
Voyager's Path

When Travis's life has hit bottom and he accidently falls down below the bridge, Travis is sent to the Abyss, a place between places. And he meets Arael, The Goddess of death. She provides him a second chance at life in a new world filled with magic, under her advice That she guides him to have a powerful life there. He reluctantly agrees and finds that He is then reincarnated to a new family as Kota Detrut. Author note: First novel I’ve done, Really wanted to make my own take on that Isekai trope some of those anime do, but I wanted to do it in a way where it doesn’t melt into the power trip fantasy. There will still be updates to older chapters or auxiliary chapters to be up to date. Feedback on chapters or giving a reviews would be appreciated! (I will now be uploading to Royal Road as well for this Novel! So see you all soon!)

James_Gaperinco · Fantasy
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144 Chs

First Day

Inside of a classroom in the university stands a teacher. Only three students attend her class, a girl with pink hair and bright eyes, exceptional knowledge in magic. She can't use magic though, but the vast knowledge she has of all magic and fully being able to understand makes her a special case. Another student in this class is a green haired boy. Though he lacks in many of the other elements, he is vastly superior in the water spells, potentially even reaching King class if he tried. The teacher of this class personally requested having this student in her class for unknown reasons.

And the last student was me, Kota. Sitting in the Fourth row of seats along with the other two. Who are actually Sura, the girl I met in the library and Griffin. And standing before us was…Tera.

Tera was wearing a white Dress and white mage hat. This seemed to be her teacher's clothes as oddly enough, no skin was shown in her outfit. She was all covered up. Nothing could really cover up her mounds but she seemed to draw much less attention in the outfit.

Beside my left was Sura, The Pink haired girl looked at me with utter confusion. She wore what I assumed was the University's outfit. A white and blue robe that had a hood to it. Her glasses had circle frames, a very thin frame that looked quite nice on her.

Only my right was Griffin, who wore the same thing as Sura but it seemed baggier than hers. Perhaps he got one of extra size? He was looking at Tera with awe as she wrote her full name on the blackboard at the front of the room.

"Good morning class, my three lovely students!" Tera whipped around and raised her hands, looking as if she was expecting applause.

Only Griffin applauded as Sura just rolled her eyes. I gave tera a frown. Mostly because of what happened beforehand.


That morning, I had awoken normally. Lilith was still asleep so I usually tend to lay in bed, contemplating things. But today was different. The sound of footsteps storming up the stairs raised many alarms to me as Kale usually likes to keep quiet in the house.

"Kota! It's school time!" I heard a yell, along with what sounded like someone groaning behind that person.

"How do you always get past me in my own home?" That was Kale, who sounded defeated.

"Oh shut up, I'm talking to the guy who left his front door unlocked. Were you waiting for me or something?" That was Tera, it seemed she was the one that was yelling.

"I was going to head out to King Lucian for my assignment before you came running in!"

"Pfft, ok mister detective. Kota! Wake up! Which room is he in again?" I could hear tera opening kale's room door and then the bathroom door before finally opening the room I was in with Lilith.

"There you are! Aw, look at you two! Already sleeping together!" Tera teased us.

Lilith had also woken up, sleepiness lingering in her eyes as she tried to hide under the covers.

"Good morning, Lilith! Isn't it exciting that Kota is going to school?!" Tera looked at me and clapped her arms around, as if asking me to hurry up.

Kale watched from the outside of the door, watching with interest as I tried to get myself ready.

Putting on Synthia's cloak, I wore a blue shirt underneath and brown pants. Grabbing the pendant that was given to me and putting it around my neck. After that, I put on some black boots. Finally I found myself prepared to leave.

But I couldn't leave Lilith without saying goodbye, so I reached for the covers to see if she was awake. Usually I'd greet her in the morning when she'd wake up, so she shouldn't mind that I'm doing it today, right?

"Lilith, I'm leaving now. Have fun tra- Gah!" I felt a jab right in my stomach as Lilith quickly retreated back in her cover. What the hell? Seriously, why does she keep jabbing me when she's asleep or half asleep?

Getting off the bed, I noticed that Kale was snickering from behind Tera as she gave me a warm smile.

"Hm, she doesn't seem to be in the mood..now come on, we're walking to school!" Tera clapped her hands.

"Can't I just walk alone?" Normally, I'd wouldn't mind walking with her, but to school? Wouldn't other students think we have a secret relationship?

"And leave my student alone? Especially one under the care of my dearest friend here?" She looked back at kale. "Absolutely not, you are coming with me." She quickly reached for my hand, practically yanking me out of the room. Kale instinctively moved aside as me and tera stormed out of the house.


And now here we are, my stomach still hurts from Lilith's jab and I managed to get quite a few looks from everyone as we both entered the university.

