
Voyager's Path

When Travis's life has hit bottom and he accidently falls down below the bridge, Travis is sent to the Abyss, a place between places. And he meets Arael, The Goddess of death. She provides him a second chance at life in a new world filled with magic, under her advice That she guides him to have a powerful life there. He reluctantly agrees and finds that He is then reincarnated to a new family as Kota Detrut. Author note: First novel I’ve done, Really wanted to make my own take on that Isekai trope some of those anime do, but I wanted to do it in a way where it doesn’t melt into the power trip fantasy. There will still be updates to older chapters or auxiliary chapters to be up to date. Feedback on chapters or giving a reviews would be appreciated! (I will now be uploading to Royal Road as well for this Novel! So see you all soon!)

James_Gaperinco · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
144 Chs

A Odd First Day In Prusha

[Kota's perspective]

When we entered through the front gate with kale, I got a smell of the food. It seemed like this entrance was to the Market district of the kingdom.

Let me sum up the whole layout of this kingdom since we already have the Map that Derrick gave us.

From the map, I can see we did enter from the south side. From here, we are basically in the market district. It spanned all the way to the west before hitting what I would assume would be the farming district, since there was less of building and more of wider square drawings on the map. East of this market is what I presumably assume would be the university of magic. There was a building in the shape of a large rectangle and another building behind that had a bell tower attached to it. I'm only saying attached as the map seems to have separated the building in two for some reason.

Looking up the north of the map were a couple more interesting points of interest. The northwest of the kingdom also had large rectangles like farming, but these seemed somewhat different. When I asked Kale about this, he seemed somewhat intrigued at my interest.

"Kota, do you want to be an architect?" He asked

I don't know, was I? I used to use legos back in my old world to make really bad buildings. I wonder if they got something like that here?

Wait, wait. Getting off track.

"Uh, no. I was curious since I know Derrick said something about there being production on magic here."

"Ah, it'd make sense you'd be interested in that… Your mother, who is she?"

"Her name is Synthia, why are you asking?"

Kale nodded when I said that, almost as if I confirmed his thoughts. " I see, I figured. Did she ever tell you about her…Trait?"

He's talking about the Duvul trait, never really thought about it that much when I first read about it. Derrick and Edward didn't seem to mind about it either, but maybe that's because Synthia had it so they already knew what it was capable of.

Actually, I don't even know the full extent of it. I wouldn't say I felt drained of anything when I really used magic, especially when I fought against that other mage. My own magic was somewhat more powerful, but I think that was just due to the staff. Perhaps I didn't really push to see how far I could go with my magic yet. Maybe one day I'll figure it out.

"Yeah, She told me about it and I read more of it in a book."

"So you know about its abilities and such?"


"Ok, good. That'll probably get you into the university. As much as it is hated by many, mages are somewhat intrigued by what it can do. I'm also intrigued by it, maybe one day you'll show me it."

It seemed we got somewhat off topic at this point, we were standing in the middle of the market, talking. Lilith seemed more interested in what was here than our conversation.

"Ahem, anyways let's continue to my home. I'll tell you about the magic production on the way." Kale proceeded to walk ahead as I looked for Lilith.

Still holding the map, I glanced around and started to make some mental notes on where everything was. I was going to pen a couple of interesting points around Prusha with names when we get to Kale's home.

They had practically everything here in a similar fashion of the camp outside of the gate, though it seemed like there were much more vendors and variety. Tents and stalls had decorations and such, all of them having similar colors to the castle itself. A white color with blue outlines were the colors for most tents, stalls naturally having wooden frames so the color was brown or a light brown depending on the material, but the signs they used always had that white and blue mix of colors.

I finally found Lilith who was eating some food a Vendor was showing her.

The vendor held out what looked like a sponge-like cupcake, and Lilith immediately ate it.

Wait, showing her? She grabbed one of them??

"Oy, Girl! You ought to pay for that!" The vendor snapped at her. Lilith proceeded to drop a ten Rubee coin onto that vendor's table, which he kindly took and nodded in silent agreement.

It seemed like Lilith was in a happy mood, That's good.

I smiled as I thought of that, but that smile then quickly faded as I saw that she kept eating the cupcakes.

Like a fucking bunch of them. All that money, it's being drained by these fucking cupcakes!

