

In a post-apocalyptic world where monstrous ZUMBATERK roam the earth, a large group of survivors take refuge behind a towering wall. Within the walls of the sanctuary, life is a constant struggle for survival, as technology is a thing of the past and resources are scarce. But when Ethan Darkthorn, a survivor with mysterious powers, awakens in this strange new world, he discovers that he may hold the key to defeating the ZUMBATERK. However, as the survivors band together and explore their new reality, they unearth a shocking revelation: the beginning of their ordeal is not simply the end, but rather the dawn of a much deeper mystery.

Roth_Raven · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Asher Vanguard

On a stormy night, darkness blanketed the land, punctuated by frequent bursts of lightning. The air carried a distinct scent, a mixture of blood and rain, creating an atmosphere laced with terror and fear.

A group of seven hunters found themselves in a tense face-off with a monstrous creature lurking in the shadows. Standing at a mere ten inches tall, the creature exuded an aura of imminent attack, even amidst the raging storm. The hunters knew from experience that these creatures thrived in the cover of darkness, and during a storm, their advantage was inexplicably heightened.

The hunters had arrived at this specific location due to the alarming disappearance of Scavengers who ventured deep into the woods in search of a rare medicinal leaf. Unwittingly, they stumbled into the den of the fearsome ZUMBATERK. Fortunately, one Scavenger who managed to escape provided the hunters with the details of the treacherous path.

With unwavering courage in their hearts, the hunters clutched their weapons, ready to confront the lone ZUMBATERK. Among them, a skilled hunter of Rank A, destined for promotion to Rank S, took the lead. Employing sign language to communicate with the others, he conveyed a simple message, "M-O-V-E A-W-A-Y S-L-O-W-L-Y," urging them to retreat.

The creature, perceptive in its own right, immediately noticed the hunters' caution. Recognizing the leader's role in directing the group's movements, it decided to target him, intending to scatter the followers in disarray.

Asher Vanguard, the leader in his early thirties, possessed a profound understanding of the creature's intentions. His leadership role held far more significance than mere prestige or respect; it was his mission to guide humanity back to a place of happiness, away from the constant turmoil of the post-apocalyptic world.

Having trained as a Hunter for three years since the start of the apocalypse five years ago, Asher had progressed swiftly from Rank F to Rank A, poised to reach the coveted Rank S. Through years of intense training and continuous battles, he had honed his skills in confronting these monsters. Yet, each passing year revealed the evolving nature of their adversaries.

Now, life and death clashed before him. Equipped with a sword and a gun, both infused with the extraordinary substance known as 'Light Matter,' he lunged toward the creature with a velocity that defied comprehension. This heightened ability resulted from his meticulous focus on engaging the muscles in his legs, enabling him to move like an arrow strung taught on a bow.

As the creature witnessed the Hunter hurtling with overwhelming speed towards its head, it emitted a bone-chilling screech capable of deafening an ordinary human. Nevertheless, these hunters were anything but ordinary. Their rigorous training had prepared them for moments like this.

Interestingly, they had discerned a specific timeframe during which the creature gathered energy before unleashing the deafening sound. Asher seized this opportunity with precision.

Over time, the hunters had devised four techniques to counter the creature's abilities, including the "Sound Dampening Technique" and the "Stealth and Quick Strikes." They discovered that utilizing ear protection made from natural materials, such as plant fibers or animal hides, could mitigate the impact of the sound. Additionally, adopting a particular breathing technique, Resonant Breathing, helped regulate the body's response to external stimuli, reducing stress and calming the nervous system.

By consciously controlling his breath, focusing on inhaling and exhaling rhythmically, Asher harnessed the power of Resonant Breathing. This technique fostered a sense of tranquility, equipping him with the composure necessary for the subsequent "Stealth And Quick Strike Technique."

For now, this controlled breathing technique sufficed, providing Asher with the fortitude needed to face the imminent battle.


