
Voyager's Path

When Travis's life has hit bottom and he accidently falls down below the bridge, Travis is sent to the Abyss, a place between places. And he meets Arael, The Goddess of death. She provides him a second chance at life in a new world filled with magic, under her advice That she guides him to have a powerful life there. He reluctantly agrees and finds that He is then reincarnated to a new family as Kota Detrut. Author note: First novel I’ve done, Really wanted to make my own take on that Isekai trope some of those anime do, but I wanted to do it in a way where it doesn’t melt into the power trip fantasy. There will still be updates to older chapters or auxiliary chapters to be up to date. Feedback on chapters or giving a reviews would be appreciated! (I will now be uploading to Royal Road as well for this Novel! So see you all soon!)

James_Gaperinco · Fantasy
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144 Chs

A New face in the mist of the camp

The camp was riddled with other adventurers and merchants. Really, if i were to compare it to anything, I would compare it to like one of those music festivals from my old world. People were playing music here. Someone was playing what looked like a guitar, but it didn't look like it was made of wood but it literally sounded like a guitar. What sorcery is this? Actually don't say that because there is sorcery here.

People were eating at campfire's, Cooking up soup that smelled so damn good. Derrick and Edward were exploring as well, possibly prepping up for their journey back as me and Lilith explored. As I continued to look around, I spotted something.

A magic Equipment. More specifically, some Gloves. When I walked up to the vendor, he gave me a confused look before noticing I had a staff in my hands. He then smiled and spoke.

"Oy, you. Fancy that Glove, eh?" The vendor said. He looked like a lizard man, His green scale made it obvious. Also his tongue kept coming out. But his accent…Reminded me of an Australian man. Does this world have a Australia? Maybe the other continents have places similar to my old world's place.

"Uh, yeah? What's it made of?" I asked.

"Haha. I'll tell ya, mate. Right'ere this piece be made a couple leathers from the Demon continent." He pointed at the sleeves of the gloves, The middle of the sleeves were colored white as the black covered the back side of the glove. "I'll let you in ona Secret, eh? I got the pieces here from a Dead mage user from the Continent. Seemed like they were a pretty good mage too." He flipped the gloves to show the other side of it. Which looked like the fingers and thumbs were made of some sort of leather while the palm was made of something else. Perhaps silk?

I really did like these gloves, and from hearing what this guy said. They belonged to a mage user, so maybe they benefit fme in some way?

"How much for these?" I asked.

"Two hundred Rubees" He responded, which made me weak to my knees.

Two Hundred Rubees? What the fuck? How much do I have?

I proceeded to rummage through my backpack and pulled out my Rubee bag that Synthia gave me. Once I counted them, I counted a hundred and fifty.

"Oy, Low on money, Eh?' Tough luck, mate." The vendor said.

Well shit…I kinda wanted those gloves.

Then Lilith ran up next to me, she seemed to have gotten distracted and now managed to find me.

"Kota, did you buy anything? I got this!" She held up a doll that looked like a pig.

Very cute that she's still into dolls. I should buy one at some point.

"Nope, I don't have enough money…" I said sadly.

"Oh, I can help with that!" She walked to the vendor and placed a huge Rubee coin on the desk the vendor was using.

"Oy, girl. This is a Five hundred rubee coin, how ya get this?!" The vendor seemed surprised. As was I.

When did she get that kinda money? Did Lilith's father leave money behind before he left?

"Got it from killing some people!" she gave a big smile when she said that, which made the vendor even more shocked. A twelve year old killing? I bet he's finding it hard to believe. Also, when did Lilith Have Time to loot from the kidnappers? Nevermind, let's just thank her once she finished paying.

"Oh, erm. Aight girl. Take the gloves. But no Rubees back!" He yoinked the Rubee and slid the gloves to Lilith who picked them up.

"Here, kota!" She held them out to me, I put my Rubee bag back into my backpack and then grabbed the gloves.

Wait, the vendor said these were taken from a mage user, but they seem too big for someone like me. These gloves wouldn't fit..

There was a shimmer to these gloves that seemed to brighten. The size in general seemed to be slowly shrinking. Huh…magic…

I put the gloves on, seemingly surprised as I found that they fit comfortably on me. Too comfortable. Did these gloves just pick a new owner? I wouldn't believe they were sentient, maybe the mana infused somehow aligned with my mana and realized I was a child? Let's just go with that, I'm sure the magic school will explain that better.

"How are they?" Lilith leaned in, examining the new gloves I had.

"They are really great, thanks Lilith!" I thanked her and gave her a thumbs up.

She blushed and also gave me a thumbs up back.

"Should we find Derrick and Edward?"

"Yeah, we got what we wanted!" Lilith then playfully walked off as I followed along. She's having fun roaming this place, I wouldn't complain. There's a bunch of variety here.

