
Chapter 16


14 hours earlier

A twisted apprehension sinks to my marrow and pits out of my bones.

Staring down at the naked bum whimpering on the concrete floor. "The fuck are you crying for?" I question with annoyance. He trembles sniffing back the snot drooling out of his nostrils. "I-I didn't do it." He cries to himself pulling his legs up to his chest. "P-p-pleaseeee."

Of course, he did. I do not torture people for fun...

I torture them for the fucking pleasure.

Crouching down to his level I loosen the tie around my neck. Cracking my tense neck then satisfied when I hear the popping sounds of my bones.

Christ, I love the sound of breaking bones, and soon, I will hear them.

"Didn't do what Angelo?" I question. He lifts his eyes, his haunted gaze meeting mine as I watch the fear swimming in his green pools. I push back the urge to sink my thumbs into his eye sockets. I have to be patient. "I didn't double cross you, Saint. I promise and devote my loyal-"