
Voltage Rising

Dust City A place completely isolated from the rest of the world, a technologically advanced bastion where every corner is controlled by five different corporations. Among these five, one stands out as the strongest—Ark. The corporation that created the Cyphers, beings that are simultaneously more and less than humans, creatures that mock evolution itself with their existence. They propelled Ark to the top of the corporate ladder. But now, their glory days are over, and their past continues to haunt them. Jin, the first spark. A Cypher with control over electricity itself. His whole life, he was hunted for this power. His whole life was filled with the misery caused by the corporations, but now that he is free... He won’t be hiding any longer, and those who try to capture him will face the power of lightning head-on.

Velstad · Sci-fi
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102 Chs

Important Job (3)

Walking through the streets of the Tenth District, Jin found himself surrounded by contracted killers and mercenaries. 

It was rare to see bodyguards in a place where life held so little value.

Most of those around him were heavily modded, though with cheaper enhancements. A few Cyphers were present, primarily of the First Sequence.

Jobs in the Tenth District never paid well.

That's why Jin accepted an assignment that took him into the Ninth.

The district of Genesis...

But not for long.

Entering the contractor's hub, Jin glanced at his watch.

He still had time before the operation began.

The inside of the hub was spotless, so pristine that Jin scarcely wanted to leave.

"I still have half an hour... I guess I'll stay here until something happens," he thought, already bored out of his mind, though barely a minute had passed.

But before he could sink further into boredom, a source of entertainment presented itself.