I saw Lilith drop two rubees that were worth a hundred, And the vendor looked very pleased but also worried as he grabbed multiple cupcakes from behind him, stuffing them into a knapsack.

"Heyheyheyhey, what's going on here?!" I frantically asked, watching Lilith turn around with a cupcake in her mouth.

"Erm- a celbration for meh abbrenticeship?" She muffled those words out. Damn it, chew!

We haven't even been here for an hour and she's wasting money! Although later, I'll snatch some cupcakes from that knapsack.

"Alright, let's go. Kale is waiting for us." I grabbed the knapsack of cupcakes from the vendor's table. "And thank you, for these…" I didn't know what these were.

"...cupcakes?" I asked confusingly, and the vendor looked at me confused. I then grabbed Lilith and headed off to where kale was waiting.

"Slow down, Kota! I'm trying to Eat my pastel!"

It's called what? Pastel? Holy shit, I must've looked stupid in front of the Vendor. Maybe I should've read the sign in front of the tent…Actually, who cares? I'll call them what I want.

Kale was waiting along the sidewalk of a building that seemed to be a general store. A lot of passing people greeted Kale, Though it is expected since Kale was one of the teachers of the Fire King style in Prusha. Probably the most well known and respected amongst them.

Looking at the building and then the road somewhat reminded me of old 90's buildings from my world. They were blocky looking and almost all the buildings looked identical. all had seemingly the same white color, though some of the buildings did have their colors changed. But overall, the whole layout from windows to where the doors are were exactly the same. The road here was made of stone, no lines or anything to maintain traffic flow and the stones they used seemed to also be in different colors. The road had a red color in one spot, then a black color in another. This whole floor basically was the rainbow road.

"Ah, there you two are! I almost thought I lost you two!" Kale noticed us and pointed down a road which led even more north. "We're pretty close to the residential district, my house is somewhat close to the castle."

Pulling out my map, I looked at it and saw that further north from here was indeed the residential area. It was shaped in multiple rectangles which I presumed were the bundle of houses put together that made neighborhoods, and all these rectangles made an even larger rectangle. I made another mental note on marking the districts as well. It'd be easy to get lost here, even more dangerous as a kid.

"Ooh, Pastels. Thank you, Kota!" I didn't even notice Kale coming up to me when I was looking at the map.

He grabbed the knapsack out of hand and picked out a pastel from it, the one he grabbed looked like it had cream on top of it.

"Ahem, anyways. Let's get goin!" He took a bite out of his pastel and walked down the road.

Kale was an interesting fellow, he somewhat reminded me of Gerald. He had a funny side to him and he always seemed relaxed with us. Thinking about it now, I'm one hundred percent sure that Gerald took inspiration from this man. Kale seemed exuberant out of combat, but when he was sparring with Lilith, I did notice he got a bit more serious.

As we continued walking to the residential district, I kept note of what was where, the roads we took and mentally marked any points of interest on the map. I know I won't be able to mark everything, but if I get all the major things marked, we should be good. I'll at some point look around with Lilith to perhaps buy something to celebrate our journey to Prusha.

Speaking of Lilith, she got ahead of me and ran alongside kale. She kept asking him many questions like "when will we train?" or "How big is your house?", "How far is it?". It seemed she's already comfortable with Kale, even though not less than an hour ago he had her on her ass.

Let's not say anything to her about that. As much as I loved seeing her fight with kale, It was obvious that kale was only just testing her out. But she did put up a good fight for a beginner. Her reflexes and ability to really improvise on the go really sold it for Kale, Who from what I saw really was paying attention to her movement and abilities. I don't think I've seen Gerald even do moves like the ones Lilith used when he was doing his training routines. Especially when she started using her eyes, it was like she saw every movement he was going to make and used that to her advantage.

I think what's really bothering me was one thing, was Kale really using Fire King style with her? I remember watching their fight and noticing how Edward looked confused, while Derrick seemed to not care and just enjoyed the fight. But even I noticed it just from watching his movement and pacing. He seemed to be very fast, but he never really went and used full aggression with her. Perhaps it was because he was just testing her and not going all out? Either way, It caught Edward's suspicions. I'll have to ask Kale about this at his home.

