
Chapter 21


Four luscious strawberry tarts glistened up at me. I reached my towel-wrapped hands into the oven, ignoring the heat that enveloped my arms and slapped me against my face. I lifted the tray and pulled it out of the heated oven. My eyes refused to leave the tarts as I padded across the kitchen until I placed the tray's edge on the table with a loud satisfying thump. The tarts trembled for a moment before falling completely still, flawless and gleaming.

Setting the towel aside I picked through the curled strawberry, laid them out on the parchment, and arranged them like roses, blossoming on the tarts. Set each sliced strawberry into the still-warm center. The aromas of the sweet fruit and flaky creamy crust curled beneath my nose.

Stepping back a small smile crept onto my lips as I admired my work.