
Blood Of The Lamb

Toriel made her way into her home, but Asgore wasn't there. This saddened her as she was hoping for some company. She had spent many days alone recently, ever since her children moved out and were making it on their own, even Samas, her youngest child was living in the lab with the doctors.

She made her way to her room, but when she tried to open it, it failed. She was confused beyond belief, this door couldn't lock, it was not blocked, but it wouldn't open.

Having a look around she realized that no one was around. No guards… no family. It was as if everyone disappeared. Or had been ordered to. Taking a deep concerned breath she made her way to the main doors but also found them mysteriously closed, unable to open.

This had set her on edge. Something was definitely not right and in a panic she rushed away, running up and down the halls trying to find somebody, anybody. By the time she had gone through the entire castle, it had become evident she was trapped, but why? Why was she trapped? How was she trapped in her own home?

She began to hear footsteps drawing closer and closer, the sound of metal dragging against stone, a sickeningly sweet smell combined with the scent of iron flooding her senses, causing her to cough violently.

She had nowhere to go, nowhere to run, she just shut her eyes tightly, praying to a god she knew would not help, but she felt as though she had no other choice, but after ten, twenty, thirty seconds… five minutes. Nothing happened.

Opening her eyes she saw nothing was there, that terrible stench was gone. Taking a deep breath she stood up and realized she was standing in front of her bedroom door again. Nearly choking on her own spit as she swallowed nervously, she reached for the door know and twisted it, causing it to open

An audible sigh of relief rang out from her as she realized she must have just entered a state of delusion from anxiety. She made her way to her bed and laid down quietly, ready for nap.

She closed her eyes again but heard a soft creak from underneath the bed, and suddenly she felt a burning pain across her neck, and everything swiftly went dark.


After a long day appeasing the people, Asgore sat down for a drink with his closest friend, Dr. Gaster. They say in silence for a while, before finally, Asgore spoke up.

"I've been thinking about my children a lot lately. And they seemed to have inherited one thing or another from Toriel and I, but in greater strikes. Of course, my son Edrege and his absurd physicality. I doubt there's been a monster throughout all of history as physically imposing as him. Then of course Asriel, his magic is a sight to behold. Far and above the greatest magic wielder I've ever seen. His capabilities are… limitless"

Asgore paused for a moment thinking to himself. He was thinking about his family before finally speaking up again

"Im not an idiot, but I'm not a genius. The same can be said from Toriel. Yet, Samas was born a genius. You and Roman saw her potential incredibly early on, but it's always felt as if something was off."

Gaster nodded, agreeing with his old friend. Unlike his brother Roman, Gaster wasn't entirely a Skeleton he had a strange biomass which allowed him to consume food and drink which he so enjoyed doing

"Asgore… your children are marvels of the modern era of monsters. It's a shame they weren't around during the monster war, otherwise, I doubt monsterkind would have lost, but Samas is extraordinary beyond anything I've seen. Her genius only rivalled by my brother and I, an absurd strength for her size… I wouldn't be surprised if she was truly a jack of all trades and could rival even Asriel in Magics. Why do you sound so worried?"

Asgore lowered his head, ashamed for thinking this way about a member of his family, but he managed to slit it out, knowing Gaster would just inevitably force it out of him anyways.

"Is it wrong to fear your own child? A child like Samas she's… never been all there. She isolated herself from the rest of us, but thought we were the ones isolating her. We would reach out to her, but she viewed it as an attack. When her and Chara got into that fight… I thought they were going to kill each other…"

Asgore had to pause it was painful to remember that day, to think about the choice they had to make

"I wasn't left with much of a choice, she was growing out of control. I thought if anyone could help her, it would be you and Roman, and it seems to have worked, for the most part. I still see it in her eyes though. This disdain, this hatred from everyone around her. Have you ever seen the cutest smile in the world but behind it all you could see was it all burning down? That's what I see everytime I look at my own daughter. A real monster. The kind you warn your kids to stay away from… but she's my kid"

Gaster wanted to say something, anything to cheer his dear friend up, but there was nothing he could share. What words could he use to make everything sound alright. To make things better. He wouldn't have the chance to, as Asgore spoke up again.