"What's the matter Kota?" Tera asked.

"You barged into our house to rudely awaken me from my slumber and got me punched in my stomach?"

"That's on you for touching the covers. Shame on you for trying to invade a girl's private time." Tera scoffed and turned around.

"I-…whatever.." I slumped back into my seat as tera began to write more into the blackboard.

'Magic 101' she wrote onto the blackboard. I'm assuming this classroom would be our homeroom? Actually, I don't even know what my classes are…I don't think any of us know…

"Right. Everyone, what do you know about magic?" Tera asked.

"Mana is something that has always been around us since the beginning, but there was a man named Duvul who invented a way to materialize and use it in the form of magic." Sura answered. "Duvul found that he could manipulate mana, thus presenting the ways of magic to locals, to which it spread across the lands."

"Ah…excellent, Sura. Your knowledge is exceptional." Tera smiled as she said that.

"Now we know of the basic elements of magic, yes? Griffin, answer for me, please?" Tera looked at Griffin who immediately stood straight.

"Yes! There is Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and Healing!" He proudly said.

"Hmm, yes. Healing is of multiple forms ranging from detoxification to Magical barriers." That I didn't know, it seems Synthia's teaching didn't fully teach me about all of the basic elements. I wonder what else I missed out on. I'm also wondering why Protection spells or barrier spells are a part of healing spells as well…

"Everything from Fire to Earth is considered offensive magic here in the university. They all use mana to make tangible elements. One could even combine two of them to make something else!"

Ah yes, combo magic. Just like when I did my Dry ice spell, I combined Wind and Water to make that spell. Thinking about it now, with my knowledge from science class or even knowledge from my past life, I could probably make even more combos based on that.

Ooh, a drill? Perhaps a stone drill. Or maybe even hot steam, Fire and water to make visibility low! Oh, the imagination is wilding right now!

"Kota! Pay attention, stop ogling me!" Tera snapped at me. I found myself drooling over the desk as I stared forward.

"Cough…anyways, all spells have their own rank that is determined by how powerful they are. Combo magic tends to be in the intermediate rank, however there are some that are above that rank!" Tera went on to explain mostly what Synthia had told me before, although there were a handful of useful notes.

Magic can be used on oneself, referred to as 'Magic cloak'. Seemingly anyone who is able to manipulate their mana could use this. As long as they know how to. Maybe kale knows how to do this? Perhaps that's why he is so fast and quiet sometimes. You can either cover your whole body with mana or a specific part of your body. Say you want to increase strength in your arms, magic cloaking can do that and you can use offensive cloaking to increase your strength.

One would need to be of a high rank though to use it efficiently.

Another thing that I've noticed was Wind spells. Particularly, what is categorized as 'Air'. Anything that is around us like carbon dioxide or any gasses seems to work with Air spells. Maybe that was why my Dry ice spell actually worked.

One could essentially use air spells to push nitrogen or flammable gasses to combo with a fire spell. Oddly enough, when I asked about other gasses, Tera looked at me confused. I don't believe this world really has an understanding about their world on a scientific level. But thinking of it now, I find it hard to believe this world has any sort of scientist or anyone who really researched what really works in this world. Most people here tend to not have the common sense that the people in my world had.

We also got our schedules for our classes here. I got put into Four classes throughout the day, which seemed long but they factored in the fact that I was a Special case, just like everyone else in the class. I had to take a class in healing, once I mastered beginner rank for that, I'd proceed to Intermediate rank for it. Another class I noticed I had to take was an alchemy class. I don't think I was really into that sort of thing, but Tera insisted that it would do good when out exploring or doing quests. The last two classes I had seemed to target what was believed to be my strongest magic. Intermediate Fire and Water spells. I would believe they chose fire because of my massive fireball I created during the entrance exam, but maybe I really do have a knack for Fire?

Water seemed reasonable since I did quite literally create a new spell with ice. I wonder how well my dry ice spell would do in the university?

"Hey, Griffin. What classes do you have?" I looked at Griffin who was looking at his own classes.

"I got Beginner water and Beginner wind classes. Looks like I'm just focusing on those two…" Griffin seemed bummed out, though he was proficient in water spells, he probably wanted to see if he could do other spells.

Looking at Sura, I noticed that she didn't have anything other than alchemy or just research in her schedule.

"What? Shouldn't you know I can't do magic?" She irritatedly said. Coming off as hostile? Ok then?

"No, I was just curious about what everyone's classes were…"

"Hmph, I don't understand what's so special about you, kid." Sura looked at tera. "So what? He can silent cast? Yeah that's rare. But I don't see how that puts him in here."

Tera then scratched her chin, a smile forming as she looked at me.

"Alright, you want to know then? Ok, tell me Sura…what do you know about the Duvul Trait?"