Although the storm was raging, the moon casted an eerie glow over the desolate landscape as Asher stood face to face with the fearsome ZUMBATERK. The creature let out another bone-chilling screech as soon as a lightning flashed, sending shivers down Asher's spine. Determination burning in his eyes, he gripped his sword, its blade humming with the power of infused light Matter.

With a focused breath, Asher leaped into the air, defying gravity with an agility honed through years of fighting. As he soared, time seemed to slow down, giving him a moment to survey the battlefield. The ZUMBATERK lunged forward, its claws slashing through the air where Asher had been just moments before.

Drawing upon his impeccable speed, Asher twisted his body mid-air, avoiding the creature's attack. In one fluid motion, he unsheathed his gun and fired off a barrage of bullets infused with the very essence of light Matter. The projectiles streaked towards the ZUMBATERK, illuminating the night as they struck its armor-like scales, searing through the tough hide.

Exploiting the opening created by his bullets, Asher descended with lightning speed, his sword trailing arcs of light as he prepared to strike. The creature bellowed in rage, its screech reverberating through the air, but Asher remained undeterred. He channeled the stabilizing power within him, allowing his agility to peak.

As Asher's feet made contact with the ground filled with puddles of water, he propelled himself forward with a burst of speed, launching himself toward the ZUMBATERK. His sword came alive with vibrant light as it met the creature's impenetrable hide. Each slash was precise, every movement choreographed like an ethereal dance, giving the creature no chance to regenerate.

Their clash echoed throughout the night, a symphony of sword meeting scale. Sparks erupted with every impact, illuminating the battlefield like fireworks, its radiance painting a chaotic yet mesmerizing scene. Asher matched his foe's strength with a mixture of reflexes, skill, and the power bestowed upon him.

The ZUMBATERK fought back with ferocity, its mighty tail thrashing, but Asher remained tenacious. His blade cut through the air with precision, leaving ethereal trails that seemed to linger for just a fraction of a second. The light Matter-infused sword sliced through the creature's defenses, leaving gashes and burns in its wake.

The battle raged on, a symphony of clashes, screeches, and kinetic energy. Asher danced around the creature, evading its attacks and retaliating with calculated strikes. The air crackled with intensity as the two forces clashed, each driven by their own determination to overcome the other.

Finally, Asher seized an opportunity. With a burst of adrenaline, he leaped into the air once more, reaching heights that defied mortal limits. Energy surged through his veins as he brought his sword down with a force that seemed to split the very heavens.

The ZUMBATERK howled in agony as Asher's blade cleaved through its defenses, the light Matter-infused weapon cutting deep into its core. A blinding explosion of light erupted from the impact, engulfing the battlefield momentarily.

As the light dimmed, the ZUMBATERK crumpled to the wet ground, defeated. As soon as it was dead, the ZUMBATERK goo-like body, melted like butter on a hot pan, staining the ground and corrupting the water, defiling it from all purity.

Asher landed gracefully, his breath heavy with exertion. He wiped the sweat from his brow, alongside the water from the rain.

Though he emerged victorious in this battle, the lingering presence of countless monsters dampened any sense of triumph worth celebrating. The other Hunter, in a state of disbelief, observed him. They had barely even had time to process the situation before the monster was defeated.

With a stern countenance, Asher approached them, "You don't deserve to call yourselves hunters. A mere ZUMBATERK appears, and you all act like a bunch of fools. No defense! I had to take on the monster single-handedly while the rest of you watched."

Ashamed, the Hunters hung their heads as Asher scolded them severely.

"Always remember," he added, "This is the reality we face. We are living in an apocalyptic age, where nowhere is truly safe. Our survival depends on our constant fight."

Just as Asher paused, his eyes caught sight of a set of large metal plates on the ground, with a code that needed to be entered to unlock them. Intrigued, he moved closer, swiftly clearing the surrounding grass with a single slash of his sword. It was evident that the plates concealed a passage leading somewhere significant.