
Chapter 13


He is staring at me with those lifeless eyes.

Blood covered the floor, spilling out of his corpse, laying dead on the ground. I can still see the fear haunting his eyes. His screams rang in my ear. The sound of the gushing body parts being cut out. Him gurgling down on his own blood as he takes his final breath.

I killed him.

Not with my own hands but his death is on me. His blood is on my hands because of my stupidity. I did this. Knowing the consequences I still turned the other cheek and allowed a man to follow me in his own death trap.

Tears shimmered in my eyes, biting down on my lip as guilt washes into me like a strong tsunami crashing its powerful waves into the city destroying everything and anything in its path.

I stuck my nose in the air, inhaling sharply whilst I fought back the tears threatening to pour out of my eyes. My mouth is set in a hard line as my throat tightens up like a knot. My heart beats in my ears.

His death is on me.