There were mostly Animal people here or specifically, cat people. From what I remember, that race comes from the Gradon Tribe. They all seemed like humanoid people with some characteristics of a cat. Whiskers and ears, along with tails as well. And not to be a pervert, but…some were very well endowed in the chest and the…fuck it, they had huge Tits and asses, ok? I kept my eyes away from those as much as possible, keeping my head straight and on Lilith as she looked about for Derrick and Edward.

We then finally found Derrick and Edward at another vendor, this one vendor seemed to be selling food of some sort. It looked like corn but it had a more greenish color to it. Derrick was trying to hassle the vendor as Edwards watched on.

"OY, This shit does not cost twenty Rubbes!" Derrick held one of the corn looking vegetables up. "This shit? I saw another vendor seeking it for fucking two Rubees!"

"Then why are you here buying this one?" The vendor asked, irritated.

"Because he only sold one at a time! You let us buy them in bulk!"

"How much do you think a bulk is for?"

"Twenty Rubees! As it should!"

The vendor scratched his head. "So you're upset that the bulk of Dipe I'm selling is too expensive when you gave the amount you think they cost?"

The vendor pointed at a sign above the tent he had. It said "Dipes = 20 Rubees!"

Derrick stopped in tracks when he heard that. Edward smiled as it seemed to have understood the issue from the beginning, but decided to watch Derrick suffer.

"I-I…seemed to have misread…"Derrick awkwardly said.

"It's gonna cost thirty now…" The vendor demanded.

Derrick really got hassled by the vendor. I watched as mumbled some words while he rummaged through his rubbee bag to drop some coins.

"Wasting…money we got from Mary for some stupid damn vegetables. Why'd she ask for these?!" Derrick said frustatingly.

"Dipe soup."

"Yes, Edward. Thanks for the reminder.."

Finally, the two noticed me and Lilith. Derrick cleared his throat and put on his eccentric attitude again.

"Ah, hm. HAHA. Looks like you got some items there! What are they?" He looked at Lilith's doll and then at my hands. "Ooh, Well you two scored some nice stuff! HAHA." He laughed as grabbed a bundle of Dipes from the vendor's table.

"We should hurry up, Derrick. We don't wanna be here so long…" Edward said.

I almost forgot that These two were somewhat on Prusha's wanted list over an incident at the Bridge To Prusha. I wonder if anyone even recognized them here? Looking around, I didn't really see any guards except for the ones standing at the front gate.

"Ah. You're right, Edward. Alright kids, here's the plan." Rummaging through his bag, he pulled out a map and handed it to me. "This is the map of Prusha. See here?" He pointed at the top of the map where it detailed one of the three gates. One gate was to the north and one was to the south, the last gate seemed to be a naval one as it was towards the west where the map depicted an ocean. "We are at the South Gate. After you get through those gates, me and Edward can't help you, so you'll need to rely on this."

Ah yes, leave two kids on their own in a huge kingdom. Hopefully we don't get kidnapped. I'm being too optimistic about this.

Looking at the map more closely made me realize that the buildings weren't even titled. How the hell were we supposed to find out what is what?

"Um…the map is empty. How would we know where to go?"

"Ask the guards. here, take the map as your guide. You can mark it if you want."

Derrick handed me the map as I grabbed it and analyzed it.

"I think you're smart enough for your age to figure things out, right? HAHA" Derrick gave me a thumbs up.

"Haha…yeah…of course.."

"Alright! Let me carry this back to our carriage and we'll head to the gate." Derrick headed back to the carriage as the rest of us waited.

"Do you two enjoy the view of the castle?" Edward asked.

"I like it! It's all white and huge! There's like a floating thingy on it!" Lilith said excitingly.

"I'm more excited about seeing the magic school." Honestly, out of anything this city is showing right now, the school is probably the only thing I'm curious about.

"That's good… once me and Derrick get back to Shanford, we'll notify your parents about your safety."

"Will they keep in contact?" I asked.

"Through letters from Gerald's Fire king style master and most likely through sending a letter to you once you join the school."

"…are they that confident in me reaching the requirements for the school?"

"Why wouldn't they be? I'm sure the school would be surprised by a silent caster."

Edward might have a point. Though to be quite honest, I haven't seen many mages since I started traveling. How many people would be at this university? I'm assuming many if this kingdom is the home to magic productivity.

"HAHA. Alight! Let's get to the front gate! We gotta hurry, someone might steal the Dipes!" Derrick ran back to us and then ahead of us as he ran to the front gate. The rest of us decided to follow him.

The Front gate had a bridge to it, Underneath was water. You know, a moat. But literally just for the front of this gate. It spread somewhat far to each side of the wall before ending. There was a large gate as well. What were these large things called? Oh, a Portcullis. It was painted black and was actually operated by a magic crystal on the left side of it. A guard was next to it, giving a stern look at us.

