
Voyager's Path

When Travis's life has hit bottom and he accidently falls down below the bridge, Travis is sent to the Abyss, a place between places. And he meets Arael, The Goddess of death. She provides him a second chance at life in a new world filled with magic, under her advice That she guides him to have a powerful life there. He reluctantly agrees and finds that He is then reincarnated to a new family as Kota Detrut. Author note: First novel I’ve done, Really wanted to make my own take on that Isekai trope some of those anime do, but I wanted to do it in a way where it doesn’t melt into the power trip fantasy. There will still be updates to older chapters or auxiliary chapters to be up to date. Feedback on chapters or giving a reviews would be appreciated! (I will now be uploading to Royal Road as well for this Novel! So see you all soon!)

James_Gaperinco · Fantasy
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144 Chs

The Silver haired Girl

A day passed since I had that conversation with Gerald and Synthia about going outside.

I woke up in my bed, sun shining from the window. The early morning here looked really nice. I can hear the early morning people already busy at work and moving carts to trade to other villages.

I finished stretching before changing into my clothes to go outside. Usually, I wore just some brown shorts and a loose white shirt. But now, I've put on a brown coat. Amazing development in my taste of clothing.

Once I'd finished dressing myself for the day, I headed to the bathroom to wash my hair.

Looking at the mirror here really tripped me out to be honest.

Still can't get the grip of looking at myself and not seeing what I used to look like.

With me being kota, I had black hair. It wasn't all that different from what I had in my past life, in particular, my bangs were particularly long though. The ends are nearly covering my eyes, so I usually swipe my hair to the right or left. It's not that it didn't look pretty.

Looking at myself makes me think "what a handsome looking kid."

The most prominent feature I had were my eyes. In the old world, I had deep brown eyes. But here, they were a very prominent blue, just like Synthia's eyes.

Thinking of it now, I don't really have any prominent features that come from Gerald, other than having the same skin tone, I could say that…our ears are similar? I don't know.

Seems my genetics were heavy with synthia's. I vaguely remember Lauren saying I looked like Gerald, to which I'm questioning now.

I headed downstairs after cleaning my face and saw synthia cooking breakfast. Looks like she was cooking some meat and soup.

She must've heard me coming from upstairs since she turned around and looked at me, smiling again. She had an apron on, which was tightly wrapped around her waist.

"Good morning, kota!"

"Good morning, momma." Though I don't really see synthia as my mom. It feels right to just call her that. I guess it is her aura and maybe just slightly might be because she just holds that Milf status to her.

Not that I myself would be sexually interested in her. She just has that vibe.

"Are you ready to go outside? Oh it's going to be fun for you!"

"Where's father?" I said, tilting my head.

"He's outside training again."

"Guess I'll see him outside then."

Just like synthia, I didn't really see Gerald as my father. Hell I've been calling him Gerald instead of father sometimes, which upset him a lot. He wants to be a father figure to me, but with my own past experiences with a dad…it didn't quite work out.

I don't hate Gerald, but sometimes my past life father just pops up and it kind of…shuts me out.

I don't think Gerald noticed, maybe he did. But he never really did anything about it. Maybe because he actually doesn't. I don't think both of us really know how to handle that situation.

"Not going to eat breakfast?" Synthia asked, she placed a plate of meat and bowl of soup onto the table.

Hm, tempting. But that temptation of the outside world is far superior than the food as of right now. And our conversation from yesterday has boosted my confidence.

"Sorry, but I gotta head outside! Save it for me, momma!" I said rushing outside.

There was Gerald, doing his water king training again.

"Gerald! I'm going outside!" I said, running past him.

Ah the temptation, I'm so fucking fired up!

Ah. I felt the collar of my shirt hold me back. I felt myself twirl around as I found myself facing gerald.

"Hold on, kota. Before you head out, I'll need to give you some of my dad's lectures."

It was Gerald who held onto my shirt. He let go of my shirt and got onto one knee.

"And it's dad or father, you gotta stop with the Gerald stuff…At least till you're older." He grunted, Letting me go. There was a hint of annoyance in that.

My bottom hit the floor before I spun around to face him.

"Fine. Dad, what kind of lecture are you going to give?" I asked.

