
Chapter 19


I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs.

Fluttering my eyes open, the newborn light instantly blinds me. Groaning in frustration I shut them tight—reopened them and forced myself out of bed. Pushing my hair out of my face I crack my neck, satisfied when I hear the popping sound of my bones.

I make my way to the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth then splash my face with cold water to wake me fully. Once I'm done doing my business in the bathroom I head downstairs and head straight to the kitchen.

I pause in my tracks when I see Irena's back facing me. Her thick curls bounce around as she slightly moves her body to her humming tunes. She's wearing a black lace dress that reaches just above her big ass. Her light brown-toned legs moved back and forth in harmony. Irena turns around and shrieks when she notices me.