Once we got to the residential area, it was pretty much what I thought it'd be from looking at the other buildings we walked past. They all shared nearly identical shape and size. But at least here in the residential area, they all had some variety in terms of what was used for colors or what was on their lawn. Some houses had trees or a little garden in the front. But these were the houses in the outer area of the whole thing. As we got further into the residential area, I noticed that the houses in the inner rectangles actually changed from what were on the outer ones. Some were somewhat larger than others and had different shapes. When I asked Kale about this, he said that the residential area was always being expanded. The ones in the innermost were the most different and unique. As the years went on, they kept expanding until the outermost where they decided to keep the building somewhat similar.

The more I thought of it, it felt like the builders just got lazy and decided to keep the most recent building the same so they don't need to do extra work. Or maybe there's something else to it, I'm not an architect.

But Kale was right as we reached his home, it was one of the innermost houses and it looked completely different from the houses we've seen before. It was a two story house like mine…

Actually, Kale's house actually looked like my house…when did Gerald get our house? Or maybe our house was just coincidentally like Kales?

Though they were somewhat similar, I can spot some differences. There was no front gate like mine and there was no garden or tree on the front lawn. It was replaced with some bushes and smaller trees in one of the corners of the house. There were also vines climbing up on the side of the house all the way up to the roof.

But it still had the same colors as my house which was brown, though it seemed like Kale hadn't repainted it in a while, so it looked somewhat faded out.

"Welp, we're here kids!" Kale announced, turned around to face us.

Lilith seemed to have gotten ahold of the knapsack as she was munching on the pastels. But she gave out a muffled "Yay!".

"Oh sorry, Kota. Forgot about our conversation about magic production here. You seemed so focused on the map that I decided to wait on it. We'll speak about it in my house." Kale apologetically said. Which I didn't mind as now we would still have a talk about it.

"That's alright, I wouldn't mind talking about it inside." I politely responded.

"That's good. Anyways, let's get inside and I'll prep your room." Kale turned around and went on into his house.

I stayed outside for a little bit More to see if there was anything else that I made note of before heading in. I Should've made a note on how to get back. But that wasn't what caught my attention. To the left of the road Kale's house was on, A woman was walking towards us. The more I looked at her, the more I realized she was a mage. She held a very long staff that had vines wrapped around it and at the top of it was a flower that held the blue magic crystal. She had a big blue hat that really reminded me of those large wizards hats I've seen in games. She also had a man behind her roll a small wagon of baggage and books. I must've caught her attention as she gave me a glance and waved.

When I waved back at her, she must've seen it as an invitation to talk as she walked towards me. The man stopped and pulled into one side of the road to park the wagon and followed her.

Now that she was closer to me, I realized that the difference in height between us was akin to me and derrick. This was a tall dark skinned woman standing at 6'5, Though it might be because of her white high heels she was wearing. Her black hair was tied behind her back with a ribbon, but looking more closely I noticed she had streaks of white hair as well. She had a white dress that had blue patterns on it that covered her sleeves, And a leather stomach piece that wrapped around.

"Well, Well! A young mage is here! Where did you come from?" She asked. Her voice was very Sultry, She bent down to examine me. Her eyes were Green and they were eyeing me. I feel like I've entered a hunting zone for someone.

I didn't really know how to respond, But her assertiveness really kicked something in me. Like it really kicked something in me.

"I-uh- Well..I-I uh came from Shanford, ma'am…miss.." I stumbled on my words which only prompted the woman to laugh.

"That's not that far from here is it? A four day trip, correct? Did you come with her?" She looked at Lilith who was eyeing us both while simultaneously chewing on a pastel. "You two seem too young to be traveling on your own, who brought you here?"

"We had t-two of my dad's friends escort us here, we managed to make it a three day trip with some shortcuts." She turned to me and then examined my left arm's scar.

"And where did you get this?!" She touched it when it made me instinctively move away from her. I'm sensing a very odd feeling from her and I didn't quite feel comfortable with her touching me.

"Oh, forgive me, little one. I'm just curious if you.." She put a finger to her mouth. "…did that yourself."

Ok, This woman is very…odd, I'll just put it at that. But maybe she works at the university of magic? This could be one of my chances at getting into it. So I'll bite.