"Not to mention her unhealthy obsession with Edrege… Toriel was so scared of her. Only now do I understand that sentiment. How do you keep something like that under control? How have you been doing it these last few years?"

Gaster stopped, snatching an entire bottle of Whiskey from the bartender and backing it as quick as possible before responding.

"The mind is interesting. It thinks and it doesn't stop thinking until it is dead. But, when the mind is preoccupied it thinks only of what is in front of it. Her little experiments keep her mind off of it all I would presume. She locks herself away for weeks on end just to suddenly appear with a new invention. That's how you keep those types under control. Give them something to do that preoccupies their mind. Then you don't have to worry"

"Since when did you become a psychologist doctor?"

"Since you decided to throw the burden of raising your daughter on your brother and I"

Asgore sighed, his friend was right, he had no right to question Gaster ot even Roman anymore, they had given up.

"Well, I should be going. Work and all" Asgore blurted out, standing quickly to leave.

He expected Gaster to try and stop him, but he didn't, so he just left heading for the castle


Edrege had a long patrol, and was rather annoyed. His fellow patrolman would not stop talking about how shiny or dirty their armor was. So he was relieved to finally be home.

Opening the door to the home of him and his fiance, he made his way to the living room first, smelling the steak he laughed. "Kawabata must have eaten already"

He was about to sit down on the couch when he suddenly heard a loud crash like glass breaking. Panicked, he immediately stood up and sprinted to where the sound came from, the Bedroom.

The moment he walked in, he stopped in his tracks. On the ground was the corpse of his one true love, Kawabata. Neck horrifically distorted. "No… no this isn't right… it… it can't be real! I refuse to believe it's real!"

Rushing out from his home, he realized that Snowdin was empty. So was waterfall. Everywherr. There was no one anywhere. That was until he made it to the capital, she heard shouting, cheering. I'm a daze he made his way to where the noise was coming from and couldn't believe what he was seeing. Samas was on stage, wearing Mom's crown.

"The woman who killed our king and queen was none other than her very own future daughter in law Kawabata! And my big brother Edrege helped plan it! They were in on it together! Doggo was a trusted confidant! He came to me and told me he overheard them discussing their plan when he was walking by!"

"I… I regret asking him to go back and see what more he could hear… I've just received reports that he was is now missing. It is speculated that Edrege wanted to silence him, so he killed him and hid the body"

"When I went to confront Kawabata she attacked me, take a look at my face, she ruthlessly beat me and tried to take my life. I fought back desperately, but when I kicked her off of me she hit her neck, I must have kicked her too hard and she died on the spot. Now, we just need to find the conspirator Edrege! And arrest him! For our Queen! For our King! For my mom! My Dad!"

The crowd began to chant

"Three cheers for QUEEN SAMAS!!!"

"HIP hop Hooray!"

Time was frozen

"Hip Hip Hooray!"

Terror filled every inch of Edrege's body, what could he do

"Hip Hip Hooray!"

What the fuck is going on?

Honestly, this chapter has some terrible pacing. Truly I feel as though with death being so prominent in this novel that brushing over the death of Asgore and hastening the death of Toriel was less important than what is to come.

These Past Few Weeks Have Been Hard. I tried to hard to make every chapter longer than the last and it burnt me out so quick. Even coming back it was hard to write this chapter. Where I've previously written 3000+ word chapters in less than a day, writing this one chapter with a little over 1,000 words felt like an insurmountable task that took me over a month

But We Are Back On Track. Just A Few More Chapters To Go And VorpalTale will Finally Be Over.

Keep in mind. VorpalTale is just a prequel to a future project that I have in the works.

Thank you all so much for your patience. Don't worry. Chapter 9 is going to be a banger

FurryGalcreators' thoughts