
Voiceover system from Konoha

Uchiha Sora suddenly became Erzhuzi’s younger brother, salted fish all day long, doing nothing, and Nara Shikamaru, known as the two salted fish ninjas of Konoha. No one knows that there is a voice-over system in his mind. As long as he hears the emotional ups and downs of the ninja in the voice-over, he can get emotional points. Just looking at the strange things in the exchange space, Sora suddenly felt that this was an illegitimate system. Posting only starting few chapters if you like this fanfic check it out on MTL and if you want to read in fully translated version contact me if your willing to support me

Manish_Raj_0322 · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 7: Brothers learn from each other

"Sakura, go back first, we brothers have something to solve." Sora said.

[Er Zhuzi is arrogant and arrogant, losing in front of outsiders is probably more uncomfortable than killing him]

[Sora plans to discuss the two of them individually, to save face for Erzhuzi, how can we say that the two are also brothers]

"Sasuke be careful." Sakura said worriedly, turned and left.

[Sasuke is indifferent to Sakura's words, and his mind is full of how to fix the salted fish Sora]

Until Sakura disappeared, Sora's expression became serious.

"Come on Erzhuzi, let me test the level of your chief student."


Several shuriken flew out in an instant, colliding with each other and swooshing through the air quickly, approaching Uchiha Sora.

[With a sneer in the air, he even used the Uchiha family's throwing technique to deal with the Uchiha members]

A handful of kunai appeared in his hand, swiping in the air continuously, twisting his body.

"Ding Ding Ding"

He easily opened up all the Kunai, and slashed a huge arc with a few shuriken in his backhand, heading straight for Sasuke.

Since crossing, Kong is salted fish, perhaps because of crossing, his neural reflex speed and dynamic strength are far beyond ordinary people.

Although Kunai's speed was fast, he was easily caught by him.

Besides, Kong is not really a salted fish. He always believed that seven or eight years old was not a good age for cultivation, it was too much.

The cultivation method of the ninja world is obviously a little bit of encouragement. It starts to develop the potential of children at an early age, which is not conducive to future growth.

Sora does some sports gymnastics every day to promote growth. After a few years, relying on his own physical fitness and some sinister moves, he and Sasuke have a dead end.

The wisdom of adults is on full display in Sora.

He easily pushed aside the shuriken, and Sasuke had already rushed over, clenching his fists and quickly zooming in in his empty eyes.

Sora showed a smile, and at some point he grabbed a handful of lime and suddenly raised it.

The gray dust covered Sasuke's face, and then a smoke bomb filled with chili powder was thrown to the ground by him, and his body quickly retreated.


The purple mist quickly filled the air, mixed with red, these were chili noodles.

[There is a bit of guilt in Sora's heart, but in order for Erzhuzi to understand the cruelty of the ninja world, he can only see the evil of the ninja world first]

Even from a few meters away, Sora could smell the chili pepper.

"Er Zhuzi, I'm sorry."


There was another explosion, and a large king popped out of it, shrouded in smoke.

A violent cough came out, and as the smoke dissipated, Sasuke appeared in sight.

At this time, Sasuke was extremely embarrassed, with snot and tears streaming down his face.

His face was flushed, his eyes were full of anger, and he stared at Sora fiercely.

The big net covered Sasuke completely, tied it into a zongzi and lay on the ground, he could only hold his stubborn head with difficulty.

"Haha, I'm sorry, second child, I didn't think it was light or heavy, and I didn't expect that you, the chief student, would actually let me beat you.

I thought you could last a few rounds, but it's a pity. "

[Uchiha Sora is a pity, many sneak attack moves have not been used, Sasuke can't stand it anymore, it seems that the chief student of the ninja school is a bit too weak]

[Sasuke's eyes flash with anger, although he is arching and twisting like a caterpillar, he can't escape the tying of the big net]

"Second child, calm down, anger will only affect your judgment of the enemy."