"UH…yeah I did it myself, N-not the actual wound, but the healing spell."

She seemed to not mind my obvious fluster and looked at the scar more deeply. I wonder why she was looking at it so in depth?

"How long have you been learning magic for?" she looked up at me, Hungry eyed. What the hell is up with this woman?

"I learned from my mother…for about three year or so?"

"Three years?! But-." The lady stopped herself as she realized she started shaking me. Once she let me go, she calmed down. "Three years? But that's intermediate magic!" She pointed at my wound.

Eh? Intermediate? I swear I used just beginner healing magic on it. Unless…

"Oh…it might be because I might've used too much magic?" I answered confusingly.

"Koda has Dubal traid in him…" I heard Lilith muffle those words as she kept eating. Lilith was really enjoying those pastels.

"Duvul?" The woman looked at me with even more interest, those eyes of hers were basically out to pop out. "My, my…Now this is a very interesting turn this took." She then looked up from behind me and frowned. "Oh, and now it's taken a very horrible turn.."

"Oh hello, Tera! Fancy seeing you in my lawn!" I heard Kale yell from what I assume would be the second floor of his house. He must've been watching us talk the whole time.

"I assume the boy and girl here is with you?" The woman now known as Tera scoffed and folded her arms under her…

Under her…her…mountains…the biggest mountains I've seen. It hasn't even dawned on me that they were huge, I found myself now blushing and feeling even more flustered.

"Mr. Goodman, You know it's wrong to be stealing kids? Right?" Tera said coldly. Kale gave her a weird look before realizing what she was assuming.

"It's Kale Goodman, get it right! Put the name first! And second, These kids are the children of my apprentice…except the girl." He pointed at Lilith. "She'll be my new apprentice!" Kale leaned out the window he was in and puffed his chest out.

"Ooh, a new apprentice, hmm?" She unfolded her arms and pressed on her finger to her lips. Her eyes set on me. I could feel my spine tingling.

"Listen, Tera. You're scaring the boy with that attitude." Kale called out, giving her a warning glare. "Plus, the boy will be going to the university of magic to study under them."

"Oh, that won't do. Schools are hard, right darling?" She asked me. "Wouldn't it be more fun to have me teach you?" She licked her lips as she said that.

That's a red flag if I've seen one. A very dark red colored flag. Why is this woman so interested in me?

Kale must've noticed and seemingly hopped out his second story window, landing safely and grabbing a hold of me.

"You can't teach him." Kale said sternly, both him and Tera staring at each other.

"Aww, does Mr. Goodman want me to teach him rather than the boy?" She slowly dragged her hand up against his body. "I'm only interested in teaching the boy magic, I sense a large amount of mana in him, so much untapped potential that's just waiting to unload…"

Kale still gave her a stern look, though I could see beads of sweat coming off his face. Her hands now slowly tapping down now.

"Look, if you are interested in training him…why not join the university as a teacher?" Kale advised her.

"Fufu, funny you say that as I've been invited to the university as one. I was only kidding about the school thing. You should know how I am with this kind of thing, Goodman. Fufu.." she gave a little chuckle as her hands slowly descended down to his waist. She was basically toying with him.

At this point, Kale was now giving me and Lilith eyes, almost signaling for help. Lilith was watching in awe as she watched this lady seemingly molest this man.

Me? Well I didn't want to get near her, you see what look she gave me? She'd take me away and…well she'd train me, but I don't like her whole aura at all.

But like I do, but like I'm a kid. Now if I were eighteen…

"Huh, well uh…perhaps I do. But still, I won't allow you to train Kota." Kale kept giving me a look, but I kept nodding "No!".

Tera stopped right as she got to his crotch and pulled away. She then folded her arms and puffed her cheeks. "Hmph, if that's how it is. We'll see how the university handles it!" She then gave me a look and waved at me. "Now, kota. Since I know your name, I hope we see each other at the university. Toodaloo!" She gave a kiss as she walked away to her wagon, there was a pink wisp left behind as she walked. The man who carried her wagon was already set to go, holstering the wagon's arms over his shoulder.

As soon as she left, Kale grabbed me and Lilith and stormed back into his home.