"Making friends, socializing. What time you'll have to be home." He crouched down to help me up.

Pfft, me? No social skills? Please. I've been socializing with Gerald and synthia for seven years now. Just them. Not anyone else.…I might need some social skills, huh? Who knows what kids are like in this world.

"Ok, let's hear them." I said, folding my arms.

"Alright, le- wait, hold on" Gerald, looked around.

Specifically our house, where unbeknownst to me and him. Synthia was staring out the window.

As much as I love seeing synthia as a mother.

I really hate seeing her in her yandere mode.

"Sorry, I felt the presence that we were being watched. So I'm going to assume she needs something." He whispered to me.

"Why are you so scared of mom?"

"I'd rather tell you when she's not staring us down. Let's just pretend we talked and pretend I gave you a lecture." He cranked a smile and looked at synthia.

And so, I was about to witness Gerald, the cool dad show off his charisma.

It was a half assed attempt to fool her.

Gerald had a fake laugh and patted me on the back saying "and that's how you get girls!"

Which I firmly believe made synthia even more mad. My own facial expressions seemed to have made it worse as I tried to play along.

"T-thank, Dad! I-I'll get me some girls! Or…something…" I started to take steps backwards as I saw Synthia squinting her eyes, looking at me.

Then, she opened the window. "Oh, Gerald! Let kota have his fun! Come inside! We need to-" She tilted her head, her gaze turning somewhat psychotic. "-Talk."

I, who didn't really want to be a part of this situation, ran off to the front gate.

And as I ran off to the road, I could've sworn I heard Gerald getting dragged back inside.

I'm not really sure what was up with those two, either she's really obsessed with Gerald, or She just straight up doesn't trust him.

I mean, given his past as being a playboy, she probably thought He was being given some sort of dating tips to their precious eleven year old.

When in fact, I was given no advice.

No advice for socializing, not even telling me anything how to greet or anything.

Though if I were to take one advice from Gerald at that moment, it would be to stay away from very possessive girls.

Ok, now to focus on what a-


I ended up heading down the road my house was on and ended up in the middle of the plains.

And now I found myself looking at a pretty messed up scene.

A group of kids throwing rocks at someone , who was under a tree.

They were wearing a gray cape and I could see bruises and cuts all over them.

Ok, I don't think social skills would really apply here.


I thought back to the magic studying I had with synthia, And the chants that were used.

If I remember correctly, I could make a water ball. That seemed the least harmful to these boys.

"Hear me, Water god. Oh mighty ones who pour to those in need. Heed my answer and lend me the waves that can drown those in fear. Rain down on those who deserve it. Lend me water ball!" I chanted.

And then I felt a tingle that trickled up from my chest to my fingertips.

The images of water bubbling filled my head as I felt something in front of my hand.

Bloop. That was the sound it made.

And thus, I managed to cast my first magic.

"Holy shit!" I yelled in excitement.

I fucking did it?! What?!

"Hey, new kid! Shut up!" I heard one of the boys yell at me. Looks like their attention was focused on me now.

"Yeah, or else you'll get a beating from rocks too. Fucking filth!" Another said as he threw another rock towards the person under the tree.

Ok, a little unnecessary to throw one while talking to me. I guess maybe I should throw something at them.

Wait a minute, how do I even throw this thing?

I wonder if it's like throwing like a ball, hm.

"Huh, maybe the new kids stupid or something. He's just standing there with some water in his hand."

"Wait a minute…that's magic!"

"Fucking witch!" And then I saw a rock being thrown at me.

I stepped to the side and watched it bounce on the ground, eyeing the boys, frowning.

They continued to throw rocks at me. Hah, Throwing rocks at someone who just swung by. That's fucked up.

Fuck it, I'll just throw it like a rock then too. Just got to see how hard I can throw this ball of water.

I raised my arm, concentrating, and flung the ball with all my might, aiming at one of the boys.

I'd like to imagine throwing magic like this. You got to imagine the speed you want it to go, how far you'd want it to go. The trajectory is based on how far and fast you think it should go.

And I hit one of the boys square in the face with it, launching them backwards.

Well I'll be damned, For a beginner. I threw that pretty good.

..Holy shit I'm a beginner Mage now.

"H-hey, Kent! Are you ok? Gr, you little shit!" One of the boys charged at me.