Speaking of the guards, They wore some armor that somewhat resembled a templar from my old world, But there were slight alterations and the noticeable robe that was wrapped from one shoulder had a Lion with a crystal inside of its mouth stitched into it.

One of the guards stopped us as he confronted Derrick.

"Hold it, what's with the rush?" The guard said.

"Got to get these kids in there! Kota, Lilith!" Derrick waved at us to hurry.

"Kids…you ain't smuggling them are you? You're talking to a guard right now…"

"Uh, no. If I did, I wouldn't even be talking to you right now."

"Ah, that you are correct." The guard then turned to look at me and Lilith. "So what brings you here with this man?"

He's asking us kids, just in case, just maybe Derrick might've kidnapped us. I'm not much of a troll, but if I was. Derrick would absolutely be thrown in jail and I'd be laughing on the other side.

But we ain't that.

"I'm looking for the University of Magic here." And then I pointed at Lilith. "And she's looking for a fire king style trainer."

"Fire king style, you say?" Someone else interrupted our conversation, it was from behind.

When I looked back, I saw a somewhat tall man with blonde hair and emerald eyes. He donned two swords with him, both at his hip. He wore a brown outfit that had many belts to it. He was leaning against the tree that he was under.

"Kale?" Derrick asked, he looked at him with a puzzled look.

"Why, Derrick. It's good to see my apprentices friends." The man bowed at Derrick and looked at Edward. "It is good to see you, Edward."

Edward gave him a nod as Kale walked up to me and Lilith. He gave us both a look and examined us both before clapping his hands.

"I'm assuming one of you is Gerald's child? Maybe the boy." He pointed at me. "I recognize that posture and body language. It's just like him."

"Uh..yes. I'm Kota Detrut." I greeted myself.

"Ah, I received a message from your father about…Training, so what else would I do for my favorite apprentice than to greet his child in person!" Kale raised his hands in a celebratory expression.

"Um…I believe the person my father wanted you to train is her.." Kale looked at Lilith, who waved.

"Ah yes, I read that in the letter. Lilith, isn't it?" He knelt down to hold a hand out to her.

"…yes" Lilith awkwardly said, going in for a handshake.

"Pleasure meeting you." Kale smiled.

Derrick and Edward stood off the side, watching with interest.

"Say, Lilith. Would you like to…demonstrate your abilities?" Kale asked.

"Uh…h-here?" Lilith looked taken aback from that question.

Wait, are they really going to fight in front of this gate? What are the guards gonna do about this?

I looked at the guards and realized they moved back to where they were before, eyeing us from a distance.

"Hah, of course here! It's an open field and it'll be quick! I just wanna evaluate your skills before taking you in." Kale let go of her hand as he stepped back a bit, making some distance between her.

"Kota, is this…ok?" Lilith asked, confused by all this.

I mean, if he's going to train her. I'd think it'd be alright to see what she's capable of first off. Though doing it out here could possibly make a scene. And Derrick and Edward are in a hurry.

But this could be a quick sparring match like she did with Gerald. So this might be quick.

"Do you think you can handle him?" I asked.

Lilith hesitated and gave her answer some thought. "Probably not, but he wants to see how well I can fight."

"Can you fight well without your…eye thing?"

"We'll see?" She didn't say that confidently. But maybe she learned something from Derrick or Edward? Or maybe she remembers what she's done when in that weird eye mode.

" I believe you two were the escorts of the children, yes?" Kale asked Derrick and Edward. "I can handle them both, unless you two wish to stay and watch us spar."

"HAHA, wouldn't want to miss a fight. I'm sure this'll be quick, we can stay." Derrick said, Edward nodded.

What? It'd be funny if those two got caught while the fight went on.

"Kota, take my coat?" Lilith removed her cloak and handed it to me.

"So, how'll you want this to go? I'm only evaluating your skills. No need for killing, unless that's how you fight." Kale asked.

"Erm. When I sparred with Kota's dad, he knocked me to the ground and said he won. So

Maybe whoever falls first?" Lilith Thought back when she first used her Red eye thing. It seemed like she didn't know when it would activate. It all just kinda comes to her. I've noticed that a few times it is activated.

"Great, whoever hits the ground first! Kota, please move aside as we begin our spar." Kale waved me away as he said that.

I casually walked up to where Derrick and Edward were and watched as Lilith and Kale stood, facing each other.

"If what Gerald said in the letter is true, then this'll be a special treat." Kale pulled out his sword that was hanging on his left hip. "I have hopes that Gerald's referral would give me a challenge. So please, give me one."

"…" I could see Lilith was sweating as she pulled out her sword.

In what seemed like an eternity. The two charged each other.

And Lilith's eyes didn't change.

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