In Kale's first floor, there was a couch and a fireplace facing the left side of the house. And towards the end, there was a doorway that seemed to be the entrance of the kitchen. His stairs were on the right of us, it was in an L-shape. The inside of his house was painted white and the flooring was hardwood floor.

Kale then dropped us and sighed in relief.

"Alrightttt…not what I expected, but hey…" he trailed off, wiping the sweat off his forehead. "Damn that woman!"

"Who was that?" Lilith asked.

"Oh she's…an acquaintance of mine, long story. But, it seems like maybe she will be your teacher…who knows. If what she's saying is true about being offered a job at the university" He turned to me as he said that.

"She didn't seem that bad to me." Lilith said.

"Uh, well…" Kale rubbed the back of his head. "Maybe to you, but she is someone who really likes strong people." Kale gave me a glance again.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" I asked, I felt I knew what the answer was going to be. But I just wanted to make sure.

"Well if she saw your mana, and assuming she's right about your massive potential. You've probably caught her attention. Which I mean, it isn't bad. She is a King ranked mage."

"King?!" I blurted out. Holy shit! What was Synthia's rank in magic? I can't even remember. Wasn't it Intermediate?

"Yeah, across all boards in spells. She's a King ranked. Especially in bed…" Kale mumbled that last part out quietly.

"Woah, Kota you should train under her!" Lilith advised.

I mean, should I? I don't think Arael's visions even showed her. But maybe me training with her leads to one of the visions? I'm pretty sure I've done this task out of order as Lilith is already training under Kale now. Perhaps Arael's vision aren't a hundred percent accurate to how they really will play out? I wouldn't know, I'm basically guessing and hoping right now. I'm already guessing the vision of me seeing Lilith train has already been fulfilled, and maybe the baby vision will be fulfilled some time in the future. The castle vision has been fulfilled too, I'm already in Prusha.

That just leaves the boy…Maybe I do need to teach under Tera to fulfill this. I'm really testing some buttons here. A little boy having a big tall lady as his teacher? That'll make some images…

But we'll have to see when we get to the university.

"Welp, you two can get yourselves comfortable in my home. Kota, I'll send a note to Gerald saying you are here with me. Though I'm sure Derrick and Edward are on their way to say that as we speak." Kale hurried upstairs as he said those words. "Lilith, we'll start our training tomorrow!" He gave Lilith a thumbs up which prompted her to give one back happily. "I am going to my room to…sleep…" he awkwardly said that last part.

Seems like Tera managed to awaken something in him.

That just left me and Lilith on the first floor.

"Kota, do you like how big Prusha is?" Lilith asked.

"It's quite huge, I'll need to make a map for us in case we need to travel alone." I went off looking around the first floor, looking for a pen or something. Not before setting my staff onto the couch, which Lilith then followed along.

"You think Kale is as good as your dad?"

"Probably. Maybe even better."

"You think I'll be as good as them?"

I hesitated at that question, Lilith already has pretty good physical strength for her age. But that's due to her Dragon blood in her, that's what I'm assuming. Factoring in her eye and the potential she has, perhaps she will be even more impressive than both.

"…yeah, if you train well."

"Really?! Thanks Kota!" Lilith smiled.

I finally found a quill and some ink in a drawer kale had. I then went to the Kitchen, which was that doorway that I noticed. The kitchen had a table and two chairs, and it was pretty much equipped like the kitchen at my home.

I plopped out the map from my backpack and

Laid it flat on the table, I then started to mark the map with what I remembered. Lilith watched as I dotted down buildings and major roads. I didn't remember the names of the roads, so I just went with random names for them.

I finally marked most of what I remembered when we entered the City. It was basically everything from the path we used and some other things Kale told us about. I've also marked the district as well, though I left some spots blank as I didn't know those districts yet.

"That's really good handwriting you have, Kota!" Lilith pointed at my handwriting, I didn't think it was too bad for writing in a completely different language, I hadn't really written that much when I first learned it. So if she says it's good, then that's alright with me. As long as it's passable.

"C'mon, let's go see our room!"

Lilith grabbed my hand and ran to the stairs, dragging me with her. As we clambered up the stairs, I saw there were three doors, two on the right and one on the left. If I had to guess, I'd say the left one was Kale's room. The other two were either the bathroom or bedroom.

"Let's try the left one!" Lilith went on and tried to turn the door knob of the left door, only stopping when we heard something fall on the other side.