Sora retreated to the rear, and at the same time, a kunai shot out, cutting the rope above the big net.

[Sora, I must kill you today, Sasuke thought through gritted teeth]

[Second Pillars do not talk about martial arts]

"Second, if you were a real ninja, you'd be dead."

Sora shouted, and quickly got into the forest of the training ground. He threw out two kunai. One of the kunai was tied with a round ball behind it, which was somewhat similar to a smoke bomb.

[Sasuke sees through Sora's trick at a glance and won't fall in the same place twice]

The two kunai were also thrown out and collided with the two kunai of the sky.

[Smiling in the air, it's just an ordinary ball of mud, Sasuke's strength and IQ are really not good]

[Sasuke decides, he must teach Sora a lesson, let him see that his elder brother is an elder brother after all, not a salted fish like him.]

He jumped up quickly with his feet, pulled into the distance from Sora, and quickly formed seals with his hands.

Sora saw right through it at a glance. This is the ninjutsu of Ho Fireball, and it is the only ninjutsu that Sasuke has learned.

"Er-Pillar, don't think you are the only one who knows ninjutsu, let you experience the B-level ninjutsu I've just learned."

[How is it possible, Sasuke can't believe it, how can a salted fish be able to master B-rank ninjutsu, even if it is a C-ranked fireball, I have practiced for a long time]

[Sasuke has some self-doubt in his heart. Could it be that his aptitude is really poor, and practicing hard every day is not as good as a salted fish lying flat every day]

Kong laughed and said, "Today, I will show you what a real genius is."

Sasuke widened his eyes and stepped back quickly.

[Each B-rank ninjutsu is powerful. Sasuke is a little nervous. He doesn't know if he can stop it. Keeping a distance is the most correct choice]

Sora quickly folded his hands together, only forming a fire mark.

He shouted in his mouth, "Look at my B-level ninjutsu, but the fire is extinguished."

"he, tui"

A mouthful of saliva spewed out, crossed the arc, and stuck to the branch between the two.

[A bug crawled silently beside the saliva, as if mocking Sasuke silently, this is the B-level ninjutsu that makes you afraid, but that's it]

Sora turned around and ran after spitting.

"Ah, Sora, I'm going to kill you."

[Sasuke was so angry that he felt that his IQ was not enough for the first time, so he even let Kong play one after another]

Sasuke jumped to his feet, UU reading www.uukanshu.com trampled the spit narrator to death, and ran in the direction of Sora.


There was another explosion, followed by Sasuke's continuous coughing.

Sasuke was once again enveloped in a smoke bomb filled with chili powder.

When Sora pretended to release ninjutsu before, he threw two smoke bombs into the grass below.

[The second child really doesn't have a long memory. Impulsivity kills people. Sora thinks he has done a good deed, and let Sasuke understand in advance that impulse is the devil]

It was not until the smoke dissipated that Sasuke rushed out with snot and tears. At this time, there was no empty figure in the forest.

[Today's battle hit Sasuke hard and made him a little confused. He wondered if his years of hard work were in vain]

[Uchiha Itachi's face appears in front of Sasuke's eyes, his depressed heart is suddenly filled with hatred, and his whole body is full of energy]

[Looking at Sasuke's embarrassed look, Sora is thinking about whether to be cruel again, but think about it, forget it, it's boring to always bully children]

Sasuke's decadent expression instantly sharpened, and he glanced around.

"Kang, I know you're nearby, come out quickly."

"Haha, I was exposed by the narration. Second child, I'll go first. I'm a little hungry after a fight with you. I'll go back to the village to eat first.

If you still have energy, keep training. "

Sasuke's stomach rumbling at the same time, but he hasn't eaten since five o'clock in the morning.

[The tense atmosphere has disappeared. At this time, Sasuke's brother's majesty has been lost.


[Sasuke snorts proudly, he plans to eat beef and seafood bento]

Sora's unbridled laughter sounded in the forest.