
Voice of Longing

Despite being born with a complicated past, Adam soon finds himself at the top, becoming the sole guide to global prosperity. He was history's greatest, acknowledged by the world for his unrivaled talents yet many wondered- What drove him this far? Was it for power? fame? or solely for his satisfaction? It was initially, but soon became a dedication to use as a mean for a person's purpose. A person that became the world's sole source of bloom yet despite all his efforts in keeping this, he was soon reminded of his past when he found himself staring at the eyes of his purpose slowly falling alongside of what would be known as a world that bloomed. ... Knowing full well of his life and deeds, a voice told that his life doesn't end here as another chance to once again hear the voice of whom he saw fall came. A chance that gave him a renewed purpose to not see what dreaded him once more through a much clearer view. =================================== First time writing here, I hope you would like it. Coming soon~ Cover not mine.

WorldOfFiction · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Beauty in Horror

'..When did it start?.. This obsession of mine'

"Say hi, Daniel.. This is your other Mother and your new sibling; your sister"

Feeling patted from behind his shoulder, an innocent voice came out of a child named Daniel as his Mother whose standing beside him encouraged him for a greeting.

"Nice to meet you, Auntie. My name is Daniel. I-I heard alot about you from my Mother- that you are also my Mother and so.. I-I hope to have many memories with you and my sister from now on!"

After hearing Daniel's squeal at the end, the woman that was also identified as his Mother let out a charming voice that was fascinated on Daniel.

"Oh my, isn't he quite the lovely boy, Sister.."

Continuing her voice's direction on Daniel, she brought out a piece of white chocolate from her pocket.

"I also hope to see you more often, Daniel.. Would you like a chocolate? It's more or less like milk"

Seemingly glimmering by the sight of it, Daniel looked at her mother, waiting for her permission to which she chuckled and nodded to.

Receiving agreement, Daniel slowly reached out and grabbed the chocolate that is being handed to him, placing it near his chest.

"Thank you, Auntie"

Smiling satisfyingly in response, she began reaching out behind her and touched the hand of a girl that was grabbing her skirt

"It's fine.. Say hello, Yuuki. This is where we will live from now on"

Hearing her soft words, the girl named Yuuki hesitated for a moment, but soon complied to her mother's words.

"I'm.. Yuuki.. I love animals"

After hearing Yuuki's shy and doll like voice, Daniel's mom couldn't help but blush and excitedly take out the gift she prepared.

"What a cute child.. We have plenty of pets here, i also love and adore animals. Look-

Revealing her gift, she stretched her arm out with this gift on her palm, waiting for her to grab a hold of it.

"There's a bird on it. You could attach this to your hair so that it would always be with you"

Seeing this item infront of her, Yuuki's expression gradually eased and slightly glimmered.

"Go ahead"

Hearing her mother's words, Yuuki's previously tense expression became almost entirely comfortable, with her gift now in her hands- her way of speaking also lightened up.

"Thank you, Auntie.. I-I'll make sure i won't lose her!"

Speaking louder than intended, Yuuki reddened and lowered her head, slowly making her way back behind her mother.

Though her face wasn't clear to both mothers, her bright expression that resides alongside her blush was noticed at glance by Daniel.

With his interest piqued, Daniel hesitated for a moment, but soon took the initiative in speaking with Yuuki.

"I..I also have one, it's a different animal though. Mother said it suited me.. Do you want to see it?"

Following his words, Daniel took out a similar in design hairpin on his shirt's pocket and proceeded on showing it to her.

"It's a bear that hugs, so i keep it with me at all times even if i don't actually wear it"

'Koala, Daniel..'

Witnessing her son's initiative, Daniel's Mother subconsciously corrected him within her thoughts, but did not bothered on voicing it out and interrupting their conversation.

Reaching a consensus, Yuuki's Mother who also bare the same sentiment looked and spoke to Daniel's Mother, intending to leave both kids alone with their own wonders.

"We'll be right back, we still have alot of things to talk about.. We'll see you both later"

Preparing to leave, Yuuki's Mother soon took her steps after leaving her words of farewell.

"Have fun! We'll be playing with you both later"

Daniel's Mother following her side by side after her own words of farewell.

Responding in stare and nod, both kids soon saw their mothers steps taking them away and away from their view until becoming completely taken away by their turn to another direction.

Silence ensued between both kids for a moment, but was soon lightened up by Daniel's words.

"There's a park nearby, all kinds of animals passes by there.. Let's take a look, i also have many games in my room!"

