

In a post-apocalyptic world where monstrous ZUMBATERK roam the earth, a large group of survivors take refuge behind a towering wall. Within the walls of the sanctuary, life is a constant struggle for survival, as technology is a thing of the past and resources are scarce. But when Ethan Darkthorn, a survivor with mysterious powers, awakens in this strange new world, he discovers that he may hold the key to defeating the ZUMBATERK. However, as the survivors band together and explore their new reality, they unearth a shocking revelation: the beginning of their ordeal is not simply the end, but rather the dawn of a much deeper mystery.

Roth_Raven · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Unearthly Colors

The morning sun peeked through a small window in a simple room, casting a warm glow over the shelves lining the walls. The shelves were filled with old books that looked like they hadn't been touched in years. In the corner of the room, there was a bed with a worn-out mattress and a thin blanket draped over it. A boy of eighteen years old was asleep on the bed, his chest rising and falling rhythmically with each breath.

Outside the house, the walled town was quiet, save for the occasional sound of footsteps and whispers and most cases, busy sounds. The world was in a state of post-apocalyptic chaos, with survivors living behind the great walls that surrounded the town. But in that moment, within the simple room, there was a sense of peace and comfort.

In an unexpected moment, the boy's eyes fluttered open, unveiling a captivating pair of Jade green eyes resembling fresh green leaves. Confused, he sat up in bed, surveying the unfamiliar room. Suddenly, the door swung open and Asher entered, carrying a tray of water and steaming soup. Catching sight of the boy awake, he greeted him warmly and placed the tray beside him.

"Hello," Asher said kindly, flashing a warm smile.

"Oh, hi," the boy replied, his gaze wandering around the room. Finally, he mustered the courage to ask, "Where am I?"

"You're in my brother's house. He graciously offered a spare room to you," Asher explained calmly, observing the boy's evident confusion.

"Have I been transported to another world?" the boy pondered, his gaze fixated on the surroundings, completely befuddled.

"I can't say for certain," Asher replied, pulling up a chair and sitting next to the bewildered boy with a serious expression. "I found you amidst the ruins of John Rover's lab—"

"John Rover?" For a brief moment, a flash of memory appeared in the boy's mind before vanishing.

"Do you remember anything?" Asher inquired, noticing the change in the boy's expression.

"No! I just had a fleeting memory... My mind is hazy, but I recall racing towards a door and a blaring alarm urging me to leave the lab immediately," the boy shared, frustration evident in his voice.

Hearing this, Asher let out a sigh before asking, "Do you remember your name?"

"My name?" the boy echoed.

"Yes, what's your name?"

With a sudden realization, the boy exclaimed, "Oh! My name is Ethan. Ethan Darkthorn."

"I'm Asher Vanguard, a Hunter! An A Rank Hunter," Asher introduced himself, adding an unexpected element to his introduction.

Perplexed, Ethan couldn't comprehend Asher's mention of being a Hunter. However, when Asher elaborated on his rank, Ethan sensed that something unusual was at play.

"What's happening? Tell me!" Ethan demanded, his voice filled with urgency. "Why does this room look dilapidated, as if there has been a war or something? What happened? Why are there candles, old shelves, and books? And, why—"

"It's been five years," Asher finally revealed the unsettling truth.

"Five years?" Ethan repeated, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"Ethan, there was an Apocalypse. Half of humanity was wiped out—"

"You must be joking!" Ethan chuckled, struggling to make sense of the bewildering situation. "An apocalypse? Is this a movie or a light novel? An Apocalypse—?"

Asher swiftly interrupted him, saying, "Some scientists were working on a project to convert a form of Dark Matter into pure energy. But the project went awry. I don't know what exactly happened, no one does. All of a sudden, monstrous creatures started attacking us. We called them the ZUMBATERK!"


