
Chapter 3

'Ding' *You done messing around? You are burning daylight.*

Apprasial's sudden message brought me back to reality, "Don't worry, it's still pretty early, I can head out after lunch,"

'Ding' *Lunch was two hours ago.*

Impossible, I just played a couple chords, it had to have taken at most a few minutes. "Inconceivable, I just started playing,"

'Ding' *Theory, Heartsong was lonely and bored so it charmed you so it could be played for longer.*

"Thats a scary thought," As I moved my hands to put the guitar up I was made aware of the blisters on my fingers, they were just like the blisters I got when I first played a guitar in middle school, looking at the shadows I realized that I had indeed been playing for hours. "Damn," I looked at the guitar, if it can feel lonely, could it understand me? "Umm, Heartsong? I don't know if you can understand me, but when I play you can you let me keep control? I promise to play you every night at the very least, It's been a while since I have heard music, and it really is nice, but can you let me stop before my fingers bleed? I would hate to get blood on you," There was no answer, but I hoped that it understood.

'Ding' *Why are you trying to reason with an Inanimate object? It's not alive.*

"Neither are you, but I talk to you enough to seem crazy,*

'Ding' *Touchè*

"Welp better late than never," I carefully put Heartsong in its case and headed out.

That night I played Heartsong again, and this time I remained in control of my body and mind, although the music was still entrancing.

'Ding' *Are you good at guitar? I am aware that Heartsong enhances it's players abilities, but how do you know what to play?*

I smiled bitterly at the memory, "my 6th grade teacher, she was a choir teacher and she took over guitar class, she was a sexist wench, every day she would tell me how horrible my voice was, and how bad at guitar I was, and how I should just give up and do something else so she wouldn't have to endure my singing or playing ever again, she only taught us boys one song, and that's it, if a guy could sing soprano then he got treated better, us guys who could only sing bass had to live with the daily beration, which was me and two others, I lasted two whole years in that class, only because they wouldn't let me switch out, and sheer stubbornness, the others left after about a month, I still cant sing in front of others without having a panic attack, "

'Ding' *How was she still a teacher?*

I shrugged. "Small town, she was the only teacher for music," absently I resumed playing the guitar before I slept.


Humans were rude, that is just a fact, if you lost a fight you left and found a new place for your den, you don't wait until the victor goes home to rest after a long day, then attack them in their sleep with many numbers. Grumbling about the severe lack of honor in humans I crunched another of them, they tasted dirty and sweaty, and their fear filled my nostrils, right alongside their grime, my back left leg felt like it was afire, as their poisoned weapons have peirced my thick fur while I was dreaming.

"It got Michael! Damn beast, how dare you kill my brother!" One of them whined like a pup.

If you come to kill me, it is only fair to kill in return is it not? Humans act as if they are exempt from the law of the wild, a burning scent came to me from behind, without taking my eyes off of the group in front of me I lept backwards and kicked at the human gathering mana for some type of fire spell.

"Retreat! Mage down! Retreat!" The humans scattered like frightened rats, I very well could have hunted them all down, but it just wasn't worth it.

That morning my leg was still tender, but I walked proudly along my territory, only getting into a few skirmishes, nothing major happened, until I heard an odd sound, it was like someone was playing with one of those human bowstrings in the middle of a canyon, when I got closer the sounds started melting together and became quite pleasant, after pinpointing it, I saw a Human bent over an odd axe shaped club, but they were holding the large part, as their hands moved so did the sound, it seemed to be coming from that rather unwieldy weapon, I gave a slight grunt as I lay and listened in to the soothing mix of sounds. It was a nice day out, the sun hit my side and kept me nice and warm.