Crap, I gotta chant this again huh?

Shit, I don't have time to chant this, come on, think!

As soon as I thought of water, I felt it again.

That tingle. And the more I thought about making a water ball. I felt the same sensations as I once did while chanting.

Another water ball formed in my hand.

Huh, I don't need to say the chant now?

No time to think. Got to throw.

I aimed for the boy charging, Concentrated and flinging the ball of water again with all my might.

I hit this boy right in the chest, Stopping him dead in his tracks. I wonder how hard I'm actually hitting them?

Once this boy collapsed, I saw the other boy carry the one I hit first.

"I-I'm going to tell my mother on you!" He said frantically, dragging his friend away with him.

I glanced at the boy I just hit. Looked like he had passed out.

I walked past him and headed towards the person under the tree.

They were watching it all happen, I can see under the cape that this person had teary eyes.

I crouched in front of them and they cowered and pushed themselves against the tree.

Ok, now it's time for social skills.

"Uh…sorry for the mess?" I said, awkwardly.


"…" They kept their heads down, arms wrapped around their legs. The cape covers most of their legs and its hood covers their face.

"Uh…do you have a name?"


C'mon your fucking eighteen mentally! You've had eighteen years on your belt!

"I guess I'll leave now since I'm making you un-"

"M-my name is Lilith." They finally said, looking up at me. It's a very feministic voice that came out of them. It made me swing my head around in confusion.


When they finally looked up, the hood of their cape came off, showing off lavishly beautiful short silver hair underneath it. Along with that, their eyes glowed an amber color.

What is this Tomboy aura flowing from them?

Well, I shouldn't be saying them anymore.

As they were actually a she.

"W-what's your name?" She asked.

I was too flabbergasted to really answer. I just stared at her.

She stared back at me for a little bit before blushing and putting her hood back up. She lowered her head onto her knees.

Shit, I embarrassed her. I got to calm down!

"Ahem..uh sorry, erm, my name is kota."

"Kota..Thank you." She smiled as she said that.

"Haha.. ah, Mind if i hang out with you?" I said, pretty sure looking like a dumbass.

I'm very certain that my face was a hue of red right now.

There was a hesitation, She looked at me for a moment. I think she was unsure of whether or not I was serious before she finally responded. "S-sure, come sit next to me.." she said shyly.

Why's my heart rate going up? Settle down!

I decided to sit down beside her under the tree and we both awkwardly decided to talk.

Her full name was Lilith Esheram, she was Twelve years old. Oddly enough, She was actually one of my neighbors. Specifically, The house on the right of our home. She never leaves her home that often because she was often bullied for her quite unique look. She was often pelted with rock from the other kids who called her a witch and freak. However, when I asked if any of that was actually true. She declined. Her family comes from the Southwest of Shanford, from A little village down there called Kamygrad. Her family moved up here once She was born. And since then, She has been bullied by the other kids here ever since. It seems like I was the only kid here that actually decided to help her. Who has to suffer twelve years of that?

"So, what's up with the eyes?" I asked. Lilith tilted her head before she pointed at her own eyes.

"Oh, These are from my father's side of the family, I'm not sure. Since My mother has brown eyes. The kid's here say that these eyes are from a race of demons in the demon continent. But I don't believe them." She pulled down her hood again, Her bangs floating in the air. "Father doesn't really talk much about it."

Something about those eyes are intriguing to me, there is a glimmer to the left eye, But not the other. What's up with that?

Incidentally, I ended up leaning in to observe her eyes even more. Causing her to lean back, Blushing. She kicked her feet up, almost kicking me in my stomach before she tried scooting back.

"H-hey, What are you staring at?" she squeaked. She held a hand to her mouth in embarrassment.

Uhh..Think Travis, think! I gazed down to her leg and noticed her right leg was bleeding slightly. Must've been the rock wounds.

"Oh, you're bleeding!" I said, pointing at her bleeding leg.

Damn, These kids were ruthless with her.

She hid her leg under her cape immediately after pointing it out. Though the bottom of her legs were still showing, The silky smooth white coloring of them made me gaze for a moment.

Uh, not that I was looking at it in that way, I should apologize.

