
Chapter 10

I looked up to the soothing yet vibrant streaks of colour that had filled the canvas of the sky. Strokes of pink and orange resembled the soft, supple skin of a perfectly ripened peach. The setting sun’s radiant face is mirrored by the shimmering clear blue waves of the sea.

Music fills the air without effort, like the waves filling holes in beach sand; the sound rushing in and around every person in the room. Some react to the beat, others continue in chatter.

The distinctive scent of grilled meat and chicken along with the fusion of tangy spices of lemon and chilli aroused my taste buds. It came from the kitchen inside the club restaurant, table and chairs lined up inside and a few outside, with rose petals scattered all over the wooden floorboards as a mini lava lamp is placed on each table for light and to also set the romantic mood.

I took a sip of my martini, the gentle wind brushing against my skin as I stood at the edge of the wooden dock, the waters gleaming with soft light just below me.

I could jump, drown myself if I wanted to but I don’t.

I just stand there, picturing my own death during this beautiful evening, traumatising these poor people who only wanted to enjoy their honeymoon with their beloved.

Saint is sitting just across from the dork, staring at me. I can feel his gaze burning into my back like laser beams. The minute we arrived here I ordered myself a drink and another and another and another. I lost count after four. I’m even surprised how I’m still standing. I couldn’t allow myself to sit next to Saint while there’s tension between us. Our waiter even scented it. She would give me pity looks each time she brought my drink while Saint was typing away on his phone to God knows who. Probably my uncles, complaining how I’m not entertaining him or about my moods and rude comments. Either way, I don’t care. I just want this honeymoon to be over and done with. So that Saint can go back to his life and so do I. Only problem is that I’ll be seeing him every–day.

I’m pulled away from my thoughts when a man appears beside me. I look at the stranger from the corner of my eye, his olive tones skin glow under the sunset. His hair is straight as a few strands kiss his forehead, athlete body beneath his white t-shirt and jeans. He turned his head to face me and I focused my gaze back into the sunset.

“I’ve noticed you’ve been standing here alone for a very long time.” The stranger suddenly says, breaking the silence.

That’s when I realized that I’ve been standing alone for the past half an hour.

Taking another sip of my drink, I reply. “So you’ve been watching me like a stalker.” My gaze was still glued to the view. He chuckles, his voice low and soothing like a bedtime story. “If you put it that way, then it sounds bad,” he admits. I turned to face him, my brows pulled together in suspicion. “You do realise this is an evening for couples on their honeymoon right? Where is your wife?”

His hooded brown eyes caught my gaze. “We got into a fight then she scattered away crying.” he explains, his expression natural. “So, instead of following her you decided to talk to a stranger, a woman to be more specific.” I pointed out, folding my arms. “Where’s your husband?” he questions changing the subject.

Turning my head, I found a chair that was occupied by Saint empty, I sigh then face the stranger. “Busy.” I simply answer, taking another sip of my drink. Then the man brushes his fingers through his hair before a small smile tugs his lips. “So I guess both our partners ditched on us.”

“I guess so.” I mumble.

The stranger stretches out his arm, I stare at his welcoming hand raising my gaze back on him. “Andrew.” He says. I smile awkwardly. “Irena.” I replied.

Andrew’s smile fades when I don’t shake his hand and he lowers his arm. Then awkwardly clears his throat. “You know you should go check on your wife.” I suggest. Andrew shakes his head. “She looked pretty pissed, I think it’s best to give her space.” he explains. I cock a brow. “Did she say she wanted some space?”I inquired, purposely trapping him in the spotlight. “She did, I tried to go after her but she stopped me.”

“Well, women tend to do that but actually we want you guys to run after us. It shows us that you care.” I point out.

We truly are confusing sometimes.

He chuckles, with a trace of humour as it ends as quick as it started. “With her it’s a different story.”

I fold my arm, nibbling my bottom lip with my teeth watching as the sun sets and the moon ready to take over its nightly shift.

