
Void's Tale

The goddess of Void's adventure as she messes with reincarnators wishes

recon100035 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

My name is Mary, no last name, I am currently ten and getting my starter pokemon with Ash. You might be wondering why I am here. Well, it all started when I died. I woke up and met this goth looking goddess who decided to grant my wish, but she fucked with it.

I knew I should have not trusted a goth looking goddess even if she was hot. Now that I think about it, she was probably death or something punishing me for some sins. Anyway she messed up my wish by making me a girl, now that does not sound very bad if it wasn't for the fact that the system was made to help me capture hearts for my harem.

All of my system missions so far have been about some creepy old man near me or some underaged kid like ash next to me. The final fuck you is that fact that the system is named [The Submissive Breedable Capture System] or [SBC System].

So far I have been able to deny my missions with minimal consequences like I would randomly lose a snack I had or my toe would be stubbed at worst. Back to the pokemon selection, the reason why I am here with Ash was because my alarm didn't wake me up on time at the orphanage.

Focusing back on what Professor Oak is saying, it turns out he only has one pokemon and that because Ash got here faster it would be his. Then Professor Oak just gave me a couple of pokeballs and told me that some pokemon are very friendly and easy to get without a partner. Sighing I grabbed the pokeballs before heading to the starting forest but as I did so a familiar ding sounded out.

[The SBC System has detected pokeballs and a quest

Generating mission

Mission created]

[First pokemon!

Description: you have pokeballs and no companion, this is the start of your journey but we need partners. Go capture a pokemon in a Submissive and breedable way.

Rewards:, 2,000 Poke dollars, alter host mind to be more submissive and breedable.

Failure: death]

As I saw the mission I started to lose all hope, it will alter my mind how is that different than becoming a new person. How do I capture a pokemon in submissive and breedable way.

As I was ranting I heard a giggle coming from everywhere, and then a ralts walked out of the bushes. How is ralts here! Slowly trying to back away from the ralts, I heard it say something and then I couldn't move. It paralyzed me, as I layed on the ground I waited for it to come over. As it stood over me I noticed something that just made me question what did I ever do, it was male and I was currently in my systems words breedable.

(back to void)

As I was watching mary and ralts about to go to town I stoped peaking and made a recording of all that. Making a bookshelf in the back of the throne room, I put my recording there to save it.

As I was getting ready to summon a new soul when my friend/lover popped in. She was a tall woman with white hair going to her waist. She is wearing a black dress with a black cloak with silver markings. This is the goddess of death or more commonly known as Death.

"Hey death what do you need, or are you here to mess around with me?"

Death just looked at me before shyly saying "I have come to check on you because I noticed a soul of mine coming here."

Teleporting behind her I grabbed her waist before teleporting back into my throne with her in my lap. I swear I could see the steam coming out of her head before I started to whisper in her ears "if you want be with me there is no need for an excuse"

I slightly nibbled on her ear before kissing her cheek.

Death and I are very closely connected as many believed that after death you go to the void and that there is no return making our concepts very hard to separate. So it was no surprise we become lovers over time not that it mattered how long it took.

Death just slightly nodded her head and leaned back onto me. Damn cuteness overload, she acts like a cat which makes sense as a very popular superstition of black cats meaning bad luck/death has changed her a bit.

Seeing Death all relaxed I decided to summon the next soul to reincarnate. A light flashed and then in front of us was a 5 year old boy with brown hair wearing jeans and a blue t shirt. He looked confused for a second before looking with awe around the throne room before looking at me and saying with tone full of excitement

"Hey big sis, where am I! This room is so cool and your pretty to"

Looking at the boy I gave him a sad smile and said "You are in my throne room and I am void and this here is Death. I will grant three of your wishes and you could go explore anywhere you want. What's your name"

The boy getting super hyped up started talking at light speed "my name is Jake and you give wishes like a genie!"

"Yes Jake I am your genie for today. You will be going on a magical adventure as a hero to defeat an evil demon lord and save the world. So what will you like?"

"Ohh just like those stories they tell me in the hospital! Can I have a um super sword and can I bring sis too? I haven't seen her in a long time?"

"You can have whatever you like and yes you can bring your sister with you. What is your last wish Jake."

"Can you make sis happy? She was always sad."

"Sure little Jake now off onto your epic journey and go save the world hero."

As jake was fading into particles of light he gave a big smile and said "Thanks big sis Void and Death "

AN:i was listening to music while writing this and I got a sad sounding part of a soundtrack while writing the new soul so yeah sad times.