
Voodoo and Hoodoo: HP. [Dropped for now]

Death through unexpected means gave him a chance to live a second life in a world he knows, yet also foreign at the same time. [(Warning: English is my second language, so some spelling mistakes and bad grammer are to be expected);PS:it will be an AU] I don't own anything but the OC's. Harry Potter belongs to JK.Rowling and Warner Bros. [P.S: the story will be writen by both me and the help of an AI.]

Thanathos27 · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

Training, ancient tree and the old man

'Why? Why does nothing work! Everything! Everything I tried did nothing!'

Those words drone into Damian's head since his first lessons.

As of right now, Damian thinks precariously on the cusp of becoming a Squib, an individual born into a magical lineage but lacking magical abilities themselves. The mere thought of succumbing to a fate as bitter as that of Filch sends shivers down his spine, prompting him to ponder every possible action he has taken thus far to awaken his powers. Time slips through his fingers, leaving him with a mere two years until he journeys to Ilvermorny, yet there is still no sign of accidental magic. Countless hours have been spent studying potions, transfiguration, charms, and other magical disciplines. Damian has even dedicated himself to physical activities such as gymnastics, martial arts and yoga, hoping to strengthen his control over his own body. All this effort, it seems, has been in vain.

The frustration mounts, threatening to consume him entirely, when suddenly he is brought back to reality with a jolt. "If your mind wanders, surely you can at least recall the fall of Gellert Grindelwald," chides his grandfather, Grandpa Thomas, delivering a swift smack to the back of Damian's head. Massaging the sore spot, Damian meekly replies, "Nothing," his expression a mixture of frustration and resignation. Observing his grandson's dejected countenance, Thomas sighs and offers a word of solace. "Enough for today. If you're not feeling yourself, just say the word."

Nodding silently, Damian rises from his seat and exits the room, leaving Thomas to contemplate his next course of action. Outside, Damian finds solace in the company of Charlie, who is lost in his own thoughts. There is only one solution remaining, one that Thomas hesitates to propose unless all else fails. The weight of hope rests heavily upon his shoulders as he silently utters a silent plea, "I hope they will understand."

At dinner, Damian sat there, poking at his food. Meatloaf, his least favourite food. He can't say no tho, his mother always cooking for them, even after a hard day at the restaurant, made Damian reluctently eat. Tho, not for long, as he noticed how quiet it was around the table, as his parents and grandparents would talk about what they heard today by talking to their customers. Feeling the tension grow stronger, it made him curious on the reason.

Breaking the silence, his father started speaking,"So... I've heard you had problems in your history lessons. Do you want to talk about it ?"

'Ah, this again?' thought Damian as he readied himself to reply,"It's just, why do we continue with all those lessons if I can't even do anything with it. Everything you did, did nothing in me awakening my magic. It never will be and that is what makes me frustrated is that all I be is a Squib!", the last sentence was said with all his frustration, intending in showing accidental magic. Yet nothing came."See, even now it doesn't do anything", said Damian with redend cheeks, tears forming in his eyes. All this time, wishing to go to the world of Harry Potter, becoming a wizard and all, all for nothing! How could anyone not be mad.

Seeing his grandsons look of frustration, Thomas finaly spoke, "And for that, I might have a solution. I talked with your parents about it and seeing as all the traditional methods have failed, we decided on an unorthodox method. So tomorrow morning, you and I, are going to the Market, and go to an old friend of my mother, your great grandmother, and ask if their help".

Hearing his words, a smile formed on his face, unable to hide his joy. With speed not thought of, he wolfed down the meatloaf, and vanished with Charlie before any could even say another thing.

'Finaly' thought Damian as he made himself ready for bed going to sleep early.

The next day came, Thomas has prepared the car, with him only waiting on Damia to get ready. He also asked him to take Charlie with him, he needs some exercise as the dog only sleeps.

The Cajun Market, it had been only two months since Damian was last here. The difference of the season made some difficulty tho, as now the ground is more muddy, the air smells of waste and if one looks close, one would imagined that alligators swarm the riverbank.

The market still buzzing with life as always, yet Damian and co. didn't stop here, their destination still an hour away. Damians thought of finaly awakening his magic and becoming a full-fleged wizard. "We're here. Get ready.", said Thomas, who could feel his grandchilds excitment. Their destination, something so unreal, if Damian could see, bis eyes would be popping out. A tree, specifically chosen and preserved for the rituals of rootworkers, stands tall and majestic in the heart of an ancient forest. Its aged trunk, weathered and gnarled with time, exudes an air of wisdom and connection to the divine. Docking their boat on the left side of the river, they made their way towards the tree.

With a closer look, one can observe a peculiar characteristic—a small hidden entrance, intentionally hollowed out near the base of the tree. Years of careful craftsmanship and spiritual dedication have transformed the interior into a sacred space, inviting the rootworkers to commune with the forces of nature.

Venturing inside, the dim light filtering through the canopy overhead casts a mystical glow on the rough wooden walls. Symbols and sigils, intricately carved into the interior, adorn the sacred space. Each etching represents a connection to different deities, ancestral spirits, or aspects of the natural world.

The atmosphere within the hollow is hushed and serene, as the essence of hundreds of rituals lingers in the air. An aromatic and earthy fragrance pervades—a scent of the dried herbs, flowers, and roots used in sacred ceremonies. The energy is palpable, crackling with the remnants of countless spells and incantations. Even for No-Maj, who could neither see nor use magic, would feel the amount of magical resedue.

A central altar, carefully aligned with the tree's natural energy flows, holds an array of tools—the bones of animals, crystals resonating with powerful vibrations, vials of sacred oils, and an assortment of dried herbs and roots. These tools are utilized by the rootworkers to connect with the spirits and channel their intentions.

Soft moss cushions the floor of the hollow, offering a spot for the practitioners to sit or kneel, establishing a connection with the earth and grounding their energy. The tree, as a living entity, imbues the space with its wisdom and strength, supporting the rootworkers in their endeavors.

As rituals commence, the hollowed tree amplifies the intentions of the participants, creating a potent channel between the physical realm and the spiritual planes. The energy spirals and dances within the sacred space, guided by chants, prayers, and focused intentions. The tree stands as a bridge, bringing the spiritual realm closer to the realm of humanity.

Within this hollowed-out tree, the rituals of rootworkers blend seamlessly with the ancient energies of the forest. Through their communion with the natural world, the rootworkers honor the cycles of life, tap into the deep wellspring of ancestral wisdom, and weave their spells with the guidance of spirits and deities who dwell within the sacred grove.

"So you've arrived finaly. Took you long enough", said an aging voice behind them, indicating that they're not alone.Taking action, Charlie whips around towards the unkown person, growling and showing his teeth, in order to protect his human. Thomas put his hand on Charlie to calm him down while Damian holds on the leash for dear live.

The mysterious person revealed itself. Flowing robes, adorned with intricate symbols representing of different plants and herbs. His face bears the marks of countless rituals performed, wisps of silver white hair on his beard and the deep wrinkles on his face, indicating his old age. An Amulet made of animal bones and small herbal sacks with symbols drawn on them hung around his neck. He smelled like refined dirt, herbs and other earthy substances.

He looked down towards Damian, a smile plastered on the old man's face while looking at the boy.

"I'm Ade, an old friend of Eliyah. It's good to finaly meet you Damian."

To be Continued

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