"Oops…Sorry for pointing that out. But I can have my mother heal it, If you want."

"Your mother is a mage user?"

"Yeah, She's the one that taught me how to do this!" And once again, I tried replicating what I did before.

Only this time, Nothing happened.

Both me and Lilith stared at my hand, Confused.

'Isn't there…" She started.

"Suppose to be a ball of water here?" I ended.

This was weird. Was I not concentrating? No, That's not it. I'm not focused right now. Something caught my attention and now it's not letting me do what I literally just did. I peered back at Lilith, who looked confused still. Her amber eyes are squinting. Man those ey-

AH AH, Wait. I see the issue. It's this girl! Oh, Clumsy me, I'm flustered!

Wait, why am I flustered? My heart beat is going up, my breath is getting shaky. Control yourself!

"Ah erm, hey, let's go see my mother! She can help you with that!" I said, Flustered.

'Ah, um. Ok." She stood up with me and put her hood back on.

And so we stood under the tree, not having a clue of where to go. I really did end up walking here by accident. God, me and my overthinking. Wait, Didn't Gerald talk about being home on time?

"So, do you know the way home, Lilith?"


And so, I made friends with Lilith and also learned the roads of Shanford.

From here, We just needed to head up north of the road we were on until we entered the village again. Then we'd have to take the left road from the entrance up until we got to an old cedar tree and head right. And there we were at my home.

Once we got to my front gate, I spotted Synthia tending to her garden. It was cloudy once we got back to my home, So she was wearing a White coat over herself. I didn't see Gerald outside, so he must be inside. Or maybe Synthia did something to him and he's bed-ridden. Who knows.

"Momma, I'm back!" I opened the front gate and waited for Lilith to enter, Who shyly tiptioed her way in.

"Oh, Kota welc- Oh, who's this?" Synthia looked up at Lilith.

Lilith's leg wound was still bleeding as we got back. She tried to hide it, but Synthia immediately walked to her and checked it.

"Oh, poor baby. How'd this happen? Here, Let me heal this." she said, pressing her hand against the leg wound. Lilith winced a little bit before relaxing.

"Oh great Nebus, Lend me the strength to aid those in need. Protect the weak and aid the strong. I ask that you give me the power to heal!" Synthis chanted those words, as an aura of green light enveloped Lilith's leg.

Lilith yelped at first, But soon gave an expression of relief once Synthia removed her hand. The leg wound was gone, And her Bruises dissipated from the looks of it. Almost as if she was never harmed in the first place.

"Ah, T-Thank you!" Lilith bowed as she said that, but Synthia shook her head.

"Ah, no need to thank me. I couldn't let a child walk around hurt like that." Synthia then looked at me.

'Is this a friend of yours, Kota?'

"Y-yes, Her name is Lilith." I stumbled on my words right there.

I explained the situation to Synthia and how I was able to cast my first magic.

Synthia at first stared at me with a blank face before it slowly crept into a wide smile. She then screamed out in joy "AHH, My baby boy can cast magic!"

Gerald must've heard the commotion as he came outside, Running towards us confused.

"H-hey, What's going on? W-wait, Who's this?" He looked at Lilith, Who blushed. He pointed at her.

He paused for a bit, Looking back at me and Lilith, before grinning like crazy. His finger pointing back and forth at us.

"Wait. Did my boy get a girl? Kota!" Once Synthia put me down, He grabbed me and put me in a bear hug.

He leaned into my ear and said "Sorry about that kiddo, your mom was in need of something and she wanted me to hurry up. Anyways, Congrats on the girl, you got your dad's personality."

"It's all good, Dad. Can you stop crushing me though?" I said, patting his back, fiercely.

'Ah, got ya. Ah, I mean, Anything for my kid."

He really switched to his cool dad mode.

"So uh..Why don't you come inside? We're getting ready for dinner and we can surely feed you." He said to Lilith.

Lilith didn't look like she really knew what to do, She was off to the side awkwardly. Watching us three celebrate. But her eyes widened and so did her smile when she heard his offer. Seems like having some people who didn't mind what she looked like really made her happy.

'O-of course!"

It was getting dark, So me and everyone walked into the house. Where me and Lilith sat on the couch. Awaiting for what would be dinner, and having a new friend to play with.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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