beautiful ship.

"Wow, it's so cool!" Lizzie yells.

"I call being the captain!" Nerina yells, running up the gangway of her ship.

"Hey no fair! We need to vote on that.!" Anne calls after her, running up behind her.

All the girls run up the gangway to the deck of the ship, leaving us on the dock, wondering what in the fuck just happened. Once we've come to our senses, we walk up the gangway and onto the deck of the ship.

"We have christened her the Sirens Curse." Nikita says proudly, puffing out her chest.

"Do any of you even know how to sail a ship?" Edward inquires.

That was the first important question we needed answered.

"Of course, I do! Who do you think I am?" Nerina huffs.

"Wait, you legitimately know how to sail?" John asks, shocked by her answer.

"Duh." She rolls her eyes.

"Check your attitude, Ms. Onasis." John warns.

"Or what?" She challenges, with a sly smirk on her face.

Okay, this is getting awkward.

"Alright, that's enough. Separate you two. We need to get going on this, we have a limited amount of time before we can't reverse this." I say, walking between John and Nerina.

After everyone tours the ship and gets the lay of the land, so to speak, I call them all together and ask what their designated jobs were going to be.

"Well, I'm the Captain. Nikita is going to be our gunner, Anne our chef because obvi, Ashe is our quartermaster, Lizzie is our doctor because—again—obvi, and Kailani is my first mate!" Nerina says, proudly.

"Do any of you know what those jobs mean?" Harry asks, cocking an eyebrow.

"Absolutely not! But they sound fun! Especially my job! GUNS!!!! I WANNA GO TO WAR!!!! LIGHTSABERS!!!" Nikita yells out.

I have no idea what is wrong with these women, but it is rather concerning.