Hearing Daniel's bright voice, Yuuki's mood was subconsciously influenced to which she responded quite actively.

"Really?! There's lots of birds there, right? Even a mouse called squirrel might come out!"

Seeing her excitement, determination unconsciously ignited inside of Daniel, wanting to see through the end of the enthusiasm he brought out and make it an experience that is more than she expected.

Agreeing with excitement, Daniel told her of the preparations he needs to make first before they could proceed.

"I still need to get the games in my room, we could go get it together. It might be boring for you to wait for me.. I also have lots of stuffed toys!"

Without waiting for her response, Daniel sprinted ahead, seemingly excited of the thought of showing her his toys.

Losing the reservation he tried to maintain by the moment he remembered and suggested of showing it to her.

Reacting almost immediately, Yuuki soon followed and tried her best to catch up.

"W-Wait for me"

As both kids run through the hallway, a maid smiled by the sight of them passing by, staring at them until they became completely out of view.

After this episode within her job, she soon directed her attention back to what she was previously doing, but not long after through her walk.

She remembered what happened earlier, seeing as how that moment depicted a kid's struggling chase which brought her quite the sudden chuckle.

'I feel bad for laughing at something so innocent..'

'Right.. We were so happy back then..'

Being assaulted continuously by waves of suffering, Daniel became out of it;numb to all of it. His body wanted it to end, but his mind seemingly can't, it's intricacy subjecting him to reliving memories he wished was forever.

"I'll show you what comes after your wish of living."

Hearing this, Daniel couldn't help but smile albeit trembling with streams of tears, showing emotions that isn't suitably what he and his situation intended.

He knows, it was useless to talk things through or possibly do everything there is to it yet he wanted it to stop- he wanted to beg for it to stop.

"A-Adam.. W-Wai-

With his voice cracking, Daniel tried his best to speak through the pain he's suffering from, but Adam didn't let him.

"H-Hold o-






The more Daniel tried to speak, the harder Adam's slapped became, no matter what kind of noise comes out of Daniel's mouth. Adam wanted to hear none of it.

Even after Daniel's body became still, Adam's abuse continued with his palm still aiming consecutively on both of Daniel's cheeks.

Only then did it stopped when Adam noticed his hands becoming completely reddened than what it initially was.

"Oh- I must have misheard of you still speaking, silly me"

Standing up, Adam grinned in satisfaction towards his work, his expression seemingly becoming troubled thereafter, with his chin unto his blood free knuckles that his gears had previously dissipated.

Adam's expression became entirely focused which made his thoughtful pose seemingly accurate.

"What to do, it won't be that fun if you lay there like a corpse"

As Adam's gaze inspect any possible solution to his dried entertainment, his gaze unknowingly passed by Daniel's broken arm onto his perfectly fine arm.

Taking a different turn in expression, Adam grinned out of nowhere and showed an outlook that supposedly have cleared his doubts.

"Wouldn't it be quite the fun if you react to something-


Alongside Adam's emphasis, his foot had also emphasize Daniel's perfectly fine arm into a excruciating agony.

Bit by bit, Adam's attention were continuously directed from his fingers onto his arm, then his wrist, his biceps, each receiving a handful of repeating abuse until it slowly became more or less the same as his other arm-

A complete tragedy.

Seeing the result he anticipated on accomplished, Adam breathed out heavily and wiped a non existent sweat on his forehead.

"Quite the exercise, wasn't it?" Speaking in heavy breaths, Adam's comical facade abruptly changed and his foot suddenly assaulted Daniel's crotch.

Feeling nothing, but flesh to what he did, Adam seemed to remembered something and tapped his forehead strongly.

"Right.. I already did my job there" Grinning to his words, his behavior deepened as he further recalls.

"It was quite a shame actually, to think that i had cut it out already.. Truly a shame"

Giggling in between his words, his giggled worsened after finishing his last words, turning childlike that made it entirely eerie.

Though his senses wasn't working properly, Daniel's hearing and sight still caught a glimpse of Adam's words.

His mind seemingly clearing it to something comprehensible, even if it's mostly occupied and overwhelmed by the assaults it was receiving.

Feeling his throat dry from screams he'd released, Daniel's state was lifeless, his expression seemingly on the brink of death.

He wanted a chance to say no more, but his throat wasn't responding and could do nothing, but vaguely stare at Adam's childlike expression.

While faintly hearing the eeriness it brought, silence ensued to Daniel's abyssal suffering, silence that subjected his mind of trauma his crotch have been previously reminded of.

