
Void Monarch's Heart

---Taking a brake until I come up with new chapter ideas--- MC Ymir Riuji gets shot by a mugger and in his dying moments kills the thug, when he wakes up he sees the so called god who curses Ymir with immortality and a body that's incompatible with magic. Join our mc as he messes up all of god's plans

Rotten_Sarcophagus · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Threat (Chapter 15)

Sal and the others quickly looked around, trying to find out what happened.There were no more monsters, nor was their teammate Ymir standing behind them.

As they rushed with caution to the man standing in a crater, that once used to be a mountain range. As they got closer and closer they started hearing sounds, similar to crying, but when they got closer the sound got louder and louder... He was not crying... he was laughing.

It was the kind of a laugh that would make ones hair stand up. Maika and Sal looked at each other, they had a mission. The mission to protect their homeland from any danger.

And the man laughing in front of them was one of the biggest dangers they had witnessed. The man could wipe out a whole city... they had to put an end to him and they had to do it fast!

Sal and Maika dashed to the man, leaving Lukas and Zack behind, they still could't understand the situation.

Maika was an Elf, she could call upon the spirits of nature to help her, just like every other elf. Whilst Sal readied his bow and activated his blessing, the God of Hunting's power rushed from Sal's heart to his arms and eyes and then enveloped his bow with a golden hue.

The spirits that Maika called were angered,they were angered by the man who destroyed their home. both Maika and Sal rushed in with their full force, fully intending to kill the creature that was in front of them.

As they unleashed the attacks, the man looked back at them... and started laughing even harder. This angered the spirits and the adventurers even more.

Maika used 「Quick Steps」to close in at incredible speeds, whilst Sal unleashed 「Piercing Blow」with 「Critical Aim」. as the arrow landed Maika unleashed her 「Sword light」to behead the man.

But he didn't even try to block the attacks.He stood there laughing, unharmed, mocking them and their teachers who taught them how to fight.

suddenly gauntlets appeared on his previously empty arms, as well as metallic boots that went up to the knees. they were made from silver but the magical enchantments from the items made them seem like deadly weapons.

Dark flaming claws appeared on his hands and as he punched the air towards Maika, everyone could feel the fluctuations in the mana around them. spiraling and creating a cone like vortex around the claws. and when the punch reached its climax the claws launched faster than Sal's previous shot that was filled with a god's blessing.

Maika knew that if she took that attack head on she would die, thus she tried to sidestep to dodge with all her speed. and as the attack came she could feel a sharp pain in her left hand, with which she held her shield.

When she looked her hand was turned to mush from elbow down and the only remnant of her shield being in the way of the attack was the pieces of metal mixed in the mush that used to be her hand.

Sal was horrified, he couldn't let this bastard roam free after what he had done to Maika. He unleashed a barrage of arrows all containing 「Critical aim」and a portion of a god's blessing.

Cloths started appearing on the man, but there was no body armor. seeing that Sal couldn't help but clench his teeth in frustration. [This bastard is LAUGHING AT US!] he thought.

When Maika's hand was crushed Lukas awoke from his stupor, and started healing Maika's hand to the point where she could continue fighting.

As all of this was happening Zack thought that he no longer cared, this was not what he was paid to do. he gave up, he used the last of his energy to quietly go back to camp.