

Following the life of a 19 year old boy who gets accidentally involved with a hidden realm, after being diagnosed with a weird skin disease.

VKN · Fantasy
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9 Chs


The night air hung heavy, thick with the scent of jasmine and something else, a faint metallic tang that sent shivers down Verdin's spine. He stood by the deserted road, the crumpled note clutched tightly in his hand. The events of the day replayed in his mind: the unsettling silence from his mother, the accusatory stares of his classmates, the memory of the branch falling with an unnatural swiftness. Was it him? Was this bizarre change in his skin somehow connected to these unexplainable occurrences?

Desperation gnawed at him. He needed answers, and Lady Maya was his only lead. Following the faint glow of the moon, he pushed his bicycle down the familiar path, the tires crunching on the gravel. He reached the clearing, the very spot where the otherworldly portal had materialized nights ago. Now, only the whispering wind and skeletal trees greeted him. Doubt gnawed at him. Had he imagined it all?

Just as despair threatened to engulf him, a flicker of movement at the edge of the clearing caught his eye. A figure emerged from the shadows, cloaked in a shimmering fabric that shimmered with an ethereal light. Lady Maya.

Relief washed over him, so intense it almost felt like a physical sensation. "Lady Maya," he stammered, his voice thick with emotion. "I thought… I thought I might have imagined everything."

A gentle smile graced Lady Maya's lips. Her voice, soft and melodic, carried on the night breeze. "Never doubt what you feel, Verdin. The world is filled with unseen currents, and you are beginning to sense them."

Verdin's brow furrowed. "What do you mean? What's happening to me?"

Lady Maya gestured towards the clearing. "This place," she began, "is not what it seems. It is a threshold, a doorway between the physical world and the Akash Chura, the hidden realm that coexists with our own."

Verdin stared at her, his mind struggling to grasp the concept. "A hidden realm? Are you saying… magic is real?"

A flicker of amusement crossed Lady Maya's face. "Not magic, Verdin. Energy. Everything in this world is composed of energy, and some possess the ability to perceive and manipulate it." She pointed at his arm, the blue tinge stark under the moonlight. "That change in your skin, it's a manifestation of your awakening energy. The Spectra blood that runs in your veins is stirring."

Verdin's breath hitched. Spectra blood? His father, a stranger shrouded in mystery, had possessed the same bloodline. Could this be the cause of his isolation, the reason his mother never spoke of him?

As if reading his thoughts, Lady Maya placed a hand on his shoulder. "There is much you need to learn, Verdin. About your heritage, about your powers, and about the delicate balance that exists between the realms."

She turned, her gaze fixed on a distant point. "But tonight," she continued, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency, "we must move quickly. There are those who would seek to exploit your power for their own gain."

Verdin's heart pounded. Who were these enemies? What dangers awaited him in this hidden realm? He looked at Lady Maya, a flicker of fear battling with a newfound curiosity in his eyes.

"Tell me more about this Akash Chura," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "What is it like? What lives there?"

Lady Maya smiled, a hint of understanding in her eyes. "There is much to see and experience, Verdin. But before we venture into the unknown, you must be prepared. There is a lot to learn about controlling your abilities and understanding your role in this world."

Verdin felt a wave of relief wash over him. He wasn't expected to jump headfirst into this hidden realm alone. He still had questions, fears, and a desperate need for answers. But for the first time in a long time, a flicker of hope ignited within him. He wasn't alone. Lady Maya was here, and she would guide him.

"I… I want to learn," Verdin stammered, his voice gaining strength. "Teach me about the Akash Chura, about my powers. I want to understand who I am."

Lady Maya's smile widened. "That is a wise decision, Verdin. The journey will be challenging, but you are not alone. Now, come. There is much to show you."

The scene fades as Lady Maya leads Verdin deeper into the clearing.