
Void Encroachment

After the apocalypse, a new world order, a new society where technology and medicine are far beyond what we know today, where humans had evolved and discovered the energy vi, where monsters roam the surface of the earth constantly fighting the Humans. in this new world was a boy named Arius constantly being tormented with visions of a war he didn't know who or what were the adversaries, until that was he saw them, but was that all they were nightmares, I think not and neither did Arius. join this crusade and let us account the adventures and exploits of a tarnished whom grace had again blessed

gale200588 · Fantasy
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19 Chs


After reaffirming his decision to strengthen himself in preparation for what was to come, Arius resumed the simulation already aware of what he would face.

standing beside the corpse of the ostrich he killed he looked off into the distance and observed the sandstorm getting closer to him from the distance, gritting his teeth and steeling his heart.

He burst forward refusing to wait for their charge, sprinting to the front-lines of the beast horde while simultaneously releasing vi intermittently into his eyes, he knew his earlier approach would be suicide and decided to go with this approach of intermittently enhancing his base eye sight.

This method however was only possible because it was Arius and not someone else, as ever since his awakening, Arius had found controlling the vi in him extremely easy, not many could boast of this as most couldn't even do it stalling them in stage two forever.

Arius plan was for him to take quick peeks at where the nearest threats were and use that information to predict their movements enabling him to fight them better and reduce the damage he'd take during the fight, this sounded like an okay plan but how could it be foolproof.

some would even argue it was downright stupid and was bound to fail, and they wouldn't be completely wrong giving the speed of these beasts, changing their direction of attack within mere seconds would be child's play to them.

About a meter before reaching the front-lines, Arius ruby eyes glowed brightly blue taking everything in front of him in for about a second before they dimmed considerably, the next step Arius took stopped his advance as his ankles pivoted allowing his right feet to slide horizontally against the ground.

with his back flexed and his left arm extended behind him generating enough torsion, he threw the saber he held in a reverse grip straight forward.

The saber already infused with vi flew in a straight line leaving a straight line of blue behind accurately piercing through the heads of four ostriches, severing the necks of two other before finally lodging itself into the neck of another beast in the same line.

Following through with his throw, Arius rolled forward, and with his hands on the ground he swept his vi enhanced legs a complete circle, falling the beasts already surrounding him, without wasting time he plopped his saber into the junction between their necks and bodies where their core was situated, killing them instantly.

his saber which was lodged in the neck of an ostrich surprisingly made its way to him, removing the blade from the ostrich's neck, the beast plopped down and died immediately.

For the first thirty minutes, Arius seemed to be doing well, killing about one-fourth of the horde already, however he was not omnipotent at least not yet anyway, overtime his vi started becoming sluggish and would run out anytime now.

The fatigue of swinging his sabers and pumping his muscles with vi were already getting to him, his eyesight was getting progressively worse after each vi infusion he did, all in all he was getting tired and weaker and sooner or later he would slip up and make a mistake.


A leg landed on Arius' back, shooting him out of the encirclement of beast, knocking him out completely.

When Arius woke up he found himself in a white room with nothing, no doors, no openings, no furniture, nothing, it was a blank room and he was looking completely out of place in here.

He stood up confused on what was happening, one moment he was fighting the next he was here, he even had the wild thought of dying. Deciding to find out where he was he attempted to stand up however he discovered he couldn't move, his body was completely out of his control, after a couple minutes of struggling, he heard a very deep voice

"quit struggling, its futile, your face looks really disgusting when you struggle"

Arius didn't know whether this was said in envy or disgust but it was evident this person loathed him

"why did you bring me here, who are you? and...."

"quiet mongrel, i ask the questions"

before Arius could respond to his interruption he found that he lost control of his mouth too. A figure in a black coat with a hood and a mask preserving his identity appeared to Arius' side and bent down placing a gloved finger on his head before bursting into laughter

"pffft...hahahahaha, interesting, interesting, very interesting, hahahahaha, so that's how it is,"

confused by what was going on Arius looked at the figure who was now bent over in laughter,

"so that's why, i understand now, i understand",

the figure said as he took off his mask and looked at Arius who had begun sweating furiously, various memories of wars and world ending disasters poured into his mind one after the other, no matter how small, big or inconsequential the cause, they always ended one way, world destruction; nuclear wars, ozone depletion, famine, pollution, pandemic, regardless of the cause they always led to one thing and one thing only, the end of the world.

"And that was only the beginning, you've seen them right, you know what they can do",

the figure gently whispered into Arius' ears,

Arius mind state went to shit, he began mumbling incoherently not even noticing the disappearance of the restriction that was placed on him,

"leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone, die,die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die"

As Arius kept mumbling the word die, a faint bluish wisps began to manifest in front of his body, drawing up some kind of image, a rune rather, on noticing what was happening the cloaked figure stopped laughing at Arius and immediately sent his consciousness back to his body.

"why did he do that, does he not care for his life, wait how was he even able to do that, he was supposed to be an enhancer no?, this worlds garbage magic system, Arius was it, I'll keep an eye out, HAHAHAhahaha..."

Arius who was sent back to his body didn't seem to notice the rune forming in front of him nor the ostriches that had already dragged him to their nest, he was still mumbling silently to himself before uttering one last "die" and passing out immediately, However he wasn't the only one that passed out, everything else around him "passed out",

the ostriches fell one after the other, the trees also withered and fell, the little weeds around withered into the wind, the ostrich eggs around turned a moldy black before withering into the wind, the ground cracked and split into pieces forming jigsaw like shapes on the earth. Arius was the only living organism amidst a literal land of the dead.

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