
Chapter 6


The flight to Bora Bora was devastating.

I was sitting in silence, none of the staff bothered to ask me if I wanted a drink or something to eat. They didn't bother to breathe or look in my direction. I was practically a ghost.

Just as I asked, Saint left me alone. He kept his distance. It was as if he wasn't even there yet I felt his dark presence. Once in a while, I would turn my head to look at him out of curiosity. When I looked directly into those eyes—a deep umber with a tint of green on his left eye it caused the hairs on the nape of my neck to lift from my skin. I felt his proximity like a black hole, his pull like the gravity of the moon shifting the tide.

The plane landed,, and once I stepped out of the plane, I was greeted by the lowering sun casting the lush grounds in shades of amber and smoky taupe. With warm winds licking my skin causing goosebumps to spread all over my body due to the unexpected wind. A black Mercedes pulls up in front of the plane then a man with buzzed hair and dressed in a full tuxedo steps out.

My pulse quickened when I smelled a woodsy scent lingering in the air. I inhaled an unsteady breath and then proceeded to walk down the mini stairs until I reached the ground. I turned my head, staring up into his shadowed face, the sun at dusk darkening halo behind his head.

"You're not as dumb as you look Irena. In fact you're quite the opposite." Saint uttered before walking past me, my eyes followed his movements until he entered the car.

Without thought I find myself entering the car. I shut the door before buckling up in the passenger seat.

Saint pushes the start button and the engine roars to life. Turning to face me, he doesn't say a word when he shifts the gear and starts to drive as he remains on the road.

I wanted to ask him where he was taking us but my pride was too high to even talk to him. Right now my thoughts are clouded by anger, and I'm afraid if I open my mouth I will say something that I'm going to regret.

So instead I kept quiet during the whole ride.


The sky has darkened, a midnight-blue bleeds into the burnt amber.

After a long drive we've arrived. My questions have been answered when I realized that we would be spending our honeymoon in one of the French Polynesia's islands.

Once we've arrived at the resorts Saint and I are escorted to his private yacht.

As the sail rises higher, and higher, the glistening reflection blinds me and casts a dark shadow down the boat ramp. Slowly it blends with the sparkly calm and orange shaded water. The sail calmly sways from side to side as it occasionally flaps in the dawn ocean breeze of salty crystal waters.

My hair blows in the wind as my dress calmly dances with the breeze.

Saint appears beside me, handing me a glass of martini. I silently took it as my gaze remained forward. I could sense Saint staring at me.

I wanted to walk away but my feet are somehow glued to the floor. The yacht squeals while it slips off the trolley into the ocean waters. The sails tighten and the boat leaps forward away from the safety of the shore. I take a sip of my martini as I rest my elbow onto my forearm resetting just under my breast.

"Why did you marry me?" I blurted out. I turned my head to face Saint, he lowered his gaze onto me. Closely analyzing me as he thought of an answer. "I didn't have a choice." he simply answered my forehead to creases in suspicion. "Why?" I inquired.

He stays silent.

My eyes narrowed, peeling my eyes away from him. I counted on admiring the view.

The soft breeze streams through my hair and chills nips at my face. The boat slowly glides forward through the mirror like water. The yacht pushes its way through the water.

It was suspicious of him to remain silent. The way he immediately went mute as if it was forbidden to ask such questions. Forbidden for me to know the actual reason why I am married to Saint.

The French don.

"You said it will be lies that will fail our marriage..." I trailed off before adding. "I say it's secrets."

Without saying another word I walked passed him and made my way inside the yacht leaving Saint outside by himself.


Once we've reached our own private resort, Saint carried our luggage inside the Waterhouse hut.

The interior of the hut was a kind of space that let calm rise and breathe, the scent of vanilla relaxed every building nerve in my body as it bathed in hues of nature and modern style furniture.

Slipping out of my heels I picked them up and strolled to the bedroom. I opened the door, my heart skipped a beat when I saw the bed covered in delicate red petals and a bottle of champagne with two wine glasses beside the bed sitting on the dresser.

The sudden realization hit me.

There is only one bed...

Meaning I will have to sleep with Saint. In the same bed.

My mouth goes dry like sandpaper just by thinking about it. I haven't slept in a bed with someone for at least sixteen years. Vicktor and I would sleep in separate rooms. I wouldn't allow myself to sleep in a bed with a monster. I just wouldn't. From all the acts he has done during our marriage I did not trust him to be near him even when he was asleep. The man was capable of anything.

Setting my shoes beside the door, I walked further into the room as I saw my suitcase near the bed. I kneeled in front of it and unzipped it. I take out my lace white gown, placing it on the bed before rising to my feet. I then slipped out of the dress as I was now in my bra and lace panties.

I unclip my bra, my shoulders falling in relief as my breasts freely fall into their natural drop. I don't have big or small breasts, they aren't too perky or saggy, which is one of the things I love about them. I wear my gown and securely tie it.

I run my fingers through my hair and gently massage my scalp, hoping it will ease the stress I've carried the whole day.

My hair is naturally curly due to my black roots, but my uncle has forced me to straighten it, saying that it makes me look more appealing now that they are technically out of my life I'll get my hair back into its natural state.

I walk over to the glass window and slide the door open, stepping out of the bedroom the ocean breeze tickles my skin. I inhale deeply,

Silently enjoying my own company, drowning into the darkness of the night.