I awoke to the human putting the odd weapon in its sheath and walking along the edge of my territory, a little embarrassed that I fell asleep like a young pup I continued my patrol with extra zest. I chased off a flock of pseudo-dragons, which were miniature dragons the size of a humans head, but they had nasty stingers, they also tormented any creature that wasn't strong enough to rid themselves of it. When I got back to my den I was tired, I didn't get nearly enough rest last night, so I curled up in the center of my den and fell asleep, but not long after I was awakened to a burning cut on my other back leg, as I surged to my feet with an angry roar and snapped at the human scuttling away, giving chase, the Human was just a fraction faster than I while both of my back legs were injured, and numb from poison. After a few minutes of fruitless chase I gave up and limped back to my den, furious at the Humans cowardice, as I sat in my den, back legs burning, the humans stayed just out of reach, sometimes leaving for another to replace them, whenever I started to doze the humans would come in and attack me with their poisoned weapons, I got no rest that night.

When morning came the humans didn't relent, I wasn't an idiot, If I left my den to patrol, I would be challenged by every foe that thought my injury would give them the edge needed to kill me. This continued for a couple more days and nights, sometimes I caught one of the humans and quickly dispatched them, I am no cat to play with prey, every now and then that one human who always whined like a pup would come and taunt me, and swear vengeance for all that I have killed, I was nearing the limit of my endurance, I could go a week without eating, but while injured and not allowed to rest, I wasn't getting nearly enough energy to fight off the poison, finally I collapsed, not able to hold my vigil a second longer.

"Finally! I was about to call it quits, Go get everyone and we can finish the mutt off!" The whiner yelled to his pack.

I am no mutt! I am a White Fenrir! How dare such a weak and Cowardly human have the gall to call me a mutt, when he and his pack wouldn't last a minute in a fair fight! If they won't play fair neither will I, letting my battle form drop, I shrank to the size of a large wolf. As the human came in close leering victoriously, I waited, even as he stabbed my belly with a long spear I waited, If I am going to die then they are coming with!

"Sir it is already so close to death, can we just put it out of its misery?" Said another human, walking past me to stand next to the whiner.

He sneered, "I want it to be slow, just think about how many people that monster has killed!"

The other nodded, "Yessir," and he left heading out of sight to my left.

"You hear that mutt? We are going to kill you nice and slow, we have healers that can keep you alive! You need to feel what thay felt, First we-"

He got no more out as I lunged forward and bit through his neck, with a satisfactory crunch his body fell limply to the floor. I looked around for the next prey, and My eyes fell upon the human that just left, but that human just raised his hands and took a step back.

"I used to have a husky, I hated what he- no what we were doing to you, I am truly sorry, If you run now, I can convince the others that it isn't worth it to hunt you down, If you can find a safe place to rest you might yet survive, God I hope you understand me," the scent of shame and fear confirmed his words, with a nod I left. I heard him collapse and thank some God that I could understand.

The intruders didn't waste any time In claiming my territory as their own, I was chased all about my old hunting areas, There was a flock of Reaper Gulls at my heels right now, In my prime I could swat these pests away with a flick of my tail, but now they were dangerous. Like Pack-Rats; they could strip a human to the bones in a matter of seconds, as long as the flock is big enough, and where you found one, it is absolutely guaranteed that there are others somewhere nearby, but they are able to fly.

Stumbling as another flew in and nipped my flank I desperately lept to the side, crushing a few against a wall, which were immediately devoured by their brethren. Taking the slight reprieve that gave, I ran Into one of the human dens, since there, the Reaper Gulls were much more inhibited than I.


The past couple of days have been far more eventful than the almost week I have spent here, there were so many more super sized creatures, Right now I am running from a tiny flying dragon.



HP- 100%

MP- 0/0

SP- 5/10

Will- 3/10

disposition- Domineering

*Current Statuses-

*Empathetic Drain-> Interest {You are Draining Psudeodragon's Interest in tormenting you}


The longer I ran from the creature, the longer I wanted it to go on, I wanted to stay just out of reach, and throw rocks at it. I wanted to bully it until it died- wait no, I didn't want to do that, the thought of doing that, made me sick, let alone the thought of enjoying it. As I ran there was a ruckus somewhere ahead of me, pretty far, but loud nonetheless, It sounded like someone threw a boulder into a building that was layered in thick glass.