"Hold on! Wait! Don't open that door!" I heard Kale frantically say, I could hear him fumbling in his room as he finally opened the door by a tiny bit. "Hey, there you two. To keep it not awkward, this is my room. The two on the right are the bedroom and bathroom. Now, run along. I'll be out in a bit and answer your questions and such. I need some me time…" he then slowly closed the door.

"Oh…what was he doing?" Lilith looked at me, confused.

"…man things…" I could only respond with that before looking into the closest right door next to us.

This door led to the bedroom, which had a fairly big bed and a dresser. Other than that, it had a basket for clothes and a candle light. Which meant the other door was the bathroom.

Lilith then jumped on the bed, taking off her cloak and laying flat down on it.

"So comfy!" She muffled out.

I put down my backpack next to her cloak and also jumped on the bed, landing right next to her.

She was right, this bed feels like it's brand new!

"Hah, It is comfy!" I looked at her when I said that and she slowly looked up.

Her silver hair trickled down, covering her face in the cutest way as she also gave the cutest smile as well. I can't deny how fucking cute she is right now.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" I asked. I'm wondering if maybe all this cutesy stuff is just because she's got what she wanted.

"Hm hm, perhaps?" Lilith put one of her fingers to her mouth, just like what Tera did. "What makes you think so?"

She is passing a very dangerous line now.

"Well, you've been pretty cheerful since we got here."

"I suppose so, but it's all because of you!" She had a smug look on her face.


…Something isn't right. Lilith doesn't usually act like that. She's never smug or anything like that. What's up with her?

Looking more closely, I noticed her pupils were different. They were Heart shaped and had a pink hue to them. Wait..

Heart shaped?!

I immediately realized something. That pink wisp Tera left behind lingered when she left, I wonder if that was a spell she used? No it couldn't have been, she would've needed to chant the spell.

Maybe it was a magic potion?

I found myself springing out of the bed and running to the door, I got to tell kale! This is a no go for me!

But I was suddenly stopped by Lilith who died past me, blocking the door. Her left eye glistened that red color.

"Where are you going?" She asked, breathing somewhat hard now.

Ok, she's blocking the door now. Maybe we can ask her politely to move? Like that'll work.

I looked to the window and remembered about the vines that were growing up, I could probably climb that.

"I'm…going to open the window for fresh air! Haha!" I used a fake laugh as I proceeded to move back and open the window.

And lord behold, look who was in the front yard. Tera stood there, her staff powered and emanating a blue color.

"Well, it seems your little friend has been affected by the charm spell. You know these spells can be activated at any time? How unfortunate, it seems like you'll need someone to teach you how to disarm the spell.." she gave a pouting face.

"Uh, yeah. You put a charm spell on her." I bluntly said.

"Me? Heavens no, although it seems my effects on Kale have spread…"


"That pink wisp you've seen is my charm spell, I like to play around with kale a lot. Fufu." She then blew another kiss that spawned a pink wisp again. "Did Kale tell you what our relationship is?"

Kale then immediately burst his windows open, he had no shirt and was sweating.

"Don't you say another word! Tera, break this spell! The two kids have had enough!" He yelled.

Tera laughed as she kept her eyes on me.

"I'll tell you this, kota. The charm spell I gave to Kale can show one's true feelings. That girl with you seems to be really interested in you, yes?"

"It does not!" Kale interrupted her.

"Says the one drenched in sweat from his private time. tell me, was it fun imagining me?"

"I-you…I was thinking of something els-No. I'm just tired from evaluating Lilith!"

"Mmm, it's so fun teasing you Kale."

Kale gave out a heavy sigh and put one of his hands to his face. "This isn't how I expected my day to go. Sorry, kids"

Kale looked at me from his window before leaning more out and looking inside.

"Kota. Behind." Kale pointed behind me.

I could feel someone breathing down my neck, which made me freeze.

Lilith was leaning on my back, breathing down it as she then grabbed me and threw me onto the bed.

Did I mention this girl has tremendous strength?

"Hoho, the girls riled up!" Tera yelled, clapping her hands.

"This shouldn't be something you'd be clapping for! Turn the spell off!" Kale roared.