We remain in silence, wandering in our own thoughts. The sound of the gentle waters falling to sleep and light chatters with soft music humming in the air set me at ease. I could stand here all day. I would catch a few stares from Andrew but casually brushed it under the rug not thinking much about it.

“So, are we just going to be standing here?” he asked, breaking the peaceful silence. Shaking my head a small smile creeps onto my lips. “There is no we Andrew. I did not ask for your company you’re more than welcome to leave. Might be doing us both a favour.” I proclaimed. He clicks his tongue. “Okay, no need to show off your lady claws now.” he teases and I roll my eyes.

Glancing at my empty glass I sigh in disappointment. Turning on my heel I walk over to the table that was once occupied by Saint who somehow vanished. Confusion tingles my bones when I see Andrew catching up on my trail. “Are you following me?”

“No.” he chuckles when he's beside me.

I take a seat and scan the open restaurant until I spot a waiter and wave them over. The woman comes rushing in her steps, a polite smile stretched across her wide full lips. “Is everything alright?” She questions.

“Could I please have two of your strongest drinks.” I declare. The woman’s amber eyes darted between Andrew and me. “No worries, I’ll be back in a few.” She dismisses herself and rushes back to the bar. Turning to Andrew my brows shot up when I watched him as he took a seat that was occupied by Saint.

Where is he?

Now, the best thing for me to do is to get rid of Andrew but he's too clingy and won’t take the hint and I myself is too exhausted by this honeymoon to cause any drama. I mean he hasn’t sent any inappropriate signals towards me and maybe he's actually just being friendly. Occupying himself while his upset wife calms down.

But Saint could be back any minute and catch me with another man which will look bad concerning we are on our honeymoon. He will kill him then me or as messed up as he is, Saint will kill him and force me to watch.

Purposely make it a slow, painful gruesome death. That thought gives me the chills.

So why am I still entertaining this man while knowing the outcomes to it.? I don’t know.

“So kind of you to order me a drink.” he blurts out, pulling me out of my thoughts. Blinking back I frown. “What do you mean?” I asked. Andrew chuckles before saying. “You ordered two of the strongest drinks.”


“Well, they are for me.” I explain. Andrew's smile slowly fades, he clears his throat. “I-well…”

“I have a lot on my mind and tonight I just want to relax.” I added. “If you don’t mind me asking Irena. How many drinks have you had?”

I shrug. “I lost count.”

He frowns. “Your husband is okay with you drinking that much?”

I shrug again.

“To hell what he thinks.” I say casually.

I mean, he's not here so why should I care about what he thinks about my drinking. I’m on my honeymoon right now, the least I could do is to enjoy myself even if it includes the use of substances and blackouts.

Right now I’m on a fuck Saint mindset. And I will make every use of it.

The waiter comes back with a tray of two glasses filled with unknown drinks. If it’s strong and will make me temporarily happy then I’m okay with it.

She sets the glasses on our table before walking away without saying another word. I take one glass, analysing the gold liquor with a dash of blue floating on top.

I open my mouth, the liquor pooling into my mouth. My eyes screw such when I swallow as it leaves a burning trail on my tongue to my throat then finally my stomach.

Woah, that is definitely strong.

Andrew watches me with awareness as I devour the glasses of strong liquor, both now empty.

“You haven’t seen a woman drink before?” I point out bitterly. Andrew shakes his head and whistles laughing nervously as if he's been asked about something he's done that is embarrassing to say aloud.

“Actually, no. The woman in my life usually drink champagne or wine-”

“Your wife?” I cut him off. “No.” He answers truthfully. My brows furrowed in interest. “What about smoking?” I ask and he shakes his head denying his wife uses of intoxicating substances. “I don’t believe that.” I speak my mind. “Why not?” He inquired, his tone dropping low as he found offence on my comment.