Sura adjusted her glasses as she began to explain.

"The Duval trait was named once Duvul had seemingly been killed. It's said that those who are contacted or connected to Duvual in some form will be granted many magical benefits. Though it's said that those who have it may indeed be host, I find that unbelievable."

Tera looked at me, as if waiting for me to respond. What the hell was I supposed to say?

I looked at Sura, who looked at me.

"…you telling me you have the Duval Trait?" Sura had a slight hesitation to her words, like she was solving something in her mind while asking me that.

"You are not."

"I am. And my mother too." I responded.

Aura's eyes widened and she scooted back in her seat.

"No…That isn't true is it, Miss Tera?"

Tera looked at her with a blank face, her arms crossed.

"Woah? Kota is a host to Duval?" Griffin chirped in.

"He is not, if he was it would be catastrophic!" Sura raised her voice. "Ok if he is, Prove it!"

"Uhh…how would I prove it?" Why couldn't she just believe that I had it? Actually then again, I don't even believe that I have the Duvul trait. I sort of just accepted it. But how am I supposed to show her I have the Duvul trait?

"Sura, one cannot show that they have it. But Kota does show a massive amount of mana within him, and quite honestly his mana output when doing magic is enough even for me to realize that it isn't normal…it's abnormal. Weren't you there when these two were doing their entrance exam?" Tera finally answered. Sura gave her a look and scoffed.

"I only saw what Griffin did and left out of pity."

I heard an 'Aww' coming from behind me when she said that.

"Kota, show the class what you can do…" Tera waved at me while looking at Sura. What am I, her favorite student now?

Well what should I show? Griffin and Tera have seen my huge fireball, but I wanted to do something different. The last two months being here, I've somewhat practiced magic so I'm a little more confident in it.

I could probably show off the dry ice spell.

Standing up from my desk, I picked up my staff and held it upwards. Griffin and Sura watched with close eyes as I closed my eyes and silently casted dry ice. That spell was burned into my memories so it was quite easy now to have it manifest with ease. The chills I felt on my hands seemed to vanish as I produced a white mist orb.

Griffin and sura backed off, scooting their seats as they looked in awe at it.

Tera smiled as white orb seemed to make crackling noises while seemingly making frost marks on my cloak and arm, it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would like before.

"What is that?" Sura asked, and she examined the orb from a safe distance from her desk.

"I've never seen this spell before…"

"Neither have I.." Griffin added.

"Kota seemed to have made it on his own, correct?" Tera asked me, I was shivering while concentrating on the orb.

"Y-yeah, like two months ago before I came here." My teeth were chattering as I said that. The more I held this spell, the more I felt the staff grow colder and colder.

Tera walked to her desk, which was in the corner of the room. She grabbed her robes that she normally wore and held it up.

"Kota, do kindly Fire that onto the robes." She held it in front of herself,making sure her hands and legs were covered by the robes.

Aiming at the robes, I thought of the speed and calculated the range and shot the ball. It whizzed across the room and made a thump noise as it collided with the robe. A white mist exploded from it as a white color painted the robes.

"Explodes on contact? Interesting…" Sura said nervously, she kept her eyes on the magic at all times, even when it was launched.

"Woah…" Griffin gawked at it and then slapped my back. "Lucky you didn't use that on me, hah!"

The robes shimmered and slowly the white mist dissipated and then slowly slid off the impact of the orb. The residue of it crumbled to the ground, before dissipating as well.

"Well, Sura are you looking?" Tera called out. She couldn't see, but sura was nodding.

Not waiting for a response, tera shook the robes and gently put it on her desk. "How long has it been? An hour or so in here? First Class usually runs from morning to afternoon before lunch. I believe it's almost lunch."

There was no clock in the room. In fact, I don't even know if this world even figured out time zones or uses clocks. I looked outside and saw that the sun was pretty high in the sky, so it might be possibly Noon right now?

I looked back at my schedule and noticed that all of my classes actually took place after lunch, which meant this class we were in was…just a break period?

"Tera, what exactly is this class?" She tilted her head when I asked that.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean…what's the point of this class? I thought we were doing actual special training?" Griffin nodded in agreement with me as Sura groaned.

"Training? Pfft. No." Sura scoffed. "More like a club than anything.

"That's because you were the only one here, what else am I supposed to do? Teach you magic?" Tera snapped at her. Sura gave her a mean look before looking away.

"This class was made by the principal to ensure those with extreme potential are allowed into our school." Tera pointed a finger that ran along all three of us. "All of you are exceptions, and that's coming from a positive perspective!"

The more I think about it, the more I think about how this'll affect any of us in this classroom. What would other students think of us? The looming thought of my past school life lingered as I kept overthinking about it.

I cannot get into that sort of mess here. Ever.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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