Daniel wanted none of it, but his will did nothing and so, could only let his consciousness drift and be led.

"Yuuki, i have told you already. That boy isn't a good influence to you, be mindful of what our family would think of you"

Speaking sternly, Daniel's words didn't stop and continuously resounded in Yuuki's ears, only then did it stopped when she couldn't take it anymore.

"Brother- you already know of how i feel about him! You already know of what he's capable of, does it really matter if the family doesn't approve of his blood?!"

Hearing this, Daniel couldn't find the words to refute her and could only show his concern further.

"You already know of how our family works, every generation must come from families with actual roots and ties to the world's highest hierarchy. Someone outstanding wouldn't be an exception to this.."


Although Daniel's words was of truth, Yuuki's mouth still found words to argue which she held back when Daniel interrupted her.

"Don't worry, your brother will find a way to help you. Just stay low for the meantime.."

Feeling his words being quite heavy in his chest, Daniel became pained which he soon ignored, wanting to not be influenced by his rised in emotions.

Finding it hard to stay, Daniel turned and was about to leave, but his steps halted when he heard Yuuki's words behind him.

"Wouldn't them knowing that I'm adopted a way through this?"


Without turning back, Daniel responded after a moment of silence.

"..That'll be when there's no way out of it"

Continuing his steps, Daniel's expression which had became unwilling and in deep pain soon reverted back to normal the moment he stepped out of the room they were in.

Slow and steady, Daniel begun making his way through the hallway, his steps producing light taps that made it's scene quite indulging.

Unknowingly, Daniel's consciousness drifted to another lane within his memory, his steps still being the same yet it now produces taps with a strong and heavy feel to it.

With his attire now formal and his appearance more mature, Daniel gave a sense of awe throughout his walk which was the opposite of his previous self that still had a tinge of being naive.

'Why am i devastated.. i feel shattered. It's been years, you know it wasn't possible- I wasn't loved'

Growing restless the more his mind stays within his thoughts, Daniel decided to head elsewhere, intending to use the alcohol he brought.

Reaching an open area that is filled with greenery, Daniel stood still, wanting to be influence of the air that passes by freely.

After idling for a moment, Daniel leaned closer at the edge that borders the livelihood of infrastructures from below, becoming increasingly by the sight of it.

Daniel became comfortable and rested his arms at the wall that heights slightly below his chest.

Without minding the lack of safety, Daniel opened the cap on his alcohol and began drinking at a slow pace.

Taking his time with his pauses in every gulp, enjoying the scenery and mood that the alcohol and environment provides.

Heeding no mind to possible interruptions, Getting here unrestricted wasn't quite the issue after all even though it was generally restricted to even most VIP.

'Being a part of whom owns this entire thing comes with it's perks, i supposed'

Finding himself slowly drifting away off his troubling thoughts, Daniel found this retreat of his to be worth the time he gave.

'I never thought I'd be this glad in bringing alcohol'

Feeling it's taste more soothing than what he's used to, Daniel's drinking continued, without knowing it, the bottle became empty.

Seeing his drink empty, Daniel was about to leave when he couldn't pour anymore, but it soon became different, he wanted to come back with more alcohol in his hands.

Stepping away the balcony, Daniel found his steps irregular and body slightly motionless.

Gaining a considerable amount of steps, alongside this change of his, his previous thoughts began creeping on him.

Without any more influences, Daniel found his previous thoughts emergence to be more heavy and as it emerges, it was more unrestrained and troubled him even greater.


Pressing excessively, Daniel waited for the elevator to bring him lower, waiting silently while his consciousness subjects him more of his thoughts, becoming as worse as it could get by the time his transportation finished.

Stepping out in hurried steps, Daniel nodded at the people whom noticed his figure, though wanting their meeting to be longer, Daniel ignored their approach and quickly passed by.

'Where was it..'

Walking aimlessly, Daniel lost his recollection of where he had found the alcohol he grabbed, resulting in him looking around and inspecting every inch this lobby had to offer.

From tables that holds consumable items unto actual people that may have a hold of this specific brand of alcohol.

After a couple more minutes of restlessness, Daniel's unrelenting eyes finally saw what it was looking for.

'Why here.. and not included in any of the other shelves'

Not thinking that much about it, Daniel soon approached the bartender where the alcohol is being overseered.

After his inquiry, Daniel began waiting and tapped his finger now and then to soothe his impatience.

Finding it to be somehow calming, his head began wandering around him, enjoying it's liveliness.