'Ding' *Interest Drained from Psudeodragon.*

My attention was pulled back to the small terror behind me, as I watched it landed and preened itself, looking incredibly bored. I took that chance to Flee, after I headed down the road a few blocks I took a left and went into what looked to be a pub, the faded sign above it read 'The Rabid Llama' and had a cartoonish Llama that looked feral. Inside was a relatively clean restaurant floor, there were tables and booths along the walls, as well as a stout bar that separated the dining area from the rest of the building.

"This looks to be a pretty good spot, Wonder why no one else is here," I mused quietly to myself.

'Ding' *This establishment is within the territory of a extremely dangerous creature, any attempt at making a permanent residence here would result in complete annihilation of the would be settlers.*

"Ah thanks," along the back wall there were many alcoves for bottles of alcohol, but only a few still had anything, they seemed to be- "wait what?"

'Ding' *what?*

"An extremely dangerous creature? It would have been nice to know before now!"

'Ding' *I suppose that is true.*

"Couldn't you have told me when I entered the territory?!"

'Ding' *You have been in it since you got here, that is why you have seen so few humans.*

"Really? I thought I was making good time, just how big is its territory?"

'Ding' *approximately ten-thousand square miles.*

"Holy little drummer boy on crack, that's large, especially with all of the creatures I have seen! It must be hard keeping all of that secure,"

'Ding' *All creatures you have encountered combined would amount to less than a nuisance.*

I felt my heart race, "I would be a splat on the wall before I knew it was even looking at me,"

'Ding' *Yup.*

"Do you think that it is fine to stay here?" I wasn't scared, but I also wasn't an idiot, I probably should be outright terrified shouldn't I?

'Ding' *It has left you alone so far.*

"True, well Imma go get drunk and ignore my problems," I started for the celler to get anything that people might have left.

'Ding' *...*

"I'm obviously joking, I hate the taste of alcohol, I only have ever liked a single brand, and I doubt that they have any, alcohol is a great disinfectant, and in a pinch..." I trailed off, a giant grin spread across my face.

'Ding' *'In a pinch...'?*

I sung the word, "Molitov!" I couldn't help but cackle wildly, I have always wanted to throw one.

'Ding' *Title aquired- Pyromaniac*

My intrest perked, "really?"

'Ding' *...No, you would really want a title called Pyromaniac?*

"I Wouldn't mind it, I do kinda like fire," a little disappointed I went back to my original goal I gathered a total of ten bottles of various alcohols, the strongest that I could find, I very carefully wrapped them and put them in one of my bags, which were getting quite full.

'Ding' *So you are going to pour alcohol on your wounds now?*

For some reason I felt a little distain sift through those words, "Not unless it's big, because alcohol can damage your wound as it disinfects, and make it heal slower, but in a situation like mine, warm soap and water are a commodity I can't afford, not to mention it hurts like hell,"

'Ding' *Ok.*

As I searched through the rest of the building I came across a gorgeous Damascus knife, it's Blade was almost ten inches long, it had a green stained wooden handle, it was also incredibly sharp.


Handmade Damascus Jungle knife

Rarity- Rare

A Damascus knife made by Michelle Dalling, this knife won her the 'Forged in ember' competition. It was given to her father who ran 'The Rabid Llama' pub before she perished in a car crash.


I let out a whoosh of air, "Thats heavy,"

'Ding' *The knife is more dense than the average knife, therefore heavier.*

"Not that, the history of the knife," I held the knife in a ready position and gave it a few slashes, the blade was perfectly balanced, I felt the force of the strikes and the complete control I had over it.