I dart my tongue out, licking my lips, placing my elbows on the table, locking my hands and resting my chin on my locked hands as I gawked at Andrew. “Intoxication, we think about drugs and alcohol an unhealthy act of destroying yourself. Our body whether it’s physical or mental. Now Andrew it’s not just drugs and alcohol. You can have a toxic relationship with sex, working to much,hurting yourself or porn either way each of us intoxicate ourself. Physical or mental.” I project, my tone relaxed.

Stretching out my arms I smile. “But that’s just my opinion.”

“For a drunk person, you say some interesting things,” he remarks. “I’m not drunk.” I said pointedly.

A chuckle escapes my lips sensing the warmth growing in my cheeks. I stood up and immediately regretted the decision when my whole body felt a wave of rush. A fuzzy feeling tingling on my skin, the room more vibrant with colours and the soft music ticking my brain.

I stand corrected. I am drunk.

Andrew jumps out of his seat to help me but I stop him. Not wanting him to touch me. “I’m okay.” I reassure him but he doesn't fall for it.

Grabbing my purse, I stumbled on my feet almost falling but I was caught in huge arms. My eyes grow wide, as I feel arms wrapped around my waist and a hand tightly gripped onto my wrist.

I met Andrew's soft eyes.

I bite back the disgusting feeling prickling under my skin. The urge to recoil danced in my stomach. I could almost taste the bitterness in my tongue. Without wasting any second I quickly untangle myself from him, stepping away as I kept a safe distance.

Suddenly annoyance spikes in my veins. “I told you I’m okay.”

Andrew features relax, his no longer smiling. “Well, you didn’t seem okay when you lost balance two seconds ago,” he protested.

I opened my mouth to argue back but stopped when I felt warmth brushing up against me. The woodsy scent kissing the tip of my nose.

Andrew's expression is now replaced with confusion and fear. I turn around, lifting my head to find Saint standing in front of me.

He meets my gaze before glaring at Andrew.

“Who’s this?” Is the first thing that leaves his mouth. His voice was low and threatening.

Brushing past Saint, I mumble. “No one.”

He steps in front of me, blocking my way. Saint's gaze darkened, his jaw clenched as he glared down on me as if he was about to unleash hell upon this Earth.

“Move out of my way.” I demand. “Who is that thing that you were flirting with?” bitterness lacing in his tone.

I cringe at the way he addressed him as thing.

Ignoring him I side step him and walk away, sensing him burning up my trail. My heels slapping hard against the docks, It’s night time now, the full moon shining bright onto the cold crystal waters.

“Irena!” I hear Saint call out after me.

I speed up my pace trying my best to walk straight. My ears are buzzing and my head is spinning.

I start to regret the choice of over drinking.

“Irena.” He calls out, his voice no longer sounds distant, Turning my head I noticed that Saint was two steps from catching up on me. Not watching my next step I twist my ankle, losing my balance as I almost fall into the water but luckily Saint reaches out and grabs me by the arm.

Goosebumps coating my skin as the hairs on the nape of my neck rise.

The feeling is back again.

“What the hell is wrong with you? I asked you a question and you ignore me then fucking walk away.” he points out, anger dripping from his tone.


“What the hell is wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you ditching me to God knows where for hours and come back with your sour attitude.” I bark back.

Saint pulls me toward him, his gaze narrows as he studies my face. “You’re drunk.” he simply states.

Ignoring him I try to pry free from his grip but he doesn't budge. “Let go of me.” I demand anger fueling up on me like hot lava.

“Not until you answer my question. Who the fuck was that man?” he declares. “Like I said. No one. Can’t you get that through your thick skull?” I snapped.

The anger building up inside me is ready to explode any minute if this man continues to push my buttons.

“Now let me go!” I yell and he ignores me. His expression closed up but you could see the anger swirling in his dark eyes. “Irena if you don’t tell me who that man was I will find out myself and we both know it won’t be so pleasant.” he growled.

