
Vows Of The Broken

Since Irish Mo was little, she never understood why her mother left her father and the wealthy mo family in china but hiding here in LA with her and suffering just to put a healthy dinar on the table for the family of 3. Until she turns 20 and made to go back to her father's house where the marriage was already waiting for her, broken and confused she decided to do whatever her mother wanted since she was bent on destroying her. With her resentment towards her mother growing by each day, she decided to fall in love with her husband so she could receive all the attention, love and family she ever wanted. It took her 10 good years to realize how stupid she had been. After introducing her husband to the underworld and her stepsister whom she cared for more than herself to her businesses and made her the nations star they turn their back on her after she had outlived her usefulness and even refused to let her off selling her organs and that of her mothers. On their deathbed she felt so sorry for misunderstanding her mother's love, ma I'm so sorry I hurt us this badly, I promise in our next life I will treat you well and fulfil my filial piety to you and return the love of the man who stood by her. Please don't resent me so much, mother……… Heavens heard her and gave her a second chance to rewrite her wrongs… she is reborn to when she's on a plane back to China with her with her little family ……………… He loved her from afar, removed all obstacles on her way, killed all who want to kill her but the only time he was late to save her, he was met with the empty bodies of she and her mother. He took revenge for her but that couldn’t bring her back to him. The saddest moment of his life.

Mopoka · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 : Let me take your organs

I tried to look up to see who the newest member was only to see 2 people, a man who looked to be in his early 40s and blonde hair Lady who seems to be about my age.

They both look like country R people.

The country was known for its violence and illegal businesses and I wonder what country R doctors where doing here. Doctors since they were in which uniforms that only doctor wear.

What happened next became my greatest nightmare....

Behind them, 2 bodyguards came in to lift my mother and me on the two double beds in the room.

I had a feeling the worst was about to happen...

The doctors used some instruments to hold my jaws apart and that of my mother.

I started gaging when I saw them pull out my mums tongue



Her tongue was cut off

I became horrified by the cruelty

No no these can't be doctors and save people

Then it adorned on me that they were from the underworld.

My mum start twisting and trembling in pain but they injected someone into her and she became lifeless but awake.


You see that

That's your fate for messing with me

Qianshu laughter sounded like an evil howl in my ears

Do you know what we are going to do to you and your mother? Asked Yufan

I'm going to remove your organs and give it to the King of organ trafficking in country R to show my sincerity in our corporation.

Oh sorry I didn't tell you

Red tulips your underworld gang is now mine and I have introduced new business opportunities to the gang and that is Haman, organ, arms and drug trafficking.

What do you say?

I'm a genius right

As the founding members, you and your mum need to make the biggest contribution huh?

So will kindly let me take your organ right?

Terror was written all over my face, I could never imagine a human being this wicked

My soul shivered for the devil I created

I felt sorry for my mom but I didn't care about myself anymore because I knew even my death wouldn't be enough to atone for the evils these two were going to use Red Tulips to commit.

For the first time in my life, I felt total helplessness.

Qianshu....my dearest sister, let me tell you a secret..

You actually don't have a cold womb

Your inability to give birth is as a result of the birth control drink yufan has been giving you.

Your gynecologist has long been under Yufan's pay list and you see that Chinese medicine you have been taking?

It's for organ weakening!

We made your believe you have weak organs so that kill you can be successful without any suspicion.

Actually, we didn't plan to kill you at the beginning, we just wanted to use you so Yufan can take over the Mo family business since grandpa made you his sole heir to the Mo Group but who asked you to be even richer than the Mo family, so we decided to kill you all together and take over both Corporations.