'Ding' *It doesn't pertain to you, it is just the reason that the knife is where it is.*

"How heartless," sheathing the knife I went to the bed and sat on the edge and got out 'Heartsong'

'Ding' *What will you play today?*

"One of my favorites, it was a Dubstep song,"

'Ding' *You are going to play Dubstep... on a guitar?*

"Just trying it out, since Heartsong knows what I want to play, a wanna see how it goes," I started playing an Instrumental version of Haunted by Shirk, and it went fairly well, the song was converted to a guitar, but you can tell what is is supposed to be, and I could do a proper beat drop, which I found impressive. After my little experiment, Heartsong's notes felt a little flat, "are you tired?" As odd as it sounds, a guitar being tired, but that just felt like the case, guess I can have an early night. As I beat on the bed to make sure that I wouldn't have unexpected company whilst I slept, after only two slaps the bed started hissing at me. As I got up and slowly backed away an abnormally long metallic rainbow snake pushed through the blankets and bared its fangs at me, puffing up its body to appear larger.



Bismuth Striker


MP- 0/0

SP- 10/10

Will- 10/10

disposition- Passive

Current Statuses-

*Brooding- {The bismuth striker has laid eggs and has become more aggressive}

Bismuth Strikers are very rare, and their passive nature along side its hard skin has made them prime targets for hunting. Although a Terravore a Bismuth Striker will bite to defend itself.


"What the heck is a 'Terravore'?" As the snake seemed to calm I stopped backing away.

'Ding' *An Alloy Devourer, there isn't really a technical term for 'It eats the metals out of rocks' so Terravore, As in Devourer of Earth.*

"But why Terra? Isn't it Latin or something?"

'Ding' *Carnivore is Flesh devourer in latin, and Herbivore is Plant devourer in latin, so going along that line Terra is Earth, so terravore seems appropriate.*

"How do you know all of that?"

'Ding' *I am omnipotent.*

"Riiiiight," I looked at the rainbow snake, "It's very pretty,"

'Ding' *It's skin is very useful in many crafts.*

"I don't want to kill it, especially if she's brooding, she just wants to protect her nest,"

'Ding' *Where will you sleep?*

I shrugged, "Downstairs,"

'Ding' *that is more dangerous.*

"I know, but hopefully anything that would want to bother me is chased off by the extremely dangerous creature,"

'Ding' *...*

I addressed the snake, "go protect your eggs, I'll try to stop anything that comes through," but it just stared at me.

'Ding' *Why are you so nice to the mutated creatures of this world?*

"Cause I love animals, They are much easier to deal with than people, because you have to pussyfoot around people to make sure you don't offend, and animals just vibe,"

'Ding' *You don't like humans?*

Heading down the stairs I let out a bark of laughter. "I have seen too much of the dark side of humans, one or two might be good, but put ten or so together, and bam you have yourself a problem,"

'Ding' *Even though you used to be human?*

I stopped, "used to be?"

'Ding' *Even though you are a human?*

I narrowed my eyes at the translucent board in front of me, "because I was different, why did you say used to be?"

'Ding' *Auto correct.*

"I don't believe you, how could you have Auto correct? Aren't you a... what are you?" I realized that I never knew what Apprasial actually was.

'Ding' *I am a skill.*

"That doesn't answer my first question,"

'Ding' *The language that I use is not the language you know, so I have to translate it, sometimes the translation is faulty.*

That makes sense in a way, but I had the feeling that I wasn't getting the whole truth, but I knew further questioning would be fruitless. Heading down the stairs I set up a makeshift bed and blocked up the doors and windows, "I very much hope that nothing exciting happens until the morrow,"

'Ding' *You are going to jinx it.*

I sighed as I lay down, "It is what it is, and it will be what it will, one can only hope,"

'Ding' *Is that a quote?*

I thought for a second, "Probably, but I have no idea, I may have just made it up, that's a cool thought,"

'Ding' *I have just thought of a new word, Plagiarism.*

"Hey I said I don't know if someone else said it first, plus it's only you and I that know I said it so I am definitely not Plagiarizing,"

'Ding' *Whatever you say.*

"Oh stuff it," grumbling I settled down to sleep.