I chuckled bitterly. “I don’t know who he is. I met him today and he kept me company after your ass disappeared leaving me alone.” I explain once more hoping it will make him let go of me.

I’m drunk. Furious and tired. Right now I’m not in the mood to argue over something dumb and small.

I try again, prying free from his tight grasp but he only tightens his grip, a small pain creeping onto my flesh.

“Saint. Let go of me” I said through gritted teeth.

With full force I use my free hand to push Saint away and snatched myself out of his grip, my eyes grow wide then my body loses its balance and I fall into the water.

The coldness was drinking me up, every tired muscle in my body was shocked with coldness.

I swim up to the surface, Gasping for air when my head pops out the water. My gaze catches Saint, staring down at me not fazed by me falling into water.

Ugh! I just want to strangle him.

I swam my way to the edge of the dock, leaning myself onto it then pulled myself out of the water. I’m soaking wet, the dress now pressed against my flesh, my hard nipples poking through the dress.

I turn my head, noticing that my heels are long gone, skinning to the bottom of the ocean. I look back at Saint, glaring at him as he does the same to me. The hatred between us radiates with pure darkness.

He wanted to hurt me. I wanted to hurt him.

“You are the fucking worst.” I spat before storming off to our water hut. I push the door open, throwing my purse on the ground making my way to the bedroom. I walked over to the dresser and grabbed the bottle of champagne. Popping the cap off, it sizzles as foam slowly oozes out of the bottle.

Without caring I gulp down the liquid like water.

Saint walks in, stopping in his tracks when he catches me drinking.

“There you go again with the alcohol.” he comments. I lowered the bottle, wiping my mouth then a shiver escaped my lips when a gentle wind tickled my skin. “You’re the reason why I’m drowning myself with alcohol.” I mumbled, setting the bottle on the nightstand before I strolled my way to the bathroom.

I slip out of the wet dress, tossing it inside the bathtub. I’m left in my panties as my large breasts are now exposed, my brown nipples hard and pointy like it’s capable of cutting through diamonds.

I grabbed the towel, hanging on the towel rags, wrapping the soft cloth around my body, securing it in place, then walked out of the bathroom to find Saint unbuttoning his shirt.

I caught him staring at me, silently as I worked my way around the room gathering all my stuff. Once I’m done I turn to face him. “This honeymoon is a disaster because of you.” I told him. Saint chuckles softly, his laugh bitter and dark.

He lifts his head, his eyes meeting mine as he removes his shirt. “Because of me? Don’t be delusional Irena.” he asserted. I fold my arms, frowning. “Delusional?” I say as if it’s my first time hearing the word. “May I remind you that you are the one who violated my personal space, hurt me, threatened other people, pushed me into the ocean-”

“Push you into the ocean? Get your mind fucking straight you fell into the water I didn’t push you.” he drawled out. “Either way I’m soaking wet and might catch a cold because of you.” I phrased.

“Says the woman who’s drunk and flirting with other men.” he murmurs, slipping out of his shoes.

I tug at the hem of my towel angrily. “Excuse me?”

“Flirting with other men?” I repeated, taking a step closer to Saint. “I was not flirting, I barely knew the guy.” I protested. “Then tell me, why the fuck did I see his hands all over you.” he barks back, his gaze darkening.

I blink back, my jaw dropping in disbelief. “Well for starters Saint. You left me for hours in a place where I’m unfamiliar with, so entertaining myself by talking to other people is not a crime!” I yelled, my hands curled into a ball beside me. “Don’t raise your voice at me Irena.” He clapped back, taking a threatening step closer to me.

“Or what Saint? Are you going to kill me? Torture me? Send me off back to my uncles, because be my fucking guest Saint!” I bolted angrily. “I’d rather you do that then stand here in this room wasting my breath arguing with you over the dumbest shit!”

The heated tension between us grew by the second.

He dares to step close, inches away from me. “Don’t raise your voice at me.” he said calmly.

“Or. What?”