if you don't like sad story you shouldn't read. it's a book about a young girl struggle for a reason to live the story starts...... hey, my name is Jasmine tate, I am going to tell you the story of my life from day one to the end... so sit down, take some popcorn and enjoy. no one listened to me, so don't make the same mistake. family, friends are supposed to be your support.... yeah it's true.. but we make mistakes wouldn't knowing and we live the rest of our life regretting it
hey, my name is Jasmine Tate and I wanna take you through my life, so if you are looking for all those romantic story then you are looking at the wrong the book.
There is no lies here, just my life. so allow me to introduce myself properly, you know my name already.
am sixteen years old, black long curly hair with a nerdy glass let's assume that am practically a nerd, I used to live in santa monica, just recently moved to queen hills don't be decevied by the name it's just a normal town and I now attend queen hills high school fortunately today is my first day.
Alarm clock ringing.
(jasmine murmuring with a pillow on her face).
not now, just wait a little longer please.
(peeks at the clock).
(shouts) it's 7.30 already (now rush into the bathroom).
today is my first day and am late so died.
(knock on the door).
jass I hope you are ready for school??
Mom am in the shower(from bathroom).
jass were you up all night watch Netflix?
No, of course not(lying).
you better me ready in the next 20minutes or else you are walking to school on your first day.
Yess Mom!!
(meet miss Alicia tate a divorced wife, doctor woman in her thirties she was wearing a short black skirt and a blue blouse, short straight blonde hair, she looked like she was in her twenties)
Few minutes later
(jasmine rushing now the stair into the kitchen).
how do I look mom?
amazing baby, are you ready?
yes, did you pack me lunch?
of course, now hurry school starts at 8am and it's 7.50am already
(both rushing to the car)
The car parks in front of the school.
(in the car)
jasmine about to open the door
are you okay?
yeah it's just a new school I can handle it.
I know the divorce and moving has taken a toe on you and am so sorry (tearfully).
it's okay Mom, I will make you proud am your daughter remember (with a cute smile)
I know no time for sad moments, it's your first day hurry.
okay see you mom(a kiss on her mom's cheek)
(she driving away)
jasmine said to herself while working through the hall
(today is my first day, they ain't gonna me mad if am late a little)
( a voice from behind)
hmm hmm
jasmine:good morning
(stood in front of her was a man around his forties with brown hair in a suit he looks like a teacher)
ain't you late for your class??
it's my first day sir.
it's doesn't look nice to be late on your first day!!
am sorry sir (jasmine)
follow me!
jasmine says to herself ( I guess I was wrong, they are extremely mad).
you may have your sit
(jasmine scared)
thank you sir
(he sat in a chair face her with a table in between)
my name is Collins mikaelson, the history teacher and a close friend of your mom's.
am sorry sir, you know my mom?
yes we were old classmates back in santa Monica but I moved here twenty years ago, so you must be the fame jasmine Tate nice to finally meet you.
(a little shy) likewise sir
(after a few minutes the school bell rings for break)
that's good time for your next clas
(handling her the school timetable)
so what do you have next?
English sir( with respect)
you don't have to be so formal with me we are family, just call me Mr Collins
(knock on the door)
yes come in
(a girl with brown hair and dark brown eye enters)
I was sent for you?
yes, won't you say hello to the girl
hello, am Kylie mikaelson
nice to meet you am...
Kylie cuts in
jasmine Tate I know, the daughter of Dad's childhood friend.
MR Collins: aren't you guys getting along already, so Kylie help her out, you know she is new here.
kylie: your wish is my command your lordship.
Kylie: so lemme show to your class jasmine
jasmine: you can call me jass
Kylie: cool nice nickname
Mr Collins: you guys should hurry to your class
Kylie: okay Daddy
(existing the office)
Mr Collins: before I forget no more late coming Mrs Tate
jasmine: okay
the teacher walks in
phones off, if you want to have one after this class!!
so before we start I can see a new face, yes I mean you!
jasmine stands up from her sit
yes ma'am my name is Jasmine Tate today is my first day in school
(the class went wild)
settle down every one, nice to meet you dear am miss Elena Dunber your English teacher
you may have your sit
so let's start
at the parking lot
kylie: it was nice meeting you today, see you tomorrow I got to go
jasmine: okay see you tomorrow
A car pulls in front of jasmine
you want a ride?
no thank you (jasmine said)
I won't bite
am waiting for my mom
oh okay your lost
by the way am Jeffery Harts
(before she could say anything, he drove away)
mum pulls in her car
how was school hunnie?
it was pretty cool
I can't wait for tomorrow