"Yes, they were beings from the void, creatures of darkness. We, as Hunters, put our lives on the line to battle these monsters, fighting against the darkness that seeks to engulf the light," Asher explained, his tone grave. "Ethan, we find ourselves in a post-apocalyptic world. The town we're in is our only sanctuary, protected by towering walls. There are other towns out there, but communication is scarce. We receive occasional letters, and the last one we received was three weeks ago. However, setting that aside, I am relieved to have found you after defeating a ZUMBATERK. Fortunately, you were far away from its nesting grounds. But I do wonder, you were buried in the rubble and yet survived, unscathed, for five long years."

Shock washed over Ethan's face, compelling him to leap out of bed and rush towards the window. As he peered outside, his astonishment reached new heights.

Before him lay a civilization he never thought would reemerge. It was an era he thought had faded into history. People went about their daily lives amidst carriages, horses, and an unmistakable mix of desolation and hope that filled the air.

Some individuals he spotted were dressed similarly to Asher, possibly fellow Hunters, he thought.

His gaze became fixated on the towering walls stretching far above ground level. They stood impressively, reaching a height of around thirty to forty inches, creating a formidable barrier. Beyond the walls, he could make out the presence of a dense forest. Unable to contain his astonishment, he tightly grasped onto the wooden window frame, his eyes widened, and his jaw slightly dropped.

Approaching him with a comforting gesture, Asher placed a hand on the boy's shoulder and spoke with a mix of warmth and gravity, "Welcome to the new Earth. Welcome to our town, the sole survivors of what was once a vibrant city bustling with life."


Ethan ambled through the town streets, his hands tucked casually into his pockets. The soup Asher had given him was rather tasteless, but he forced himself to swallow it in one gulp to fill his empty stomach. He had mentioned to Asher his desire to take a stroll and explore the new reality of the town, before he would be ready to listen to all the explanations, and Asher readily agreed.

As he walked, the gazes of children and unfamiliar faces met his own. Being new to the town, it was only natural for people to regard him with curiosity. Ahead, Ethan noticed a group of Hunters engaged in conversation, their black attire standing out prominently. Their talk revolved around the sudden increase in speed of the creatures they hunted. Straining his ears, Ethan caught snippets of their discussion.

"I heard Asher got some valuable items from John Rover's lab," remarked one of the Hunter with brown hair and narrow eyes.

"Yeah, it must be something incredible. Asher always brings hope to us all. He truly deserves the title of hero and leader," added another Hunter with black hair, admiration clear in his voice.

Remaining silent, Ethan observed the Hunters with interest. "That man seems to have quite the reputation," he muttered to himself. Suddenly, his heart jolted with a force that caused him to gasp in pain. Feeling as though his ribs were cracking, he instinctively spat out blood into his hand from the sheer intensity of the palpitations. The other Hunters quickly turned in his direction, their attention captured by the unexpected spectacle. Flashing a reassuring smile, Ethan signified that he was fine and swiftly made his way towards a dark alley, blending in among unsuspecting passersby.

Taking refuge in the dimly lit alley, plagued by rats and puddles of water, he journeyed further towards its end. Ignoring the unpleasant odor, all he sought was a moment of tranquility. Settling on the damp ground, he experienced another violent surge in his heartbeat. This time, the impact was twice as powerful, causing him to emit a soft cry as blood escaped his lips.

In truth, his memories were shrouded in approximately 99% fog. The remaining 1% consisted solely of his own name, racing towards a door, an alarm resounding and a fleeting recollection of the moments preceding his awakening under the rubble. He remembered falling into a room filled with test tubes and an ensuing explosion. It was as though he was caught up in the blast before heavy objects rained down upon his body. That was the extent of his reminiscence.

As he pondered these fragments, his heart pounded relentlessly. This time, an outpouring of blood forcefully exited his mouth. Crawling towards the wall for support, he caught sight of his reflection in a pool of water. His eyes widened with astonishment as he noticed their vibrant crimson red and lavender purple hues, emitting an otherworldly glow. He splashed the water, convinced that it was a distorted reflection, and scanned his surroundings, only to return his gaze to the water, confirming the same unearthly colors.

With a mixture of shock and disbelief, Ethan whispered, "What. The. Hell."