
Voiceover system from Konoha

Uchiha Sora suddenly became Erzhuzi’s younger brother, salted fish all day long, doing nothing, and Nara Shikamaru, known as the two salted fish ninjas of Konoha. No one knows that there is a voice-over system in his mind. As long as he hears the emotional ups and downs of the ninja in the voice-over, he can get emotional points. Just looking at the strange things in the exchange space, Sora suddenly felt that this was an illegitimate system. Posting only starting few chapters if you like this fanfic check it out on MTL and if you want to read in fully translated version contact me if your willing to support me

Manish_Raj_0322 · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 24: Dazner


In the dimly lit room, Sasuke walked in and frowned.

[This guy Sora, every time he finishes making smoke bombs in the living room, he doesn't know how to open the windows for ventilation]

"I'm back, how's the training going? If you haven't mastered it yet, I'll suspect that you cheated before." Sora walked out of the darkness.

"It's none of your business." Sasuke turned on the light.

[Sasuke is really embarrassed to say that he didn't fully master water treading until 4:00 p.m., which is about the same time as Naruto]

"Hmph, you have to suffer to save face, Naruto's own aptitude is good, it's just the nine tails in his body that are at work,"

[If Sora hadn't stimulated Sasuke and made him play abnormally, Sasuke would have mastered it in at most an hour]

Sasuke's expression softened a little, and he also felt that his mood was a little wrong today. It turned out that Sora was too good at pretending, which affected his performance.

"The narrator is talking nonsense all day long. Don't believe what the narrator says after the second child, or you won't know if you will be tricked one day."

Sasuke was too lazy to deal with Sora, so he took a shower and went back to his room.

"What a arrogant guy."

Sora went back to the bedroom, entered the system space, and first searched for Konoha Four Musketeers, Three Advisors, Ichi Hokage.

Sora was a little disappointed that the four of them didn't get together this time, and he wanted to speak the truth again, so that Danzo or Sandai could tell the truth.

The next day, Sora continued to make smoke bombs at home, and Sasuke and Naruto Sakura went to the training ground to train together.

The two-day vacation passed in a blink of an eye.

In the morning, five people gathered at the Konoha task collection office.

"Three generations of grandfathers, you did a good job last time. Give us another C-level task this time."

Naruto shouted loudly as soon as he entered the room.

[The three generations of Hokage are also weighing in their hearts. The last time I had a nightmare at night, I was confused in the morning and only released the task of suppressing the bandits to the seventh class]

[Sakura and Naruto stared at the three generations. I didn't expect that Hokage-sama was so courageous that he was afraid of having nightmares. He looked thin and thin. Don't accidentally have an accident one day]

"Peng Peng."

Kakashi gave it by himself, with a stern tone: "Don't think about it, don't make up your mind for Hokage-sama."

"Last time you did a really good job."

"I'll just say yes, and give us another difficult task. I'll never say you're a skinny old man again. Even if Kakashi-sensei admits it, I won't say it."

Kakashi instantly felt a sharp gaze, and quickly said: "Naruto, this is what the narration said. When did I say bad things about Hokage-sama?"

[Kakashi regards the three generations as his confidant. In the pursuit of beautiful things, the two have similar tastes, but the three generations are even more shameless. Every time he peeks, Kakashi is more fantasy.]

[The face of the third generation suddenly darkened, he shouldn't have talked to the seventh class, he just released the task, and now he just wants to send them away as soon as possible]

"This time it's a C-level **** mission, come in."

The door was pushed open, and before anyone came in, a strong smell of wine came in first.

A sloppy old man with a wine bottle in his hand walked in with blurred eyes.

"Is it these little devils?"

[Some members of the seventh class that Dazner despises in his heart are all children whose hair has not yet grown. How can such a person protect him and return to the country of waves]

"You guy, don't look down on people, I, Naruto Uzumaki, will become the man of Hokage in the future."

[Dazner is a little nervous, he has heard the narration in other places in the country of fire before, and this is the first time when it comes to himself]

[Naruto Sakura laughed heartily. I didn't expect the sloppy old man to be afraid. He thought he was a great man, but he was a coward.]

Dazner took a sip of wine, and the thick mirrors reflected the sunlight, making it impossible to see what he was thinking.

"Your mission is to protect Mr. Dazna until the bridge in the Land of Waves is completed."

[The three generations of Hokage didn't want to stay in the seventh class for a minute, and the narrator did not know when to reveal some secrets. Now there are outsiders in the room, and then we can only...]

[Third Hokage casts a glance at Dazner, making Dazner stunned, almost thinking he is going to die]

"Haha, let's hurry up and hit the road, it's getting late."

[Dazner was frightened by the indifferent eyes of the third generation and broke out in a cold sweat. He just wanted to leave the room as soon as possible. The narration was too terrifying. Once some secrets were revealed, he had no choice but to die.]

"Mr. Dazner is joking. Konoha ninjas never make fun of the employer's life. Since you come to Konoha, your life will be guaranteed."

"What Hokage said is, are we ready to go?"

The third generation nodded and said, "Kakashi, you've worked hard this time."

"Three generations of grandfathers, and me, last time I dealt with a lot of bandits at once, and it was a piece of cake to send the sloppy uncle home."

"My name is Dazner, you little dwarf."

"You can go out, Kakashi will lead them out now."


A group of six people filed out.

[Going out of Konoha, Dazna breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't know that the danger was gradually approaching, and those who wanted to kill him had already sneaked into the country of fire]

The seventh class stopped at the same time~www.mtlnovel.com~ and glanced at Dazner in the air. I didn't expect the little old man to hide the information. I'm afraid this task is not easy, it's not just as simple as building a bridge]

Kakashi's expression became serious and he said, "Mr. Dazner, I hope you tell the truth, once the information is wrong, casualties are likely to occur."

[Naruto and Sasuke were secretly happy, and finally came a difficult task, which is the time to test the results of their training]

[Dazner's face became ugly. He originally wanted to get away with it, but when he arrived in the Land of Waves, he didn't expect it to be exposed as soon as he came out of Konoha. What kind of narration is this, it's really not a thing]

[Of course, Dazna didn't want to say that he was targeted by the world's richest man, Cardo. Cardo, for his own interests, did not agree with the country of waves to build the bridge]

"Kakashi-sensei, do you know Kado?"

[Naruto is more inclined to complete tasks, and finally received a more difficult task]

[Sasuke and Sora are also looking forward to it. Sora recently developed a new type of smoke bomb, and was looking for someone to test its power. The mission appeared just right]

Kakashi was speechless and said, "I know, Cardo is a world-famous billionaire and has a great influence in the world. This is not a C-level task, and he is fully qualified to be considered a B-level.

There must be excellent ninjas around Kado. You must continue the mission. If one is not good, you will die. "

[Sakura trembled with fear, this time is different from last time, the enemy is not a bandit, but a ninja may appear]

[Kakashi is faced with a choice, no one wants to return except Sakura, the D-level mission is like waiting for death, it is better to fight vigorously]

Kakashi glanced at the three of them, nodded, and said, "You can move on, but once there is a danger of exceeding the upper limit, I will stop the mission in time."