Remembering where it was dedicated for, Daniel frowned and was about to withdraw his gaze when it caught someone with an uncanny familiarity.

Fully withdrawing his gaze, his eyes remained infront, but soon lowered as his finger turned into two and became heavily rhythmic.

'What's taking him so long..'

Beginning to be heavily bothered of what he saw, Daniel was about to voice out his triggering irritation when his risen head soon caught view of the bartender holding a bottle in both hands.

"I deeply apologize, sir. I tried to get my hands in 3 more bottle, but they only had one more in stock"

Wanting to not feel bothered, Daniel nodded and paid no heed to it anymore.

His previous emotions emptying as his desire to leave immediately took over.

"It's fine.."

Grabbing the bottles placed with both hands, Daniel was about to leave and return when his figure froze at the sight of familiarity finally loomed to him.

A feminine figure walking towards a corridor.

Gritting his teeth, Daniel struggled, but soon relieved him of a choice and so he once again-


*Knock* *Knock*

"Who is it?"

Hearing knockings coming from the door, a voice of inquiry came that soon received it's response.

"It's me.."

Finding the voice to be someone she knows, it soon let the person on his own without leaving her place.

"Is there anything I could help you with, Daniel?"

Stepping inside, Daniel replied as he handles the door shut.

"..Nothing in particular. I saw you passed by, thought I'd came to congratulate you once more"

Approaching the couch nearby, Daniel sat and rested the liquors in hand, opening it's lid, he soon poured it inside the glass that also rests on the table.

Grabbing a hold of it, Daniel spoke before taking a taste of it.

"How was your day?.. Being officially recognized must have been quite stressful"

With eyes and hands still being occupied of the holograms infront, her reply becoming softer as it longers.

"It was, but have also been one of the happiest moment that has ever happened to me. They were really stubborn about it.. If I hadn't stop Adam, i would have joined him then, but that would be quite bad in many ways-

Listening with humms in between, Daniel quietly listened yet the longer she speaks, the heavier his "tasting" becomes.

Without knowing it, Daniel had already finished a bottle and doesn't seem to plan on stopping.

"..Like, don't you find it hard to live in this era compared to the one before. We may have advanced, but our ways downgraded-

Noticing a subtle change, her voice halted the moment she glanced at Daniel.

"I was speaking too much, wasn't I? I became quite excited and didn't notice how much time had passed"

Seeing her smile, Daniel felt inexplicably heavy- a complete opposite of what she's experiencing.

"Is that so.."

After responding quite halfheartedly, Daniel didn't hear any more of her and could only drink silently.

A silence that soon broke when Daniel couldn't help but mutter.

"..Why wasn't it me?"

Which did not broke completely, continuing further as his mutter was seemingly not heard.

Although being silent, his words wasn't completely ignored as her previously relaxed mood vanished yet she was still preoccupied.

"I still don't understand.. We've known we're not blood related yet you were unfazed of what I felt.."

Becoming occupied of his risen emotions, Daniel's tone became heavier and heavier, rapidly piling into a complete outburst.

"Was I really nothing to you?!"

Crushing the glass he'd held, blood dripped as it shattered from where it was situated on, most of it falling in fragments yet some found it's way attached.

Seemingly unfazed of the pain, Daniel held his head before continuing his outburst.

Yelling in a different kind of pain, he flipped the table aside, shattering it in impact alongside what was placed on it.

Not stopping with one furniture, he pushed aside everything his eyes laid on, abusing the room's interior into a complete mess.

"Are you done?"

Throughout the entirety of it, she wasn't the least fazed of what's happening and treated it as nothing more than an activity that begs to irked her ire.

Noticing his approach, she didn't move from her place, but one of her hand silently brushed passed behind her ear, it's finger pressuring something before returning to what it was initially doing.

"Don't tell me you're going to commit a crime for something we've talked through many times"

Despite what her words implicated, her bearing was calm and wasn't the least worried about it.

Feeling one of her wrist grabbed, she tried resisting, but was proved incapable as Daniel pulled it away from what she was doing- Forcing her to stand up.

"Are you actually determine? Do you want to force your feelings on me?"

Hearing her unfaltering tone, Daniel's hesitation vanished as his hands pushed her against the wall, approaching her in hurried steps.

Pinning her against it with both her hands held up together, he tightly locked her in place, leaving no option to escape which seemed like it to Daniel's obscured mind.

"If reminding you of what I felt be forced, then so be it"

Seeing his head closing on hers, her shoe's tip that had something sharp poking out was about to meet under him when the entrance behind was opened abruptly.