"I'll have Kota figure out how to turn it off. It'll be like my evaluation of him."

"You could literally do an evaluation in the university."

"But that just isn't as much fun as this! Plus, it's giving you a headache! That's a plus in my book!" I heard Kale groan when Tera said that.

Those two teasing each other reminded me of a manga I've read. You know that one with the timid guy and the girl who kept teasing him?

Anyways I have more problems right now, and it involves Lilith. She was basically crawling to me as I struggled to recover from her throw.

Why the hell do I have to figure out how to deactivate a spell? Couldn't I have been taught this instead of being thrown into one to confusingly figure it out?

…I'm pretty sure this still would happen in the university.

Lilith then pounced on me, her knees hitting my stomach, which hurt like hell.

She was beginning to act like Tera, her smile was a smug and she started to hold her fingers to her lip.

"I could wait for a couple more years for this, but right now.." Lilith put a hand on my stomach. " I can't wait."

Red flag, red flag! Shit, I got to find a way to break the spell.

"Kota!" I heard Kale slam on the door, it seemed like Lilith locked the door. "Kota, look for a wisp on her chest!"

I then started looking at Liliths chest, I really hated doing this. But as I kept looking, I noticed a pink color illuminating under her shirt, it was below her collarbone.

"Where are you looking?" Lilith smugly asked as she grabbed the collar of my shirt, lifting me.

"I-uh…"I reached for the collar of her shirt and bent it down. "I'm looking for a pink thing!"

The pink wisp seemed to be attached to her skin, like a second layer. I could peel it off! If I could grab it!

But Lilith held me closer, we're about a couple centimeters from each other. She twisted my shirt unbelievably tight, it was like I was choking.

"You know what you should be looking at? Me." Her left burning red, "No one else but me."

"Oh uh…" what's something that would catch Lilith off guard? What would make Lilith stop in her tracks?

An idea sparked in my mind as I then grabbed her shoulders. She doesn't really confront things with me. I'll play the direct confession card to her.

"You're right!" I boldly said.

"Huh?!" Lilith was immediately taken aback by that, her normal personality now more apparent.

"You know what I'm about to say?" I held her in her place as she tried to scramble off of me.

"Hey-woah settle down! Why don't we take it slow?" Lilith said frantically.

I'm going to do a gamer move here, Hah!

"I lo-." I was cut short as she pushed me and landed on the edge of the bed, burying her hands into her face.

"Stop! I don't wanna hear that confession!" She was bright red and breathing heavily.

I took this opportunity to then pull her shirt down just a bit, seeing the pink wisp illuminate brighter.

Using my other hand, I grabbed it and peeled it off. The pink wisp dissipated in my hands.

Huh, I managed to deactivate it. Now to make sure Lilith-.

Before I could even finish that thought, Lilith's right hand immediately swung and slapped me, sending me sprawling onto the bedroom floor.

"W-w-what are you doing?" She sputtered out, her eyes went back to her amber colors. But she was still bright red. She was crying out of embarrassment.

Just then, Kale finally managed to open the door, swimming it open and frantically coming in.

"Kota, I'm here! Did you get the pink wis-Oh." Kale stopped mid sentence, observing us.

I was sprawled on the floor with a huge red hand mark on my face and Lilith was on the bed, beet red and crying. What a very weird scene.

"I-I got it.." I mumbled out. Mending to my stinging face.

"That's…good. Lilith, do you remember anything?" Kale looked at Lilith, who nodded frantically.

Kale sighed in relief, rubbing his head.

"W-what happened?" Lilith asked, looking back between me and Kale.

"You got put under a charm spell. It's gone now."

"Charm spell?

"Yeah, see right there?" Kale pointed at me. "That was you."

Lilith gave me a worried look, looking at her hand.

"Whoops…" she mumbled out.

"And it's thanks to Tera!" Kale ran to to the window of our bedroom, looking out of it.

"Did the boy disarm the spell?" I heard her say.

"Uh, yeah! Almost got his head blown off by the girl!"

"Well then, I'll say it was a success then. Tell the boy that I'm excited to have him as my apprentice in the university." I heard Tera's voice tread off as Kale groaned.

This…was not how I thought our first day here would go…

It’s the second arc! Like it ? Add to library!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

James_Gaperincocreators' thoughts