"Am I seeing right?.."

"You know, your crotch would still be here if you just had stay..


Feeling more pain coming from his nonexistent crotch, Daniel was jolted out of his nightmare, his vision unknowingly regaining a slight clearance.

Anticipating more of it, the pain unexpectedly stopped after a couple more assaults, leaving Daniel with time to catch his breath.

"This won't do.. Your pain doesn't satisfy me anymore"

His assailant finding itself having a troubling expression, after a few moments of ponder.

He soon rests himself on the ground, intending to spend more time on finding enlightenment.

"What's the point.. Adam.."

Despite seemingly not hearing his mutter, Daniel's voice continued after a few more moments of trying to stabilize his unsupportive throat.

"You could do anything to me for as long as you want, but that wouldn't bring her back.."

After mustering the best of it, Daniel spoke at a slightly louder tone.

"You were destined to live with the memory of losing her!"

Taking deep breaths, Daniel's mood eased into a maniacally grin which his throbbing pain did not granted of, but his mood was the brightest as of yet nonetheless.

Oblivious to Daniel's changes, Adam's expression turned into something much more troubling than what it initially was.

It's subtle coldness becoming increasingly colder during their moment of silence.

"You're right.."

Raising himself up, Adam stared at Daniel, his changes now being visible to him.

"What more do I need from a world that engulfed of her.."

Not believing what he heard, Daniel's expression contorted of bewilderment, finding Adam's words to be on another level of what he expected.

"My soul wouldn't rest even if it experiences the purest of cleaning.."

This time, Daniel wanted to deny, but his hearing told him that it was still working just fine.

"W-What are you saying.."

Having a feel of unknown dread, Daniel became increasingly nervous, his initial trembling of pain becoming more incessant.

With Adam's attention now on him, Daniel's gaze was fixated, and began watching the expression infront of him steadily changes.


Finding his own thoughts quite entertaining, Adam couldn't help but giggle to it.

Instead of receiving a slighter ease, Daniel's dread doubled with his expression contorting alongside to what he felt.

His eyes were seeing something not matching what it's voice was letting out, it was growing eerier the more he hears of it becoming more and more childish.

Although feeling so, Daniel's reason prevented it from consuming him, albeit not entirely.

"Y-You're bluffing. You may have held the most power, but you weren't the only one that have a significant hold of it.. The Association and many more leading powers would prevent you from having that much power-

Not wanting to be more influenced by his dread, Daniel's reason continued at a rather higher tone.


After significantly subsiding, Adam's giggle lingered throughout Daniel's outburst, lasting completely by the end of it.

"Is that so.. They were really reckless then"

After hearing his mumble, Daniel was utterly dumbfounded.


Letting out a sigh, Adam spoke as if to remind Daniel of something.

"..Remember? Why I was not even beside of her.. Why you were even able to show the courage you had earlier"

Despite knowing what Adam implied, Daniel was still clueless, leaving him becoming preoccupied to it.

"You weren't here because you led the world's revitalization plan; You did it mostly for her.."

Yet none came to mind on why it involved Adam's outrageous words.

"Like, how could a grandeur plan of nobility have such a drastic effect-


Growing frantic in his indulgent, Daniel wasn't having any of it anymore and looked for an answer

"W-What do you even mean.."

To which he was soon answered for, visually.

Appearing suddenly thereafter, Adam's attention was directed on the interface infront, it's content changing rapidly.

By the time Daniel could react and comprehend properly.

The interface disappeared by almost half as fast as when it suddenly appeared.

But things didn't end there, when a bright flash replaced his view that lasted for seconds before dying out.

While it's influence lingers, Daniel's view was slightly obscured with his sense of reality disoriented.

As if to not let him rest, Daniel's ears was assaulted of a sudden shriek.

An assault that forced his eyes shut as he desperately tries to block this noise with his hands yet devastation still ensued.

His clutch becoming tighter and tighter with visible infliction occuring onto it. It's coloration continuously weighing it down and before long, blood began leaking.

Drop by drop, it's content continuously increases and before it could stream, the noise abruptly stopped.

Hearing only of it lingering in rings, Daniel's consciousness slowly opened his eyes.

"They were really reckless, weren't they?"

Although being greeted by Adam's grin, Daniel's eyes instantly glued on the scenery behind Adam.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Despite being barely discernable, Daniel somehow heard it which didn't lessened what he's currently experiencing.

A sight that would truly root a foot from pure terror.